Class / Teachers
(8:15 a.m. – 12:45 p.m.) / Certified and professional staff members,
Supervised by Rev. Tara Spuhler McCabe
“Where the Wild Things Are”
ages 3-5 / Sally Davis, Karl Hoffman and Doug House
“Sunday Extravaganza”
ages 5-11 / Kathy Doan, Marsha Renwanz, David Gillies
and Mike Smith
“Confirmation Commotion”
7th - 9th grade / Christopher Rehling, Kevin Guy and
Rev. Tara Spuhler McCabe
“High School Rocks!”
Sr. High School / Phil Hanna, Betsy Merritt and Mary Spatz
Goodpasture Class / Sundays,
10 a.m., Lincoln Chapel
“Jesus Testifies to the Truth” In the Gospel of John, the author dispels the darkness of Jesus’ arrest and interrogation by swiftly moving through the events of the night and concentrating on the events of the next day. On the eve of the Passover, their adamant attention to ritual purity provokes the story’s first stroke of irony. Today’s lesson is from John 18-28-38; Prayer Leader/Teacher: Yomi Faniyi.
Adult Sunday School / Sunday, Today
10 a.m., Room 520
“Texts of Terror” Using Phyllis Trible’s extraordinary book, entitled Texts of Terror: Literary-Feminist Readings of Biblical Narratives as our guide, we will explore neglected, tragic stories in memoriam and consider their connections with our lives and ministries. TODAY-- The Daughter of Jephthah: An Inhuman Sacrifice (Judges 11). Rev. Frances Taylor Gench
Adult Sunday School / Sunday, April 15
10 a.m., Room 520
Jesus and the Third Way: A Spirit of Co-existence and the Refusal to be Enemies in Modern Israel and in the West Bank of Palestine.” Bill Plitt, a recent traveler to areas of Israel and Palestine, will share his experiences in two distinct settings. The first setting is a more detailed look within the life of the community of international volunteers and the Nassar family described in an earlier series offered at NYAPC. The second setting includes experiences visiting an Israeli Kibbutz where Argentineanémigrés established a co-existent relationship with a nearby Arab village in 1953. Participants will also become aware of theologian Walt Wing’s view of Jesus and a non-violent approach to injustices of his day and how it might apply within the nonviolent movement today.
Adult Sunday School / Sundays, April 15-May 13
10 a.m., Room511
“One DC?” This four-week series will inquire into the state of our city, especially as it relates to whether we are becoming more one community or more divided by race, class and income. Our four distinguished speakers will analyze aspects of disparity and community in four areas:April 15: Demographics, Martha Davis; April 22: Housing, Dominic Moulden (One DC); May 6: Education, Mark Hecker (Reach, Inc.); and May 13: Politics, Mark Plotkin.
Adult Sunday School / Sunday, April 22
10 a.m., Lincoln Parlor
“Endowment and Benevolence Funds: Ministries that Make a Difference.” How do we live today to prepare NYAPC for tomorrow? What is the human, transformative side of the church’s endowment and benevolence funds? Join Phil Hanna and Leigh Hildebrand as they share stories of the church’s endowment and benevolence funds, their role in growing the church’s mission and meeting immediate needs of individuals and our dreams for the future. Gifts to the new NYAPC Birthday Fund will grow ministries through these funds, so come learn more about how they can change lives.
Adult Sunday School / Sunday, April 22
10 a.m., Room 520
“The Costs of the Occupation by Israel on the Souls of Israeli Jews and Palestinians” Bill Plitt will give an introduction to life in Israel/Palestine from the point of view of a recent traveler there who witnessed the pain and suffering of both Israelis and Palestinians as a result of the occupation. Fakhira Halloun, a Palestinian woman and citizen of Israel, will share her experiences growing up in Israel in a small Druz village where her family was among a minority of Christians living there. Later, her experiences as a social worker in an Israeli prison in Jerusalem brought her face to face with Palestinians of the occupied territories, and the experience was transforming for her.

Opportunities for Service

7-2-9 Club - Enjoy a Wednesday evening (yes, from 7 to 9 p.m.), September until June, with guests recovering from mental illness. There are games, entertainment, refreshments and time for making friends. Contact Spence Gibbins,

Community Club - is a one-with-one tutoring and mentoring program for DC public high school students meeting at the church on Thursday nights during the school year. Adult volunteers are needed! Contact Tom Karr at , or go to for more information.

Food for the Hungry - Every 4th Sunday bring non-perishable food for the Capital Area Food Bank, a large nonprofit hunger and nutrition resource in the DC metropolitan area. Place donations in baskets at the back of the sanctuary.

New York Avenue Foundation- Its mission is to be a catalyst of educational advancement for youth in need throughout Washington, DC. Annually it awards over $30,000 tograssroots non-profits which further that mission. An all-volunteer board conducts the work of theFoundation and selects grantee organizations. Contact Jennifer McIver, or 703-785-4762.

