Guidelines for making online declarations

A web based application is available in the URL: to facilitate concerned persons/chemical firms to file CWC declarations online. The facility can be used by new as well as existing declarants. Workflow of this web based application is as given below.

Each step given in the workflow above is explained briefly here below:

1.  Login:

Every User is required to login into the system with the assigned credentials i.e. Login ID, Password and Plant Site Code allotted to them. The credentials should be kept safely with them. User should fill in “user details” information on first priority after successful login. The information will get filled in various declaration forms by the system and will also help NACWC in communicating at the email ID provided by user. (New declarants may refer to FAQ no. 5 as attached)

2.  Select Declaration type:

After successful login, user may click on “Declaration menu” to select appropriate Declaration type (whether for Annual Declaration on Anticipated Activities i.e .ADAA or Annual Declaration on Past Activities i.e. ADPA) from pop up sub-menu. System will open up various declaration types for filing by the user when these are due. The declarations after a closing date will be removed from the system by the NACWC.

3.  Define Activity Profile:

After selecting a declaration type, user needs to define site’s activity profile. Activity profile is about the activities of the plant site in which it is engaged. For example, if a plant site produces Schedule-2 chemical, exports Schedule -3 chemicals and has Other Chemicals Production Facility (OCPF), it should be indicated by checking appropriate button/s.

It may be noted that without defining the activity profile, user can’t proceed further in the system. However, activity to the profile can be changed afterwards also. For example if user has defined activities under Schedule-2 in the first instance and realizes that Schedule-3 activity is also to be defined in profile, he/she may visit a link “Activity Profile” at top right corner and redefine the activities accordingly.

Please note that once activity profile is defined and user has proceeded and filled-in the web forms in declaration menu, he/she can not delete the activity unless the declarations in web forms are deleted.

4.  Declaration Menu:

After Activity Profile is defined, user may click on “Continue” to get the Declaration Menu. As per defined Activity Profile, Web Forms will be created by the system for filing.

For example, if Schedule-2 activity and/or Schedule-3 activity is defined in activity profile, three Web Forms links namely “Declare Plant Site”, “Declare Chemicals” and Declare Plants” will be available under Schedule-2 and/or Schedule-3 Declarations.

User need to open one Web Form link at a time in the sequence and fill-in the form. There is Edit/Delete option available at the bottom of the form to take action as necessary.

User may attach confidentiality mark (U/R/P/H as appropriate) at the field level as well as at the whole form level. These are the main Web Forms where data is to be filled-in by user. All CWC declaration forms will be automatically generated by the system as indicated with each Web Form.

4. (a) Forms View:

This option is for viewing the generated CWC declaration forms by the system, based on the Web Forms filled-in by user from declaration menu. All CWC declaration forms can be viewed to verify the information provided. If user desires to incorporate any modification, he/she may go to the declaration menu at any point of time and modify the information.

It may be noted that corrections can also be done through the hyperlinks provided in the individual CWC declaration “Forms view”. Alternatively, changes may be made through Declaration Menu Web Forms.

4  (b) Check List:

User may click on “Check List” to view what has been declared and what is remaining to be declared. A CWC declaration form-wise list can be seen here with its status (declared/not declared).

5. Freeze and Send:

After user is sure that all the information required has been provided and nothing is remaining, the user must see the “Forms View” option to ensure that the information provided is accurate and complete. Now, he/she may click on Freeze and Send option.

Please note that once Freeze and Send option is clicked and confirmed, addition/alteration/deletion to the declaration is not possible and declaration menu will be frozen. However, it would still be possible to View/Print the filled-in declaration forms.

An Intimation Slip is generated bearing a unique number after successful exercising Freeze and Send Option.

The Declarations filed will reach to the NACWC instantly.

6. Intimation Slip:

Intimation Slip is required to be printed by user on Company’s letter head, should be signed and stamped and be sent to NACWC at the address given in the slip, by speed post. It may be noted that forwarding of the Intimation Slip is mandatory. The status can be viewed by user by clicking at “View Status”. Please note that after scrutinizing the online declarations, NACWC may return back the declaration with remarks indicating the discrepancies in the information provided in the declaration. User’s frozen declaration menu will again be activated and he/she may incorporate the corrections and freeze again. This time Intimation Slip will not be generated as it is not required. When the declaration is accepted by the NACWC, user may click on “view status” to see the current status of declaration. System would send an email to the user on email ID (provided in the user details) on each of such action completed by the NACWC.

Contact information:

Printed copy of declaration along with original intimation slip duly signed and stamped on the above address by speed/Registered post only.

S. P. Singh

Joint Director

National Authority Chemical Weapons Convention (NACWC)

Cabinet Secretariat, Govt. of India

Ist Floor, Chankya Bhawan, Chanakyapuri

New Delhi- 110021

Telefax: 011 24675767

Phone: 011 24675763/24675465/24675524



Officials in NACWC will be available on all working days between 9.30 am and 5.30 pm for any assistance. Online help also may be sought from . All such inquiry/communications should bear plant site code (if allotted), name of declaring facility and complete address.


1.  Can we have the whole procedure explained?

Detailed procedure can be seen in User manual that can be accessed once you login into the system.

2.  What should be done if the “e-file log in credentials” gets lost/misplaced? What is the procedure?

At the first instance this should not be allowed to happen. The matter should be immediately communicated to , clearly mentioning name of plant site, plant site code, if allotted and complete address of the facility. Administrator at will take necessary action in the matter.

3.  What are the types of declarations which can be submitted online through this system?
Declarants can file (i) initial declaration, (ii) ADAA, (iii) ADPA and (iv) cessation of declarable activities.

