Altar Server Training Booklet

Holy Family Catholic Church

June 2014

Dear parents,

The privilege and honor of serving at the altar has been a longstanding tradition in the Catholic Church. This service requires commitment, diligence and cooperation on the part of the altar server so that the Holy Mass may be offered in a suitable way giving honor to God and leading hearts of the congregation to prayer.

Please take the time to carefully review, with your child, this booklet so that your child will be prepared to proceed in this important service to God's altar.

Finally, we ask you to pray that these children who will draw so close to God's altar may develop in their own souls an abiding love for God -the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

In Christ's love and service,

Karen Light and Michelle Allen

Contact Information:

Karen Light


Michelle Allen



The practice of serving at the altar is older than the Church itself. It goes back to the Old Testament where young men were dedicated to the service of God in certain holy places. The prophet Samuel was called as a boy to serve God in the sanctuary at Shiloh. Later, when the great temple was completed, men of the family of Levi, the Levites, assisted the priests and seem to have acted as servers or acolytes at the altar of sacrifice.

The tradition of servers assisting at the altar not only continued in the early years of the Church, but was re-emphasized in the renewal of the Sacred Liturgy by the Second Vatican Council. The General Instruction introducing the Roman missal mentions servers, describing them as "the ministers." Paragraphs of the instruction make it clear that there should be at least one server to assist the priest (78,209). Mass is not to be celebrated without a server except for grave necessity (211). If there is only one server, he/she may carry out all of the various ministries required (72), but the emphasis on roles makes it clear that this is not desirable. There should be two servers (68) at least. To signify their role as ministers, they are to wear robes, either the alb or cassock and surplice (297,298).

Serving at Mass is not the work of little children. Adults should also be encouraged to serve and teenagers should realize that one does not drop out of serving because one starts to grow up. The directives of the Church assume that adults or youths are carrying out the serious duties and responsibilities of their particular ministry.

All those who want to serve Mass at HolyFamilyChurch must be in at least the fourth grade in Holy Family's Religious Education program.


The parts for only the Cross Bearer are highlighted in yellow.

The parts for only the Candle Bearers are highlighted in blue.

The following guidelines and procedures have been written for altar servers to promote efficient serving. Become familiar with the entire booklet --- procedures, terms, postures, etc.

  1. If you are not serving during Mass, observe those who are. Be familiar with the service so you will know when something needs to be done when you are serving.
  2. Special practices will be scheduled for Masses that require different procedures, such as Christmas and Easter.
  3. Additional training will be scheduled for servers who want to serve with incense.
  4. Servers must arrange for a substitute to take their place if they cannot serve when scheduled.
  5. Use the restroom before Mass. Only leave the altar area if you are sick or if the priest tells you to.
  6. Additional alter server training will be offered from time to time to keep the current servers up-to-date and refreshed on procedures.

Preparing for Mass:

  1. Servers should be dressed modestly and with care. Get a good night's sleep before serving. Be neatly groomed with combed hair and washed hands. Put a tissue or handkerchief in your pocket if you think you will need it. Girls, avoid wearing flashy jewelry.
  2. Servers should wear clean, nice shoes. Girls, avoid wearing heels or attention-getting shoes.
  3. Servers should arrive15 minutes before Mass. Go to the front sacristy and check the server schedule. If a scheduled server has not arrived in time to prepare for Mass, fill in for the absent server.
  4. Vest by putting on an alb. The alb should reach the ankles after the cincture is in place around the waist. A wooden cross is placed around the neck going under the hood of the alb.
  5. If time allows, help other servers get ready. Hang up any albs that have fallen to the floor.
  6. Move around thesacristy quietly.
  7. After vesting, locate the cross and candles. They will be in the sacristy or the sanctuary. If you get a candle from the sanctuary, head bow to the altar when approaching or leaving the altar area.
  8. Five minutes before Mass begins, light the candles on the altar. Keep the sleeves of the alb away from the flame. After blowing out a match, carry it to the sacristy, run water over it and throw it away.
  9. Put one hymnal in each server’s chair.
  10. Participate in the prayer in the sacristy before Mass.
  11. Light the processional candles just before processing in for the Mass.
  12. The tallest server carries the cross. Two servers carry the altar candles.

