JNU Contractor’s Site Visit Notes

Date: 11/28/11


Dave Yee FAA 425 463 6679

Chuck Omlid Burton Construction 509 710 8996

Rob Swanson DEG 907 227 4606

We met at the airport at about 0945. We went to
Coastal Helicopters and made arrangements to visit Battleship Island.

Prior to going to Battleship Island, we met at the Glacier SSC and briefly went over the project.

Some items covered:

·  Work at the “cut” must be coordinated with LDA outages. This is noted in the plans and specs.

·  We discussed the bypass option. This needs to be a CLIN.

·  There was some discussion on the actual length of “flats” access road. Dave noted that he estimated about 4200 LF of road. A better drawing showing the entire road is needed.

·  Does the COE permit allow the re-sodding of the old “flats” access road that will not be used? Yes all environmental permits have been processed. The re-sodding of the old road has been coordinated and is a JNU requirement.

·  Dave reminded the contractors to read the safety plan closely. There are very specific requirements noted in this plan.

·  12 inch geoweb is required. The specs. notes a nominal 8 inch. 12 inch is required for all roads including the “cut” road.

·  Dave noted that vac. Pot holing will be required. Digging with a spade was suggested. Dave’s answer was no. That there is a limited or no local vac. trucks available in JNU.

·  Dave will see if an extra turnout can be constructed at the LDIN flats intersection. Radios will be required for flats communications.

·  EVAR duct bank will have a crossing for both power and comm. duct bank. Approx. distance from the existing HHs east of the EVAR to the new HHs west of EVAR are about 40 feet.

·  Flats access geo road begins at the wetlands gate.

·  Cut road between lights 4 and 5 is asphalt. Crossing will require concrete encasement of the ducts. The ducts must be a min. of 48 inches deep. On top of the concrete encasement, there must be compacted ¾ inch minus dense graded crushed rock. The top surface shall be 6 inches of hot asphalt concrete rolled.

·  Battleship solar panels scope. Contractor is to take the parts list and install the system. Both of the existing battery banks are to be removed. Battery racks can be used if they are compatible with the new batteries. Number of new batteries? Required batteries are: 36 of the 50G19 Single Cells and connect them in three parallel strings of 12 cells each. Each cell is 91#.

Date: 11/30/11


Dave Yee FAA 425 463 6679

Bob Pheifer, Scott Damon, Jim Brassel COR construction. 503 789 6855

Jerry Schouten Schouten Construction 303 907 5500

Prior to going out to Battleship Island, we all met at the SSC and went over the project.

·  Question: Is there any GFM? Answer: No. The old solar panels at Battleship will be moved back to the SSC and maybe viewed as GFM. Battleship Batteries will be contractor disposed of.

·  Question: Can the contractor use a shallower hand hole than what is specified? Answer is no.

·  Question: Jerry hears that the bore across the river will encounter granite or hard pan. That would make it very hard to bore. Answer: Four geotechnical borings were made on both sides of the river. The soils log does not show granite or hard pan. The geotechnical bore logs will be provided.

·  Question: The flats soils are soft and getting full compaction as specified in the drawings will be hard. Answer: The contractor is to follow the plans and specs. If conditions will not allow full compaction, then alternatives will be addressed.

·  Question: The bore across the river will have inner duct. No other duct banks. Answer: Yes only the bore across the runway will have inner duct.

Additional requirements:

·  A new power panel will be required if the power bypass option is exercised. The panel shall be a 60 amp panel suitable for outdoor use. This panel will reconnect the power to existing MALSR light bar number 12 and 14. Refer to the drawing for specific wiring configuration.

·  At the arc culvert crossing the road 50 feet west and 50 feet east of the culvert shall be 20 feet wide. All through fill roads will be rip rap protected on both side of the road. The rip rap shall be similar to the culvert abutments rip rap.