The Benefice of Tetbury, Beverston, Long Newnton and Shipton Moyne

St Mary the Virgin and St Mary Magdalen, Tetbury

Parochial Church Council (PCC) Meeting

Tuesday 12 May 2015 at 7.30 p.m

Held at St Marys C of E V A Primary School, Tetbury


No / Minute / Action
1 / Welcome and opening prayer
2 / Present:
The Revd Poppy Hughes (Chair)(PH); Jonathan Adkins (JA); Wally Bleaken(WB); Diana Challis(DC); Keith Essam(KE); David Evans(DE); David Greenwood(DG); Alison Hesketh(AH); Brian Kimber(BK); Michele Maund(MM); David Paulson(DP); Andy Sibley(AS); Margo Smith(MS); Ian Thomas(IT); Sue Thomas(ST); Peter Yorke(PY).
Apologies for Absence:There were no apologies although Nat Morley was absent
3 / Minutes of the Last Meeting:
The minutes of the meeting held on 12 March were approved and signed as a correct record.
4 / Matters Arising:
a)Glass doors. Keith Essam reported that,as the plans were still with the manufacturers and thatas no progress had been made, he had been looking for alternative suppliers. He had been to Sherston to look at their single glass door which was wide enough to take a coffin through. However, this was hung on stone whereas ours would be hung on wood which may not be substantial enough to take the weight. Ultimately it was envisaged that whichever design and supplier was agreed the doorwould be able to be power assisted ifand when funds allowed. He was continuing to liaise with suppliers and Roger and Pat Whitehouse at Sherston church.
b)Save ‘n Borrow. Alison Hesketh reported that she had attended a meeting of TACT and also a resident’s group meeting at the Council Offices which had been chaired by Kevin Painter to put to them the idea of having a Save ‘n Borrow Bank in Tetbury. St Mary’s Day Centre could not be used as a rent free venue for the project but Father Issy thought that St Michael’s Hall could be made available free of charge and that he would look into it. There seemed to be definite support for the project and she would arrange for training of those interested in volunteering to run it. However, she was still looking for volunteer input from someone with a financial background.
c)Foundation Governor. The secretary agreed to check whether the completed nomination form for Simon Herbert to become a foundation governor of St Mary’s School had been received by the Diocese.
d)Responsibilities of PCC sub-committees. Keith Essam noted the paper to PCC had given an outline remit for each sub-committee. The Chair confirmed that each committee should review the remit as outlined and produce a final version. The Chair of each sub-committee to bring this remit back to the full PCC. Action: Chair of sub-committees.
e)Heritage Display. The chair explained in answer to a question about the plans for moving the heritage display, that she was meeting with Katherine Ellis Robson the next day to discuss making the south ambulatory more child friendly and that that would probably involve moving the heritage displays to the north ambulatory. Catherine has a brief for the work, and it was hoped that a full specification could be ready by July. The necessity of speaking to all the stakeholders was stressed and agreed. / KE
All sub-committee chairs
5 / Correspondence:
A letter had been received from Sue Hirst, the chairman of Tetbury in Bloom about dogs fouling in the church yard which was distressing for the team of volunteers who regularly worked there. Keith Essam reported that he had spoken to Sue and that they were looking at signs requesting dog owners to keep their dogs on leads, to stick to the paths and to clean up after their pets. Signs being looked at cost £170 each. Wally Bleaken reported that there was a good signwriter in Nailsworth and he could supply details. Putting up signs would hopefully draw dog owner’s attention to the problem and encourage them to act responsibly. It would also give church members more authority to challenge those who did not comply.
a)A letter from the Bishop of Tewkesbury had been received concerning Bishop Michael, former Bishop of Gloucester. The Church of England hadcompleted a review and an independent risk assessment,Bishop Michael had now been cleared to take up ministry in his retirement. There will be a service of thanksgiving for his ministry on 13 June at the Cathedral. This information would be put in the pew sheet.
b)A letter of thanks had been received on behalf of The Cirencester Food Bank for St Marys’ continued contributions.
c)Letters had been received from both Christian Aid and OM asking for the PCC’s support for the Nepal Earthquake Appeal. This would be considered under second Sunday giving later on the agenda.
d)The Chair reported that she had received a letter from the Diocese that hopefully we may get a full time paid curate from the summer of 2016. Although we had applied for one from this summer no match had been found. / WB/KE
6 / Treasurer’s Report including update on Parish Share
Alison Hesketh apologised in advance if she was at fault for not circulating The Treasurer’s Report for this meeting. NB Report circulated with these minutes.
The Treasurer, Peter Yorke, reported that the deficit for the first quarter of the year was £4,773 (last year £5,052). The Friends account showed a £624 deficit (£2,070 last year). Although income was £400 lower, spending had not increased. It is predicted that in June the accounts will almost break even since bills to the other parishes are issued and paid in that month.
Since the last PCC meeting Peter reported that he had paid out cheques of over £500 to the parish administrator; for insurance; for the parish share.
