Two-day add-on training for Group Leaders for the Incredible Years®
Autism Spectrum and Language delays Parenting Programme
The course is led by
Dr. Sue Evans, Consultant Child Psychologist.
24th & 25th May 2018 (Cardiff)
11th & 12th July 2018 (Bangor)
Please note: Delegates MUST have completed a three-day BASIC training before attending this course
This 12–16 session programme is offered to parents of young children (aged 2-5)on the Autism spectrum or withlanguage delays in order to promote children’s emotional regulation, social competence,language skills, school readiness, and social relationships skills.
Contents include:
- Child-Directed Narrated Play Promotes Positive Relationships
- Pre-Academic and Persistence Coaching Promotes Language Development and School Readiness
- Social Coaching Promotes Friendship Skills
- Emotion Coaching Promotes Emotional Literacy
- Pretend Play Promotes Empathy and Social Skills
- Promoting Children’s Self-Regulation Skills
- Using Praise and Rewards to Motivate Children
- Effective Limit Setting and Behavior Management
Dr Sue Evans is a highly experienced Educational Psychologist who now works as a Child Psychologist with Powys LHB where she has responsibility fordeveloping a county wide IY strategy. She is a mentor in the parent, child and teacher programmes.
Venues and Costs
Bangor: CEBEI Offices, Normal Site
Cost: £400 + VAT
This course introduces the skills and methods needed to run the programme but it is also necessary to purchase the specific materials for the programme which you intend to run. Further information about this and other programmes as well as prices for resources can be found at from Dilys Williams on 01248 383758 or )
Registration Form
Autism and Language Delay Programme Group Leader
Two-day Add-on Training
Date of Course: ...... ………......
Name: ………………………………………………………………………………………
Job Title: ……………………………………………………………………………………..
Organisation: ………………………………………………………………………………
Correspondence address: …………………………………………….……....………………………
Tel: …………………....…...... …….....… Mobile: ………………...... …..…….………
E.mail: ……………………………………………………………………………………….
Special Dietary Needs: ……………………………………………………………………..
Car Registration No: (if training is in Bangor) ......
Name of person to be invoiced: …………………………………………..…..……………
Purchase Order No: ......
Organisation: …………………………………………..………………....…………………
Address: …………………………………………..………………….....……………………
Tel No: …………………………… E-Mail Address: ……………………………………
Please return completed form to:
Dilys Williams
Ground Floor, Nantlle Building,
Normal Site, Bangor University,
Gwynedd. LL57 2PZ.
Tel. No: 01248 383 758.
E-mail Address: