JULY 5, 2016

Buddy Bualle opened the meeting at 6:30 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was stated by all present. The roll call was taken and all City Council members were present. The minutes from the previous meeting were presented. Scott Popejoy made the motion to accept the minutes as written. Dick Cleland seconds the motion. The motion was approved. The evening agenda was presented, Johnnie Logiudici made the motion to accept the agenda as presented. Scott Popejoy seconds the motion. The motion was approved. Appropriation Ordinance #6 was present to the City Council. Scott Popejoy made the motion to accept Appropriation Ordinance #6. Richard Kerley seconds the motion. The motion was accepted. There were no Public Comments made to the City Council members.





Brenda Banks reported on the front door of the Library having am attempted break in and that she felt that one more camera needs to be purchased and installed. She stated that she has the funds to cover the cost. Also the June summer reading program has finalized and the she has a new activity for the kids in July.


Buddy Bualle handed out his paperwork on his research for the coming year. Buddy reviewed the Work Sheet on estimated expenditures for each fund comparing them as of May this to the actual Budget expenses of 2016. Buddy also showed where is has increased the expenditures by $27,320.00 and this will be further discussed with Terry Sercer on workup the proposed 2017 Budget for the City Council. The Council held an open discussion on the Mayor's ideas. Further discussion will take place at the next City Council meeting.


Assistant Police Chief Jerry Wayman reported to the City Council. First that Howard Camp is back to work part-time and has an appointment on July 19th.

Average Joe's bar and grill had been robbed in late June. The department is still working on the case. It appears to be juvenile's.

Jerry asked the City Council if the department could hire 2 part-time officers that had worked for Arma before, Anthony Merando and Josh Whitley. Ray Vail made the motion to rehire both of these guys as part-time officers. Dick Cleland seconds the motion. The motion was accepted.

Jerry then asked the City Council to send Tommy Leftwich to KC for a 3 day police class. Tommy stated to Jerry that he would cover 1/2 the expense since the total is $770.00. Ray Vail made the motion to send Tommy to the 3 day class with the City covering the total amount. Dick Cleland seconds the motion. The motion was accepted.


none presented


Scott Popejoy handed out the 2nd quarter report to the City Council members. His concern was with the Water Dept where is shows that the Council has spent more money than we have brought in.

Dick Cleland stated that the street project has begun and should be completed by Friday.

Richard Kerley reported on the 2 pumps behind City Clerk's office being worked on recently and they have been improved on.

Buddy Bualle reported on the North Lift Station needing to be cleaned out and Roto Rooter was here to do such.

Also the City now owns the vacant lot at 506 E. Washington St. Buddy stated that it will be cleaned up before Homecoming.



Ray Vail made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:05 p.m. Johnnie Logiudici seconds the motion. The motion was approved. 7:05 p.m.


Bette Lessen, City Clerk