4.  What does declaration year mean? What is Calendar Year?

All declarations are to be made in respect of activities undertaken or proposed to be undertaken during the period 1st January to 31st December of the year.

5.  What is the procedure for a new declarant to login and file his declaration?

A new declarant is one who/which has not made any declaration so far and hence does not have a Plant Site Code or Login Password. There are two types of users who file CWC e-declaration namely New Declarants and Existing Declarants. New Declarants do not have Plant Site Code allotted to them. They need tosignup and get their login ID and password generated.AnActivation link will reach at the Email ID given by them during sign up. Once they activate their account through that link, theycan login and file and submit “INITIAL” declaration with the NACWC. NACWC would verify the details and would allot and communicate a Plant Site Code and login credentials.

6.  Can I select a password of my choice?

Yes, provided the following three conditions are satisfied (i) The password selected should have a minimum 8 characters; (ii) at leastone of the characters has to be Upper Case alphabet (A-Z); (iii) atleastone character should be lower Case alphabet (a-z), and (iv) atleastone character should be a numeral (0-9) and (v) at least one special character (like (@, #, $ etc). The same has also been indicated at “?” in the sign-up form for quick reference.

7.  How can I proceed, if I do not have data to be entered against a mandatory field/item during sign up?

You can enter a hyphen( -) or “NA” in such cases.

8.  I want to fill-in “Initial” Declaration. I have signed-up successfully but still I am not able to login?

You have to activate your account before proceeding for login. For this, an activation link was sent at your email ID (you provided in sign-up form) after sign-up was successful. You can open your email and click on the activation link first. You can login thereafter.

9.  I want to fill “Initial” Declaration. I have not received activation email?

You may have entered an invalid email address. You have to sign-up again giving correct information.

10.  I already have Plant Site Code. I havealsoreceivedwithlogin credentials but I am not able to login.?

The problem may be due to the following reasons:

a)You are entering wrong ID/password. You should check the login credentials again.

b)Your session may have expired due to long time inactivation of the login screen. Close the window and start afresh.

c)You might have login and changed your password (which is compulsory after login) and now trying with the old password allotted to you

11. Can I e-file Schedule 2 and OCPF declarations together with same login?

Yes. You have to carefully fill-in Activity profile and click Scheduled 2 and OCPF both.

12.  Can I change my Activity Profile?

Yes,you can add more activities in your Activity Profile any time before freezing declaration. However, once you have saved (but not freeze) the declaration, you cannot remove the selected activities from the Activity Profile unless you delete your saved declaration.

13.  I do not find my chemical in the list. What should I do?

You need to send an email to the Administrator dicating:

i)Name of the Chemical you wish to include in the list

ii) CAS Registry Number

iii) IUPAC name of chemical

iv)Structural Formula of the chemical

Administrator would then verify the chemical details and may make it available at the appropriate place (in the list of Schedule 2 chemicals). Administrator would then inform you through email.

14.  While providing name of Head Office/Registered Office address I pressed “ENTER” and the system stopped working. What shall do?

Do not break line by pressing “ENTER” key. Write information in continuous manner. Space, comma, hyphen can always be used.

15.  How do I know if e-declaration has been received by NACWC?

After freezing e-declaration, an intimation slip is required to be sent by you to the National Authority by Speed Post. The intimation slip must be printed on yourcompany’sletter head and it should be duly signed and stamped. After receipt of this intimation slip by NACWC, it will acknowledge the e-declaration filed by you and you will receive an email. Additionally, you may login into the system, open thefileddeclaration, and then click on "view status" button to see the current status of e-declaration filed by you.

16.  My sign-up details are wrong when I logged in for the first time?

NACWC has created your user details (sign up details) based on data available with them. Now, you need to update / modify these details and ensure that all mandatory fields are correctly filled. This is important as this data will be automatically picked up in various declaration forms.

17.  I do not see all chemicals in Declare Plants Details Form (inChemicalsselect list)?

This is presumably because this list will contain only those Schedule 2 chemicals which you have added in "Declare Chemicals Form". If you want some more chemicals in this list to be declared for yourPlant, such chemicals are to be first declared through the Form “Declare Chemicals”. Once this form is filled-in, you will see the declared chemical in your list in “Plants Form”.

18.  I want to send some additional information in my declaration apart from CWC Forms. How to include that?

You can send additional information by attaching scanned copy of your document. In Declaration Menu, under theDeclare Plant Site DetailsandDeclare Plants Details,web forms facility to upload files is provided. You can use this facility to upload multiple files also. Files having extensionszip,xls,xlsx,pdf, doc,docx, gif, jpg, jpeg,Word only can be uploaded.

19.  I want to elaborate on few points in my CWC form. How I can do?

Youcan write in the remarks column of theDeclare Plant Site Details, Declare Chemicals DetailsandDeclare Plants Detailsweb forms in Declaration Menu.

20.  Can I give two email addresses for a single facility?

In sign-up form, email addresses are to be filled at two places – one at the place where Plant Site details are to be given and two at the place where Company details are to be given. You can give one email address at each place which may be different.

21.  Whether acknowledgement on both the email ids is provided by NACWC?


22.  Whether same email id for declaration of 2 Plant Sites is accepted?


23.  What is “Freeze and Send”? Is it important?

This action is important. After user is sure that all required information has been provided and nothing is remaining,the “Freeze and Send” may be clicked to forward declaration to the NACWC. Otherwise, your declaration rests with you and will not be deemed/considered as filed. You will receiveintimation once this button is clicked.

24.  What are the consequences of clicking “Freeze and Send to Department” option?

Once this option is clicked and confirmed, user will not be able to modify the declaration and the declaration menu will be frozen. However user would still be able to view the declared CWC declaration forms .

25.  What is duration of session expiry?

Session expires if site is unattended for one hour