
Form ‘X’

Declaration of Renunciation of Citizenship under Section 14-A of the Pakistan Citizenship Act, 1951

  1. I------of

------(Address) and full capacity and was

born at ------on ------.

  1. I have/have not been married.
  2. I am citizen/national of ------(name of the offering country) under law of that country or hold valid document assuring me of the grant of citizenship or nationality of that country upon renouncing citizenship of Pakistan.
  3. I hereby renounce my citizenship of Pakistan.
  4. I do solemnly affirm that the following particulars in this declaration are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Attestation ...... Signature ......

Designation ...... Place ......

Place and Date ...... Date ......


  1. Full Name: ......
  2. Father’s Name: ......
  3. Address: ...... NICOP No......
  4. Profession/Occupation: ...... Latest Pak. Passport No......
  5. Place and Date of Birth: ...... Sex (M/F) ......
  6. (Second) Nationality: ......
  7. Single, Married, widower, widow or divorced: ......
  8. Name of the wife or Husband: ......
  9. Name and nationalities of parents: ......
  10. 10. Name and Full particulars of minor children (date of birth), if any, residing

Abroad, at the time of making declaration:

S.No. / Name & father name / Relation / Date of Birth
  1. Address in Pakistan & Contact No......


List of Documents required

S.No. / Required Document / No. of Copies
1. / Form “X” and Particulars (one page), duly typed (not to be hand-written) dully attested by authorized Officer of the Mission on the provided space. An attested photograph may also be pasted on top right. / 04
2. / Copies of any one document i.e. Assurance letter with English translation/Naturalization Certificate/Foreign Passport / 04
3. / Copies of latest Passport (particulars/photo/MRP page) and applicant’s CNIC/NICOP(both sides), all on one page / 04
4. / Prescribed fee’s receipt, dully deposited in Mission (Chq./Demand draft etc. is not admissible). / 01
5. / Attested photographs 2”x1 ½ “ size (one attested on front be pasted on form “X” with white background (others may be pasted on a white sheet to avoid astray in transit) / 06
6. / Copies of any one document i.e. NICOP/Birth Certificate/Pakistan Passport of the minor children of the male applicants only, residing abroad, where applicable. / 04
7. / The copies of Nikahnama/divorce papers, of the female applicant, provided passport/NICOP is not modified with husband/father’s name respectively. / 04
8. / Any other relavant/supporting document / 04
9. / Latest surrendered passport, in original (one). Other passport(s) to
be retained by Mission and sent on receipt of Renunciation
Certificate / Original
  1. After receipt of Renunciation Certificate, the original NICOP/CNIC may
be forwarded to Director (IOD), NADRA Headquarters, G-5/2, Islamabad
alongwith copy of renunciation certificate and NICOP/CNIC cancellation fee,
for its cancellation, under intimation to this Directorate General.
  1. The Renunciation Certificate would be issued as per Form “X”. Therefore
name spellings on form “X”, NICOP, Pakistan Passport, Assurance letter/
foreign passport should be identical. In case of any variation/name change,
an application with supporting documents may also be attached with the
  1. The case of minors (below 21 years of age) will not be entertained by
IMPASS as under Section 14-A, they cannot renounce the Citizenship
of Pakistan.