Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held on Tuesday 20 October 2015 at Green Hammerton Village Hall, Harrogate Road, Green Hammerton at 19:30

15/080 Present

Cllrs Chelton(Chairman), Andrew, G Leather,M Leather, Taylor and Tegerdine.

15/081In Attendance

Cllr Lewis (HBC) and three members of the public.

15/082Apologies for absence

Cllrs Bailes and G Leathersent their apologies.

15/83Declarations of interest and dispensations

No interests were declared.

15/084 Public participation

No matters were raised.

15/085Redrow development

Drainage and sewerage – Yorkshire Water (YW)

The Chairman reported that Howard Ferguson, PA to Nigel Adams MP, had informed him that, following the Chairman’s detailed letter, Nigel Adams will raise the issue with the YW Chief Executive when they meet. Mr Ferguson also suggested that a copy of the letter went to Cathy Stevenson at NYCC in connection with flooding issues.

Michael Denny, Area Case Coordinator, and Robert Illingworth, Engineer, will meet Cllr Lewis and a member of the Parish Council on 4 November at Bernard Lane. Cllr M Leather agreed to represent the Parish Council. The meeting will be documented and sent to us by 13 November.

If possible, a list of flooding events in recent times would be useful for the meeting. There is also the question of drainage from the Redrow site to Caskill Beck and the use of a pipe beneath the playing fields.

Commuted sums

The initial allocation of commuted sums is now under review. The allocation was made ‘by the book’ and lacked information. HBC will visit the hall tomorrow 21 October and meet with Brian Halling, Chairman of Green Hammerton Recreational Charity. Brian will explain the limitations of the hall for dual use and capacity.

Cllr Lewis said that the cycle track project is likely to receive a significant contribution from the Amenity Spaces funding.

Planning Committee meeting

The Chairman contacted HBC to ask when the Planning Committee would review the Redrow Development and if we could have a copy of the Planning Officer’s Report in advance. He has not yet received a response. Cllr Lewis said that the next Planning Committee meetings were scheduled for 24 November then 8 December. Cllr Lewis thought that the latter date was more likely. The Parish Council will receive a copy of the Planning Officer’s report and recommendation in advance.

Cllr Andrew asked what happens if the two houses in the middle of the site are sold for development. Cllr Lewis said that if that happened, the application would be considered entirely separately and not as part of the Redrow Development.

Cllr Andrew felt that we should inform the village as soon as anything was announced. It was decided to circulate a leaflet now to inform people of the work being done since most people would not be aware of the Parish Council work.

15/086 Proposed development by Linden Homes

Nothing to report.

15/087 Reports from District and County Councillors

Cllr Lewis said that HBC are still working on the Electoral Boundaries and frequency of elections. Cllr Lewis is in favour an election every four years for all the members. This would save money on elections and enable a reduction in the number of councillors.

Cllr Leather raised the matter of NYCC road lights – he had reported faults with lights to NYCC with the street light numbers but had been asked the location of the lights. The clerk will write to Mr Bowe of NYCC with a copy to Cllr Savage.

15/088 Confirmation of Minutes of meetings held on 15 September 2015

RESOLVED that the Minutes of the meeting held on 15thSeptember 2015be accepted as atrue record. The chairman signed the minutes.

15/089Report from the Clerk to the Parish Council

  1. Inspected Bernard Lane potholes and see if anything can be done about cutting back the left hand trees and bushes
  2. Wrote to HBC Chief Executive, HBC Leader of the Council, Yorkshire Water and NYCC about the sewerage and surface water drainage and impact of an extra 80 houses
  3. Wrote to HBC Chief Executive and HBC Leader of the Council about the proposed commuted sums and the lack of communication and
  4. Wrote to HBC officer (Sean Wright) about the proposed commuted sums
  5. Wrote to Area 6 about rotten signs and health and safety
  6. Sent pictures of the dead branches on the large lime trees opposite the church- NYCC inspected the trees and said that the dying branches do not present a hazard
  7. Spoke to PO about parking the van further back
  8. Obtained quote to cut dead branches from tree outside 4 The Crescent
  9. Check the B6265 for the extent of overgrown bushes and hedges
  10. Contacted Matt Gudgeon about a tree strategy for Green Hammerton
  11. Ordered new noticeboard

Cllr Leather said that the response from NYCC about the dead branches was inadequate since the trees are outside the school entrance and a falling branch could cause serious injury to a child. The clerk will write to NYCC.


Salt bin – Sean Harland

Alistair Taylor will ask Tim Leather to move the planter to the Millennium Plinth and return the salt bin. It was noted that the Meadow Vale salt bin has water in and that the salt bin by the school has been filled. The clerk will check on the Meadow Vale salt bin.

Bus service – NYCC

The 142/143 bus service will remain as now and be reviewed.

Old Skip Bridge repairs – NYCC: for information

Road signage – NYP: Neighbourhood Watch – to be forwarded to Bill Smith.

It was noted how good the planter is looking.


It was with great sadness that the Parish Council heard of the death of the son of a former councillor, Sue Bowe. The clerk will write a letter of condolence to Mrs Bowe.

15/090 Approval of Payments


100860 Cancelled

100861 Bedford Mowing Service – Grass cutting£324.00

100862 Paul Whelan – September salary and allowance£192.29

100863 HMRC - PAYE£137.00

RESOLVED that the payments listed be approved.

15/091 Cycle path

The survey report is nearly ready for publication.

Cllr Taylor reminded the meeting about the contribution by Dr Andy Millard to the Ecological Survey for the path. Cllr Tylor will ask Dr Millard to send us an invoice.

15/092Location of Police Response Unit

Cllr M Leather said that there was a possibility that the Police Response Unit may me moved from Boroughbridge to the west side of Harrogate. This would adversely affect people living east of Harrogate.

It was agreed that the clerk would write to Superintendent Mike Walker if we could have an update.

15/093Quotes for pruning or cutting down Maple in front of No 4 The Crescent

The clerk has received a quote for pruning and a quote for cutting the tree down. It was agreed that the clerk would contact the HBC tree officer for his advice.

15/094 Reports from committees, outside bodies and ongoing tasks

Grass cutting – Cllr Taylor reported that a step off strip along Bernard Lane will be cut for £20

Recycled benches – Cllr Taylor circulated several possibilities and had viewed one at Great Ouseburn. It was agreed that the Parish Council would replace the bench near the Post Office and Cllr Taylor will speak to the Post Office people and other neighbours before making a selection and ordering a new bench.

Footpaths – Cllr M Leather raised the issue of footpaths on agricultural land. The Chairman requested specific examples. Cllr Taylor will ask Tim Leather to move a silage bag that is blocking a footpath on Stoned Horse Lane. It is a possible item Village View if walkers and are not keeping to approved paths.

Dates for future meetings

At 7:30pm in the Village Hall



October 20, November 17


January 19, February 16, March 15