Radcliffe Room Ministry - Sunday fellowship with our homeless guests, 8:30-10:45 a.m. Activities include hymn singing, refreshments and socializing. Donations of clothing, toiletries, as well as money for transportation are needed. Contact Eleanor Robins,

The Peace Candle- An opportunity for visitors to take a prayer candle home to their congregations. Candles are at the rear, right side, of the sanctuary. Please sign the note pad there, so we may know who you are. For more information about the Peace and Justice Committee activities, contact Fritz von Fleckenstein,

Triangle Park Committee- works with the National Park Service to ensure maintenance and oversee the flower and plant beds along the church wall. We meet 4-6 times a year, conduct business via email, and schedule work days as needed. Contact Marilyn Seiber, Beth DuMez, or Barry Tindall,

Associate Pastor for Congregational Life:
Pastoral Associate:
Director of Music:
Parish Associate for Visitation:
Director of Planned Giving:
Parish Associates: / The Entire Congregation
Roger Joseph Gench, Ph.D.
Tara Spuhler McCabe, M. Div.
Linda LeSourd Lader, M. Div.
Stanley P. Engebretson, D.M.A.
Ann Rose Davie, M. Div.
Evelyn S. Ying, J.D.
J. Gary Campbell, M. Div., M.A.
Frances Taylor Gench, M. Div., Ph.D.
J. Riley McDonald, M.Div.
Glenn Myers, M. Div., M.A.

The New York Avenue Presbyterian Church

1313 New York Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20005

Website:  Email:

Telephone: 202-393-3700

"An inclusive and justice seeking church"

Celebration of Worship
The New York Avenue Presbyterian Church
welcomes all people into community,
worship, service and leadership.
April 1, 2012
8:45 and 11 a.m.
Palm Sunday
Prelude / “In the Garden”
Charles Austin Miles
Introit / “Ride On! Ride On in Majesty!”
St. Drostane, John Bacchus Dykes, 1862
The NYAPC Sanctuary and Handbell Choirs
*Lincoln Chimes
I. The Community Gathers for Worship
*Call to Worship
One: / We have gathered here to worship the Living God!
All: / Let us come with joy and thanksgiving, for we have been richly blessed!
One: / We welcome the call from the gospel.
All / Let us celebrate the abundant life we share in Christ
One: / With compassionate spirits and hands we are ready for service
All / Let us join with all creation in bountiful praise!
*Opening Hymn / #88, “All Glory, Laud and Honor”
Valet will ich dir geben
Prayer of Confession
Gracious, Living God, we come before You as people of plenty. We have received abundant blessings. Yet, too often, we are unsatisfied; we want more. We have lost our ability to recognize enough. We have held tightly to what we have; we have lost the joy of sharing. Forgive our selfish hearts. Restore our vision to recognize those in need as our neighbors. Fill us with Your Holy Spirit that we might kindle true joy in pouring out for others the life abundant we have received from You. Amen.
Silent Confession
Assurance of Pardon
*Response / #89 (verse 3), “Hosanna, Loud Hosanna
“Hosanna in the highest!” That ancient song we sing, For Christ is our Redeemer, The Lord of heaven our King. O may we ever praise Him With heart and life and voice, And in His blissful presence Eternally rejoice.
*A Brief Statement of Faith (May be found in the back cover of pew Hymnal)
*Please stand, if able
II. The Community Hears the Word of God
First Lesson / John 12:12-15, page 100, NRSV
Leader:This is the word of the Lord.
People:Thanks be to God.
Anthem / “Hosanna to the Son of David”
Healey Willan
Time for Children
Second Lesson / John 18:1-11, page105-106, NRSV
Leader: This is the word of the Lord.
People: Thanks be to God.
Sermon / “The Garden”
Rev. Roger J. Gench
III. The Community Responds to the Word
Sermon Hymn / #150, “Come, Christians, Join to Sing”
Concerns of the Church
Giving of Morning Tithes and Offerings
Offertory / “Tantum Ergo”
Gabriel Fauré
Translation: Down in adoration falling, Lo! the sacred Host we hail, Lo! o'er ancient forms departing Newer rites of grace prevail; Faith for all defects supplying, Where the feeble senses fail. To the everlasting Father, And the Son Who reigns on high With the Holy Ghost proceeding Forth from Each eternally, Be salvation, honor, blessing, Might and endless majesty. Amen.
*Response / #591 “Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow”
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise Christ, all people here below; Praise Holy Spirit evermore; Praise Triune God, whom we adore. Amen.
*Prayer of Dedication / Dear God, who has shared Your great gifts of life, love and joy with us, we dedicate to You this day our gifts to Your church and to One Great Hour of Sharing. May these gifts feed, educate and care for Your sheep throughout the world. Bless them on their way to do Your work, that all may feel your presence and love. Amen.
Service of Communion
Litany of Thanksgiving
One: / The Lord be with You.
All: / And also with You
One: / Lift up Your hearts.
All: / We lift them to the Lord.
One: / Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.
All: / It is right to give God thanks and praise.
Eucharistic Prayer / Eternal God, holy and mighty, it is truly right and our greatest joy to give You thanks and praise, and to worship You in every place where Your glory abides.
You commanded light to shine out of darkness, divided the sea and dry land, created the vast universe and called it good. You made us in Your image to live with one another in love. You gave us the breath of life and freedom to choose Your way. You promised Yourself in covenant with Abraham and Sarah, told us Your purpose incommandments through Moses, and called for justice in the cry of prophets. Through long generations You have been faithful and kind to all Your children. Great and wonderful are Your works, Lord God Almighty. Your ways are just and true. Therefore we lift our hearts in joyful praise, joining our voices with choirs of angels, and with all the faithful of every time and place, who forever sing to the glory of Your name.
Response / #140 “Holy, Holy”
Holy, Holy (Irregular)
Holy, holy, holy, holy, Holy, holy, Lord God Almighty; And we lift our hearts before You as a token of our love, Holy, holy, holy, holy.
We praise You, most holy God, for sending Your only Son to live among us, sharing our joy and sorrow. He told Your story, healed the sick, and was a friend of sinners. Obeying You, He took up His cross and died that we might live. We praise You that He overcame death and is risen to rule the world. He is still the friend of sinners. We trust Him to overcome every power that can hurt or divide us, and believe that when He comes in glory, we will celebrate victory with Him.
Gracious God, pour out Your Holy Spirit upon us and upon these Your gifts of bread and wine. Make them be for us the body and blood of Christ that we may be for the world the body of Christ, redeemed by His blood. Send us out in the power of the Spirit to live for others, as Christ lived for us, announcing His death for the sins of the world, and telling His resurrection to all people and nations. By Your Spirit draw us together into one body and join us to Christ the Lord, that we may remain His glad and faithful people until we feast with Him in glory. Through Christ, with Christ, in Christ, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, all glory and honor are Yours, almighty God, forever and ever. Amen.
Words of Institution and Distribution of the Elements
(8:45 a.m.) / Participants in the communion proceed down the aisles to the servers, take a piece of bread, dip it into the cup, partake and remain at the front of the Sanctuary. Those unable to come forward will be offered the bread and the cup at their seats.
(11:00 a.m.) / Please partake of bread when received; hold the cup until all have been served so that we may commune together.
(There is a Gluten Free communion set available; raise Your hand for a pastor to respond.)
Prayers of the People and the Lord’s Prayer (page 16-Traditional)
*Passing of the Peace
*Sending Hymn / #98, “O Sacred Head, Now Wounded”
Passion Chorale
1 / O sacred Head, now wounded, with grief and shame weighed down, Now scornfully surrounded with thorns, Thine only crown; O sacred Head, what glory, what bliss till now was Thine! Yet, though despised and gory, I joy to call Thee mine.
2 / What Thou, my Lord, hast suffered, was all for sinners’ gain; Mine, mine was the transgression, but Thine the deadly pain. Lo, here I fall, my Savior! ’Tis I deserve Thy place; Look on me with Thy favor, vouchsafe to me Thy grace.
3 / What language shall I borrow to thank Thee, dearest friend, For this Thy dying sorrow, Thy pity without end? O make me Thine forever, and should I fainting be, Lord, let me never, never outlive my love to Thee.
*Commissioning to Ministry and Benediction
*Congregational Response / Alleluia! Amen!
Postlude / “O Sacred Head, Now Wounded”
J. S. Bach