During the Mass:


  1. Servers look sharp! Walk with a straight back and the head held high. Move slowly and reverently, drawing no attention to yourself. Talk only when absolutely necessary!
  2. Participate fully in Mass by singing, praying, etc. Keep your eyes on what is happening during Mass.
  3. When moving about the sanctuary with nothing in your hands, fold your hands at chest level in the prayer position. If you are carrying an object, use two hands.
  4. The Entrance Procession is led by the cross bearer.Hold the cross with Jesus facing forward.Behind the cross bearer are the candle bearers walking close to the pews. Candle bearers hold their candles at the same height with the drip plate about chin level.
  5. After walking down the main aisle to the step of the sanctuary, the cross bearer will stand to the right of the altar in front of the sanctuary step and patiently await the priest.The candle bearer will take their places in front of the sanctuary step lined up in front of the candle holder beside the altar and await the priest. As the altar servers line up, they will leave room for the priest, deacon and other clergy to join them. The deacon will carry the Gospel book to the altar. Head bow at the same time the priest bows. The cross bearer steps up as the priest steps up. The candle bearers step up together after the priest and cross bearer have taken two steps forward.
  6. The cross bearer puts the cross on its stand and moves to stand by the server chair nearest the wall. The candle bearers set the candles on their stands by the altar. The candle bearers move to the front of the altar, stand shoulder to shoulder, and bow to the altar. They walk together to their chairs and remain standing.
  7. The Mass continues with the priest's Greeting, the Penitential rite (Lord have mercy) and the Glory to God.
  8. As the Glory to God finishes, the cross bearer moves to the priest with the red Missal. Hold the book firmly with the top resting against your chest. Stand in front of the priest. At the end say “Amen” with the congregation. Place the red Missal back on the altar server’s table by your chair. Return to your seat. Remember, the cross bearer is responsible for the red Missal to the altar throughout the Mass.
  9. The candle servers should be standing with hands in the prayer position. Gracefully sit down together. Sit tall with each hand resting comfortably on your thigh or folded in your lap (all servers should have their hands in the same position for uniformity)and your feet flat on the floor (if they reach).

The Liturgy of the Word

  1. Keep your eyes on the reader for the 1stReading, the Responsorial Psalm and the 2ndReading, and follow along in the missal.
  2. At the Alleluia or Gospel Acclamation everyone stands to hear the Gospel Reading. The candle bearers get the candles. Pass in front of the altar. Wait together at the corner of the altar to lead the deacon or priest to the pulpit. Stand facing the gospel book on the pulpit with your candle drip plate even with the top of the pulpit. After the gospel, respond “Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ" with the congregation.The cross bearer takes the gospel book from the deacon or priest at the pulpit and places it so it stands upright with the figure of Jesus facing the congregation on the alter server table. Candle bearers return the candles to the altar. The candle bearer who places his/her candle on the far side of the altar walks in front of the altar. Meet at the center of the altar, do a profound bow with hands in prayer position. Move together to your seat. Gracefully sit together.
  3. The Homily will be given followed by the Creed (I believe…) and the Prayers of the Faithful (Lord, hear our prayer).

