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Teaching and Learning Cooperative

Proposal – Individual and Groups of 2 to 4

Title of Proposal: ELD Level 1 Training/Development

TLC points requested: 10

Proposal Submission Date: 9/26/06

Proposal Description (2-3 sentences for publishing to prospective participants):

Attend the Write institute's ELD Level 1 trainings for grades 6-12 and create UBD style units to teach and post on the ELL shared file. Also, take notes at the conference, share these insights with other ELL educators, and take time for discussion and reflection.

Implementation Timeframe (Beginning and Ending Dates): 9/28/06- 5/28/06 See timeline below, under professional growth activities

Proposal Contact Person: Lacey Segal

Work Location: PHS Phone: x5415


Participant(s) name: Lacey Segal, Alicia Cobian-Graef

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District Goals to be Addressed:

K-12 Literacy (support for K-12 reading, writing, or mathematics)

Proficiency for all students across all grade levels and content areas, as measured by standardized state measures (cahsee, cst)

X Increased access to rigorous curriculum and course (AP courses, A-G)

Intended Learning Outcomes:

Participants will gain:

·  Understanding of current English language development research and implications for classroom practice

·  Strategies for establishing a classroom environment that supports English language development in reading writing, listening and speaking

·  Techniques for motivating and increasing student comprehension of content

·  “Through extensive staff development on academic writing-to-learn methodology, teachers and students develop powerful teaching and learning.”

·  “By integrating performance-based learning and assessment, WRITE's practice establishes a comprehensive accountability and assessment system.”

·  “Through rigorous, standards-based curriculum, WRITE's practice supports equity and excellence for all students”

(Found at The Write Institute’s Web Site:

Professional Growth Activities – Acquisition of New Learning

State what new learning participant(s) will acquire through this proposal, including the anticipated timeline:

The goal of the Write Institute's ELD Level 1 training conferences is to improve the literacy and academic achievement of English language learners. Participants will gain new reading and writing strategies, benefiting from research based staff development. Focus will be on how to make genre specific writing and reading units that align with the ELD and English Language Arts standards. The key will be to utilize this knowledge and inspiration to better prepare students to pass the CAHSEE as well as to read, write, speak, and understand English. The Write Institute at the San Diego County Office of Education has won numerous awards including the Golden Bell Award for Professional Development from the California School Boards Association, the exemplary Program validation from the California Department of Education and the Academic Excellence Award from the U.S. Department of Education.

From the Write Institute’s Web site (, students will benefit from:

ü  Cognitive skillsconcept & vocabulary development

ü  Academic language

ü  Writing structures

ü  Equitable and rigorous writing assessment

ü  Cognitive/academic language development

ü  Explicit systematic direct instruction of academic English skills

ü  Incorporation of the essential reading elements

ü  Academic writing focus

ü  Assessment tied to curriculum, instruction and standards

ü  Activities designed to affirm culture and motivate student learning


Contracted Hours:

22.5 hours at the conference 8AM-3:00PM 9/28, 3/20, 5/15

Non-contracted hours:

8.5 hours at conference during non-contracted days/times 12/19 8-3:30 (7.5)

9/28, 3/20, 5/15, 3-3:30 (1.5)

Develop one unit/assessment (UBD style), (teach it, time not counted), reflect upon it independently, post to shared file, per conference 1hr

Take one set of notes, type at home and post to shared file per conference, share with ELL team at PHS/answer questions 1hr

Meet before teaching unit to collaborate, meet after teaching unit to reflect and change it for next year if necessary, per conference. 1hr (Do these items listed above a total of four times) Total hours: 20

Classroom Implementation Activities

State how participant(s) will implement new learning in the classroom:

We will create four new units inspired by training received at the conference. We will utilize materials from the conference as well as ideas brought forth in the lectures and discussions. We will share challenges that we have with experts at the SDCOE and brainstorm ideas. Then we will take the units that we have created to teach each unit and share the units with the ELL team. We will post those units on the shared file at our site. Our larger goal is to create a legacy with lesson plans that teachers new to the ELL program can use. We struggle to find teachers who want to teach these classes because of the lack of support, especially around the area of training and unit development. We want to assuage their fears, and excite them about teaching ELL’s because the students will benefit!

Reflection Activities

State how participant(s) will reflect on their new learning:

We will meet to create the units, and then we will compare assessments and discuss how the unit went, what challenges we faced, what we will do next time, etc. These sessions will help us to understand what questions or problems other might have and we can work to solve these problems and answer these questions for them before they come up.

Budget Request

Yes If so, for whom? No

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