Dunning Street, Tunstall,
Stoke on Trent, ST6 5BE
Tel: 0300 365 0005Fax: 01782 575858
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Published by the Patient Participation Group
Welcome to the Summer/Autumn2017 newsletter published for all the patients at the Haymarket Health Centre by the Patient Participation Group
See below for the changes within the practice since our last Newsletter
We welcome Dr Egbe Efefaroro our new female salaried GP based at the Haymarket Health Centre. We also have Dr Sumegha Pathak a female GP who has joined the Loomer Group along with Saneil Samrai a pharmacist, both will be working across sites.
Nursing Team
Belinda Furnival has joined us as a Nurse Practitioner offering 6 clinical sessions per week at the Haymarket.
Joanne Dzierzkowski now offers 7 clinical sessions per week as a Nurse Practitioner whilst continuing her practice nursing role.
Laura Scott and Joanne Dzierzkowski are Nurse Prescribers and this has led to additional ‘on the day’ appointments for minor ailments which will mean more
Pre-bookable advance appointments enabling GPs to deal with patients with more complex on-going medical problems.
Lynsey Hopwood has joined as a practice nurse offering 8 clinical sessions per week.
Management Team
Eric Common has retired as Practice Manager and a new management structure for the Haymarket is in place which includes:
Jane Millward (Primary Care Operations Manager)
Ruth Matthews (Reception Manager)
Julie Wood (Primary Care Communications Manager)
ECF Team
The ECF (Elderly Care Facilitator) Team continues to operate out of the Loomer-Unit 7 Head Office, identifying patients who are 65 and over who may be vulnerable, live alone, be housebound or have dementia and would benefit from the service helping them from a social perspective, they will also be identifying patients who have not attended surgery recently to check on their overall wellbeing along with taking referrals for any patients who will benefit from the service.
Phone Hub
The surgery now has a new phone number 0300 365 0005 and the calls are answered in a dedicated call centre. There have been teething problems but we hope these will soon be resolved and access will improve.
Please remember if your call is of a non-urgent nature you do not need to call at 8am and it would greatly help if in these cases if you call after 11am.
CQC Visit
The practice had its first CQC visit in January 2017 which highlighted some areas of concern. The practice was advised CQC would return for a focused inspection in July 2017 to ensure changes had been implemented. The practice is pleased to say that CQC returned on Monday July 3rd and this visit went well with the areas of concern dealt with. We now look forward to another full inspection in September/October.
Flu Vaccinations
It’s that time of the year again when we start thinking about the flu vaccination programme. It is available for anyone 65 years of age and over, anyone with certain medical conditions, pregnant ladies, patients who reside in long stay care homes/residential homes and some children in particular age groups. Keep a look out for posters in reception over the coming weeks for dates of the clinics.
Shingles Vaccination
The vaccination program continues for patients 70 and over, please check with reception to see if you are eligible. For more information go to
Cancer Awareness Team
The Cancer Awareness Team will be coming every month and setting up a stand in the waiting room to promote in the importance of attending for screening and signs to be aware of, the team will be available to answer any questions you may have.
National Bowel Cancer Screening Programme
The NHS BCSP offers screening every 2 years to all men and women aged 60 to 74.
Screening is the process of identifying people who appear healthy but may be at increased risk of a disease or condition.
People eligible for screening receive an invitation letter explaining the programme, along with an information leaflet explaining the benefits and risks of bowel cancer screening.About a week later, the programme should send a faecal occult blood sampling kit. The kit includes simple instructions for:
- completing sampling at home
- sending the samples to the laboratory
The sample is then processed and the results sent to the individual within 2 weeks.
For more information go the website
On-Line Access/Change in Clinical System
The practice changed clinical system in May and went from Emis Web to SystmOne. Unfortunately this meant that anyone registered for on-line access would need to re-register by bringing identification to reception.
On-line access will enable you to order prescriptions on line and also book and cancel appointments.
Please ask at reception for more information.
Please note we also have a practice website which provides lots of information so please take a look at
Non Attendance of Appointments
We have started to display the number of appointments which are not attended (not cancelled) on the main noticeboard in reception to make all of patients aware of how many appointments are wasted, for the month of July the total was
Self-Check In
Please remember when booking in for an appointment using the self-check in machine to make sure you read the screen message before sitting down. We have had instances when a clinician has been off sick and the self-check in machine gives a message to the patient when they try to book in to go to reception, this message has been missed and the patient has sat down to wait to be called in and only later when they have been waiting has it been queried and by then the clinician may not be able to see the patient and they have had to be advised to re-book. Thank you.
Smoking Cessation
Due to changes in the contracts to provide smoking cessation we are at the moment unable to offer the service in house. Patients requiring smoking cessation are advised to contact the Stop Smoking Hub on 0800 0850928 for help.
Patient Participation Group
Who are we? We are a group of patients who take a keen interest in the Haymarket Health Centre.
What is our purpose? Our aim is to promote a clearer understanding of the practice and suggest ways of improving the services provided by the practice and improve communications between doctors, nurses and staff with patients.
What do we do? We meet every 3 months at the Haymarket with the practice managementplus one of the GP’s to discuss any issues. We represent the views of the patients regarding the work of the practice in order to seek a progressive improvement in services to benefit us all. We are willing when requested to assist the practice to gather information for example assisting in getting survey questionnaires completed while patients are waiting for their appointments.
Who are we responsible to? You, the patients, as we are completely independent.
How to find out what the Patient Participation Group is doing? Check out our special notice board situated on the left hand side of the waiting room as you enter. You will also find minutes from our previous meeting here and the date of our next meeting.
Blood Donor
Have you ever considered becoming a blood donor? Less than 3% of us actively give blood and many people would not be alive today if it was not for the generosity of our donors. Donated blood is a lifeline for many people needing long-term treatments, not just in emergencies. If you would like to donate and would like more information give the helpline a ring on 03001232323 or visit the website at
Saturday 26th August 8.15am – 12.30pm
Sunday 27th August – closed
Monday 28th August – closed
Tuesday 29th August 8am – 6pm
Haymarket Surgery Opening Hours
Monday 8am – 6pm
Tuesday 8am – 6pm
Wednesday 8am – 6pm
Thursday 8am – 6pm
Friday 8am – 6pm
Saturday 8.15am – 12.30pm
Useful contact numbers:
Bowel Screening 0800 707 6060
Breast Screening 0300 123 1463
Stop Smoking Hub 0800 085 0928
Macmillan Support Line 0808 808 0000 (
PALS - NHS Stoke-on-Trent 0800 389 8832 (
UHNS main switchboard number 01782 715444
Out of HoursGP 111
Blood Test Request01782 674242