The Liturgy of the Eucharist

  1. The ushers will come forward for the Offering.The candle bearers help set the altar by carrying the chalice and cups from the credence table to the altar. Wait beside the altar while the priest or deacon takes the cups off the tray. He will hand the tray back to you to be returned to the credence table. Stand reverently by the credence table with hands in the prayer position, and wait to receive the gifts at the offering. The cross bearer carries the red Missal to the altar. The cross bearer then takes the cross to the back of the church by way of the aisle near the choir. Wait at the center aisle. When the gifts are ready, the cross bearer waits until the priest stands and walks forward, indicating he is ready to accept the gifts. When the priest stands, the cross bearer will start walking slowly down the center aisle, leading the offertory procession.When the priest rises to accept the gifts, the candle bearers fall in line behind the priest and deacon,standing one step up and to either side of Father (and the deacon if he is present).The cross bearer continues down the center aisle. Pause and head bow in front of the priest. Replace the cross on its stand. Move to your chair and sit down.The candle bearers receive whatever is handed to them by the priest or deacon. Whoever takes the offering basket proceeds to the credence table, sets the basket on the floor, removes the red pouch and pushes the pouch into the black strong box behind the credence table. The server receiving the ciborium of hosts waits beside the altar for Father to take the gift. The priest or deacon will use the water and wine from the cruets. The server will carry the cruets to the credence table after they are used. The candle bearers meet at the credence table to get the bowl and towel for the Washing of the Hands. One server carries the bowl and water cruet, and the other server carries the towel. If there is incense at the Mass, wait at the credence table until the priest has put incense in the thurible. When the incense servers are walking away from the priest, move forward to wash the priest’s hands. Pour a small amount of water over Father's hands being careful not to splash. Unfold the towel and hold it out for the priest to use. After the priest places the towel on the server’s arm, both servers bow to the priest, and the servers turn in toward each other and walk to the credence table. Return the bowl, towel and water cruet to the credence table. Refold the towel and place it under the bowl. Move behind the altar and priest to return to your seat and stand.
  2. During the Eucharistic prayer, the congregation kneels. The altar servers kneel in front of their chairs with hands in the prayer position. (If the Mass has incense, the altar servers move to kneel on the first step of the sanctuary as the Holy, Holy, Holy begins. The cross bearer carries the bell silently by cupping his hand over the chimes and holding them still. The thurifer lines up in the middle of the altar with the boat bearer to his right. One server will line up to the right of the boat bearer, and two servers will line up to the left of the thurifer. Discuss your positioning before Mass begins so you look uniform when kneeling.) Kneel at the moment the congregation kneels. When the priest extends his hands over the gifts at the epiclesis, ring the bell one time. Silence the bell by setting it on the carpet. When the priest elevates the body of Christ, ring the bell three separate times. Cup your hand around the chimes between rings to silence the bell.(If there is incense, the thurifer will incense the body three times while the cross bearer rings the bell three times.)Servers bow their heads when priest genuflects or bows.When the priest elevates the blood of Christ, ring the bell three separate times.(If there is incense, the thurifer will incense the blood three times while the cross bearer rings the bell three times.) If there is no incense, set the bell beside the altar server table after ringing it.Servers bow their heads when priest genuflects or bows. At the end of the Eucharistic prayer, stand when the people stand. (With incense, the server on the far right leads all the servers to stand in front of the incense servers’ chairs at the left side of the sanctuary. The cross bearer carries the bell back to the altar server table and sets it on the floor beside the table.Incense servers go through the choir door to the back sacristy to put the thurible and boat away, and return by the choir door to join the other servers.)
  3. After the Great Amen, the congregation stands to pray the Our Father. The servers hold hands and pray, too.
  4. During the Sign of Peace, shake hands with the other servers. The priest and deacon may walk to you and shake hands.
  5. At the conclusion of the Lamb of God, servers kneel with the congregation.After the deacon receives the Blood of Christ, stand in front of your chair to receive communion.After receiving, sit down. Remember to be reverent and sing the communion song. Refrain from talking.
  6. When the priest and deacon return to clear the altar, the candle bearers go to the side of the altar and help clear the altar. Take items handed to you to the credence table. The cross bearer takes the red missal from the altar and places it on the altar server table. Then take the silver lectionary (gospel book) and stands it up in the center of the altar with the figure of Jesus facing the congregation. Servers return to their seats and sit tall.
  7. When the priest stands for the Closing Prayer, everyone stands and the cross bearer moves to hold the red Missal. When finished return to your chair and stand.
  8. The celebrant will give the Final Blessing. If the deacon says, “Bow your heads and pray for God’s blessings,” then bow your head. Sign yourself slowly and respectfully with large motions.
  9. When the closing hymn begins, the servers start to line up for the Recessional. The cross bearer carries the cross to the aisle near the organ in front of the pews. The candle bearers get the candles by walking in front of the altar, then move together behind the cross bearer. Hold candles at the same height. When the servers are ready to move, the cross bearer leads the candle bearers to the center aisle walking slowly. Once there, the cross bearer and candle bearers turn and face the altar. They wait for the priest and deacon. Sing the closing hymn if you know it. When the priestbows to the altar, servers do a head bow. When the priest turns, servers turn (candle bearers turn in toward each other) and process out.

After Mass: