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Photo: Ingvil Skeie Ljones

BD7071CD Symphonie Romane – Torkil Skille

EAN-code: 7044280070714

Distribution: Musikkoperatørene AS,

Debut album for the young organist Torkil Skille, who here presents French Romantic organ music.

Skille can be contacted on e-mail: or on mob. +47 40 21 91 69

Torkil Skille who was born in 1985, grew up in Lillehammer, Norway. After a year of organ studies at Toneheim College near Hamar, he entered the Institute of Music at the University in Trondheim (NTNU). Here he specialized in French Romantic organ music for his Master’s Degree in Music Performance Studies. Skille has mainly studied under Erling With Aasgård in Trondheim, and also under Professor Jon Laukvik at the Musikhochschule in Stuttgart.

This album, where Torkil Skille plays works by Cèsar Franck, Louis Vierne and Charles-Marie Widor, is part of his work for the Master’s Degree.

For his final exam on August 15th 2012, Skille performs as soloist with Trondheim Symphony Orchestra. This program offers a premiere, a concerto that Louis Vierne played during his tour in the US in 1927, and which never before has been performed in Scandinavia. Vierne based this work on movements from three of his own symphonies, and despite its success, the scores were never published. Torkil Skille has obtained the scores, partly in handwriting, from Massachusetts.

The works on this album are: Symphonie Romane pour orgue, Op.73 by Charles-Marie Widor, Prelude, Op.51, Berceuse, Op.31 and Carillion de Westminster, Op.54 by Louis Vierne and Pastorale i E-major, Op.19 by Cèsar Franck.

The recording was done in Trefoldighetskirken in Arendal, Norway on the Mühleisen organ which was inaugurated in November 2010. The organ has 60 stops plus two transmissions distributed over three manuals and pedals.