Summer Food Support

Mini Grants

Thanks to the generosity of numerous donors, as well as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Oregon Hunger Relief Task Force (OHRTF) is offering small grants to qualifying organizations to supportSummer Food programs in Oregon.

A limited number of one-time grants up to $5000.00 are available for:

  • Strengthening feeding opportunities for children, at meal sites that are utilizing USDA summer feeding programs (Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) or NSLP Seamless Summer Option) and have start up costs and expenses associated with operating a new site (s)
  • Eligible costs include health inspection fees,transportation, equipment purchases such cooling and warming units, tables and chairs, activity and programming supplies, or outreach materials. Staffing costs may be considered if it will result in increased meal service. Food costs will not be funded.
  • We encourage all programs to apply, butprograms that will expand services as a result of this grant will be favored in the award process.

To be eligible for a grant your agency or organization must be:

  • ASummer Foodsponsor with an approved application on file with the Oregon Department of Education


  • ASummer Food site with a formal agreement to receive meals from an Summer Food sponsor that has an approved application on file with Oregon Department of Education


  • A partnering organization, which provides a vital support service to SFSP in your county. You should include a letter of support from at least one SFSP sponsor attesting to your partnership.

The grantee organization agrees to:

  • Allow a site visit by an OHRTF staff member, which may include a brief informational interview about your program, during the summer you receive an award.
  • Complete a short report form at the end of the grant period describing how funds were used, participation data and plans to find local funding to support this project in future years

Applications received by May 15th will receive priority review, and funds will be dispersed by June 1st. Proposals received after that date may be reviewed, if additional funds are available. OHRTF staff, working with representatives from the Oregon Department of Education, will make funding decisions.

If you have questions about this application, please contact:

Annie Kirschner

phone: (503) 517-2099 fax: 503-595-5504


Summer Food Support

Grant Application

Attach additional pages if necessary



County served:

Contact Name:



Please select the best description of your organizations role(s):

☐ Sponsor☐ Site host☐ Partnering organization

If you are a site, please answer question 1a

If you are a partner, please answer question 1b

1a) What is the name of the sponsor that has formally agreed to provide your meals? Please provide a copy of any formal documentation that confirms this agreement.

1b) What assistance do you provide to area sponsors? Please provide a letter of support from at least one sponsor attesting to your partnership.

How long have you been involved with the Summer Food program?

How many sites do you currently sponsor, host, or partner with? How many total meals were served at those sites last year?

Number of sites______Number of meals served______

Are you planning to change the scope of your program or support this summer? How?

Please describe any current needs you are experiencing, and how they may impact your ability to serve children this summer:

4) Amount requested:

5) Describe in detail how you plan to use the requested funds:

6) What impact you anticipate these funds would make, if awarded:

The information provided in this application is accurate to the best of my knowledge. If my organization is awarded, I agree to allow a site visit to my new site (s) and to submit a report at the end of the granting period.

Signature of applicant:


Printed Name and title of Person signing above:

Name: ______

Title: ______

Name and address of the organization to which this check should be written? (We cannot make out a check to an individual.)




Please mail or fax completed applications to:

Annie Kirschner

Oregon Hunger Relief Task Force

4110 SE Hawthorne Blvd.

Portland, OR 97214

Phone: (503)-517-2099 Fax: (503)-595-5504