The flowers in the chancel today are given to the glory of God and in thanksgiving for the ministry of The New York Avenue Presbyterian Church in the lives of Elizabeth and George E. Jacobs; Annie, Hugh, Hugh Stewartand Marguerite Smith; Viola and Robert S. Jacobs; Elizabeth and Robert G. Kissner; and William T. Grier. They are the gift of Elinor Jacobs Grier, Nancyand Gordon Kissner, and Catherine (Kissner) and John Schultheis, representing five generations of worshipers in this church.

We wish to thank the NYAPC Handbell Choir, under the direction ofDaniel Stokes, for their participation this morning during worship.

8:45 a.m. / 11 a.m.
Greeters / Helen and Jerry Joseph / Margaret Myers
Edith Snyder
Liturgists / Tamara Saltman / Robert Osborn
Tour Guides / Wilson Golden / Chuck West
Maundy Thursday / April 5
6:00 p.m. / Soup and Bread Supper in Peter Marshall Hall
7:00 p.m. / Maundy Thursday Worship
Good Friday / April 6
12 Noon / Good Friday Worship Service
Saturday / April 7
9:00 a.m. / Easter Vigil
Easter Sunday / April 8
7:15 a.m. / Sunrise Worship Service in Triangle Park
7:45 a.m. / Breakfast ($7.00) in Peter Marshall Hall
8:30 a.m. / Radcliffe Room Ministry
8:45 a.m. / Easter Sunday Worship Service: Rev. Roger J. Gench
9:45 a.m. / Breakfast ($7.00) in Peter Marshall Hall
10:00 a.m. / Easter Activities for Families
10:15 a.m. / Easter Egg Hunt for Children
11:00 a.m. / Easter Sunday Worship Service: Rev. Roger J. Gench