Peter explained that the Parish Share had historically been worked out on the number of parishioners on the electoral roll and on church attendance. Both of these methods could be manipulated and there were discussions at Deanery and Diocesan level to consider how the parish share could better be calculated. Tetbury, was the second largest church in our deanery and with an annual income of some £70,000, was seen to be a wealthy parish through the eyes of other churches. Having a large income and a relatively large congregation Tetbury is seen to have a better ability to raise funds for itself whereas rural churches are in more need. The Diocese holds a Diocese Stipend Fund and this heavily subsidises actual parish costs. The Diocese would like to reduce this subsidy and would like to give more to those churches where they can see evidence of growth and also to those churches in real financial difficulty. Discussions are ongoing to decide how the parish share should be calculated in future and will go to the Diocesan Synod on 13 June.
Peter was thanked for all his hard work on the accounts. / AH
7 / Election to PCC subcommittees.
The Chairman briefly outlined the proposals in her paper which had previously been circulated and agreed by the PCC. Poppy requested that each subcommittee meet four times over the coming year, as agreed, in the hope that this would enable the committees to be coherent and purposeful. However this would be reviewed in May 2016. There would be 4 or 5 PCC members on each subcommittee and would be able to co-opt other non PCC members. The subcommittees would have oversight of the groups they covered but the amount of this may vary from subcommittee to subcommittee and from group to group. There may well be some overlap of committee remits.
It was then agreed that the following PCC members would serve on each subcommittee:
Standing Committee: Poppy to chair. PCC Members: Diana Challis, Keith Essam, Peter Yorke, Alison Hesketh.
Stewardship Committee: Poppy to chair. PCC Members: Peter Yorke, Andy Sibley, David Evans, David Paulson and Diana Challis when needed.
It was noted that Peter Yorke continues to be directly responsible to the PCC for all financial reporting.
Fabric Committee: Keith Essam to chair. PCC Members: Ian Thomas, David Greenwood, Andy Sibley.
Community and Communications: Sue Thomas to chair. PCC Members: Diana Challis, Brian Kimber and Michele Maund.
Discipleship: Margo Smith to chair. PCC Members: Wally Bleaken, Jonathan Adkins, Nat Morley and Alison Hesketh.
Peter Hodgson had agreed to be the Safeguarding Officer for the whole benefice.
It was agreed that the secretary would write, on behalf of the PCC, to Richard Glanville, Jean Henderson, Peter Hodgson, Kevin Painter for all their help on the PCC in the past and to Peter Quinnell for his help in the parish. / AH
10 / Second Sunday Cash Collections
It was agreed that the second Sunday cash collections should be as follows:
June: DEC Earthquake appeal for Nepal
July: Sea Farers/sea Sunday
August: Local Hospice
September: iSingPop - School project (First Sunday in September)
October: Mercy Ships
Poppy explained that she had attended a school in Winchcombe which had undertaken a project which St Mary’s school was considering undertaking. St Mary’s needed £600 to take the project forward and the September cash collection could go a long way towards this together with a further cash injection from the church. It was suggested that the school head teacher, Jo Woolley should come one Sunday morning to speak to the congregation about it. Ian Thomas expressed the view that the Elizabeth Hodges Charity which gave specifically to the managers and governors of the school should be able to help with the funding of the project.
Alison Hesketh requested that the new display board, discussed at a previous meeting, would be helpful for those who were undertaking the displays for the second Sunday collections. The board needed to be easily moveable if in the way for weddings etc. and in a material that was able to take drawing pins.
Fabric Report
Keith Essam reported that an outside light at the foot of the bell tower requested at the APCM was an easy matter and would be installed.
The replacement of the underfloor heating in the top of the nave was due to begin on 29 June and would continue until 22 July. The new lighting pendants would be installed between mid- June and August. An anonymous donation had been received to pay for the installation of a rise and fall mechanism for the chandeliers. Roofing work had been undertaken in line with the quinquennial survey and the maintenance on both ambulatories had revealed that past work undertaken by builders rather than roofers was not to a high standard and that in future roofers would be employed. The railings in the tower deemed necessary in the quinquennial report were now in hand which left very little outstanding.
Thanks were expressed to Keith and Ian for all their hard work.
Sound System:
Alison Hesketh raised the problem of the sound system with many of the congregation reporting that they could not hear. Whilst all the hard work that had been put in by Keith and Ian was appreciated and it was acknowledged that the system had improved, it wasvery disappointing when the congregation, especially at large services which bought in outsiders, could not hear what was being said. This was particularly bad when the speaker was standing in the aisle and sometimes from the lectern. It was acknowledged that this could be the fault of those speaking and the way they used the microphones, or forgot to switch them on, but, if the system was working well then it was a training issue which needed to be addressed. However it was thought that there were some areas of the church where the system itself was not effective.
Keith Essam responded saying that it was often the users of the system that were at fault and those who had problems with hearing must let him have more details so that he could pinpoint the problem.
David Paulson suggested that a questionnaire be placed in each pew so that the congregation could give feedback stating what the problem was and to leave the questionnaire in the pew where they were seated. This was thought to be a good way forward and would be implemented.
Andy and Wally undertook to help Keith and Ian with the system.
There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.50 with the grace.
Date of next meeting Thursday 16 July at 7.30.
PCC Away Day Saturday 13 June at Shipton Moyne Village Hall, 10.30 to 2.30 in time to get to Bishop Michael’s Thanksgiving Service at Gloucester Cathedral at 4.30. / AH