SVN3M Name: ______
You will need these answers to complete the online Ecological Footprint calculator quiz.
If you live in two different homes choose the larger home to answer the questions.
An ecological footprint is an environmental accounting tool that let us figure out how much of the Earth’s resources we are using to support our lifestyles. The formula for calculating an ecological footprint (EF) is:
Ecological Footprint (EF) = land and water to absorb CO2 waste +
land and water to produce food +
land and resources for housing, buildings and roads +
land and resources for all consumer goods and services
Here are the preparation questions for each section.
1. CARBON FOOTPRINT = land and water to absorb CO2 waste
Burning of fossil fuels is the largest factor contributing to your carbon footprint because it produces the greenhouse gas CO2. This includes fuel used for your personal transportation, processing and moving your food, clothing and stuff for your house and lifestyle. Most carbon waste is absorbed by the oceans or spread out in the atmosphere. The Earth is only able to absorb a certain amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases.
a) By subway (rail): Downtown subway stops are about 0.5 km to 1 km apart.
School day _____ km × 2 × 5 days /week × 40 weeks school/year = ______km
Other rail transit estimate (lessons, visiting, going out) ______km
Total rail = ______km
b) By bus: Most people can walk one kilometer in about 12 minutes. Use this to estimate bus travel.
School day _____ km × 2 × 5 days /week × 40 weeks school/year = ______km
Other bus transit estimate ______km
Total bus = ______km
c) By car
School day _____ km × 2 × 5 days /week × 40 weeks school/year = ______km
Cottage 100 km/hour × _____ hours = ______km
Estimate evenings and weekends car travel ______km
Total bus = ______km
d) By airplane
Estimate your air travel based on any flying you did in the past year. Each hour of flying is about 650 km.
Estimated air travel = ______hours flying × 650 km/hr
Total air = ______km
2. FOOD FOOTPRINT = land and water to produce food
Your food footprint includes all the energy and resources to grow your food, process, transport and cook your food, as well as to wrap all of your processed foods. Eating out also uses more resources than eating at home. All fast food and even fast foods you eat at home have lots of garbage waste that needs to be thrown out.
a) How many times a week do you buy take-out food or eat out? _____
b) How much of your family groceries are organic and/or locally grown? ______(none/some/most/all)
c) If you have a garden for food, how big is it? Remember one big step = 1 metre.
Area of the garden (L × W) = ______m2
3. HOUSING FOOTPRINT = land and resources for housing, buildings and roads
A bigger house requires more resources to build and more energy to heat and cool.
a) Length can be estimated by the number of big steps you would take from the front to the back of your house or apartment. The width would be the number of big steps from one side wall to the other side wall. A large two storey detached suburban house is about 200 m2 to 300 m2 in area. Use the pictures below to help estimate your house area.
Area of house (L x W) = ______m × ______m
b) Lot size applies only to a house not an apartment. Again you can estimate how many big steps from the fence with one neighbour to the fence with the next neighbour.
Lot size (L x W) = ______m × ______m
4. GOODS AND SERVICES FOOTPRINT = land and resources for all consumer goods and services
The more money your family has the more stuff you buy and the more garbage you make.
a) How many bins of garbage does your family fill each week? ______
b) Ask your parents or guardians which income category applies to your family.
<$29,000 or $30,000 - $59,000 or $60,000-$89,000
or $90,000-$119,000 or >$120,000
1. Go to, read the introduction.
Click on Take the Quiz, select Canada and use metric measurements.
Do not enter your email address.
2. Take the ecological footprint test and write down your answers so we can compare results later.
Some boxes have answers written in. Please use these answers when taking the quiz.
General Questions
/ Your answer3. How many people live in your household?
4. What is your annual household income in US dollars? / No need to write down answer
Carbon Footprint Questions
5. What best describes the climate zone you live in? / New York - Temperate
6. What is the size of your home?
7. What energy sources do you use in your home?
8. If your house uses electricity, what percentage is generated from renewable sources like hydropower, wind, biomass or solar? / 25%
9. Enter the number of kilometers you travel each year for each mode of transport:
- Car
- Bus
- Rail
- Air
10. What energy saving features do you have in your home? / Circle answers you choose
- CFL?
- Energy Efficient Appliances
- Extra Insulation
- Insulating Blinds
- Solar Panels
- Storm Doors and Windows
- Water saving features
Energy Saving Habits? / Circle Answers you choose
- Turn off lights
- Power Bars to turn off standby power
- Turn off computers and Lights when not in use
- Dry clothes outside
- Keep thermostat low
- Unplug small appliances when not in use
- Minimal use of power equipment when landscaping
11. What best describes where your home is located?
12. Have you purchased offsets for carbon emissions associated with your home energy use and transportation?
Click on the link “More about Carbon Offsets”
Explain carbon offset in your own words.
FOOD FOOTPRINT13. What best describes your diet?
14. Where do you obtain most of your food?
15. How often do you select foods that are certified organic or sustainably produced?
16. What choice best describes how much you normally eat?
17. Do you have a garden or share one to grow your own vegetables and herbs?
18. Which best describes your home?
19. Was your home, or any part of it built with recycled materials, wood certified as sustainably harvested, or any other green design features?
20. Approximately what share of your home furnishings are second hand or made of either recycled or sustainably produced materials?
21. What water saving features and habits do you have in your home? / Circle Answers
- Low flow toilets
- Low flow showerheads and faucets
- Instant water heaters on sink
- Rainwater catchment system
- Grey water recycling system
- Drought tolerant landscaping
- Compost rather than use garbage disposal
- Minimize shower time and toilet flushing
- Run clothes and dish washers only when full
- Wash cars rarely
- Watch for and fix leaks regularly
- Avoid hosing down decks, walkways, driveways
22. How often do you select cleaning products that are biodegradable or non-toxic?
23. What best describes your spending habits?
24. How often do you buy new things to replace old ones?
25. How many standard size garbage bins does your household fill each week?
26. What proportion of the following wastes do you recycle?
- Paper
- Aluminun
- Glass
- Plastic
- Electronics / ______
27. When you buy clothing or paper products how often do you select products labeled as recycled, natural, organic or made of alternative products such as hemp or Tencel?
How many Earth’s would be needed if everyone lived your lifestyle? ______
CATEGORY / My Footprint (GLOBAL HECTARES) / Country Average Footprint(GLOBAL HECTARES)
3. Complete and label the pie chart showing your footprint share by biome.
Be sure to add a title and a key.
4.a) What is one lifestyle change you could make to decrease your ecological footprint?
b) Take the quiz again with this lifestyle change showing in your answers!!
Use the Back arrow to redo the quiz with your previous answers.
Describe the change you made and the effect on your ecological footprint.
c) Read one of the more information sections and summarize the ideas.
5.a) How do your quiz results make you feel?
b) Are you motivated to make lifestyle changes?
c) Talk with a partner and make a list of suggestions that will decrease your ecological footprint.
Ellen Murray TDSB