Friends of Framingham EarlHigh School

Minutes of the meeting

Wednesday 16th September at 6.30pm in the school


Trudy Musgrove, Christine Chiverton, Nicola Furneaux

Minutes of the previous meeting– 22nd April2015

These were agreed as a true record

Update on election of new bank signatories

Trudy had visited the N&P building society to discuss paperwork needed to change signatories;

  • A new application form was given to Nicola Furneaux to register as a member of the building society.
  • The N&P feel that the letter sent in January 2014 to remove Nicola Leeson was now too old to be considered. As Nicola is no longer associated with the group and we don’t know how she can contacted there is still uncertainty about how we will need to proceed.
  • A letter has been prepared with copies of the meeting minutes to support the application.
  • Trudy will contact the building society again to discuss this in a few weeks time once the paperwork has been sent and received.
  • Trudy and Di Stamper are currently signatories so payments can be made.

Student views and participation

Trudy & Christine agreed to attend the SAFE meeting on 30th September to speak to students. We will ask students’ views on funding applications and ideas for how Friends and students can better support each other.

Lottery & Raffle planning

Di has secured a lotteries licence for the school. Trudy will look into getting tickets printed. We will ask SAFE or the events management group (FREM) to help with promotion and distribution of these to parents. Prizes will be 5 hampers, one prize drawn by students in each of the year group assemblies in the last week of the Christmas term. Christine will pull together ideas for items to put in the hampers. Volunteers requested to write to local businesses to ask for donations. In the absence of donations we will spend about £25 on each hamper.

Update on Skills Bank

Carried forward to the next meeting


It was agreed to sell Spree books. Selling is done online via a code and books posted directly from the Spree office so requires very little work by us.Trudy will arrange this.

Pampered Chef party

A idea proposed by Gareth Yassin, the Pampered Chef host will run the evening, demonstrating and selling quality kitchenware. We just need to provide a venue and advertise the event and will get a commission from items sold.

Trudy will liaise with the school and the host to arrange a date.

Classic Car event

There is still enthusiasm for this event. Planning to continue next term


Funding applications –

  • J Rowe, librarian asked for £600 towards the Buzzbook scheme and for new library books. We decided to ask for more information on the impact of the purchases and to ask the studentsbefore making a final decision
  • Mind span, a self esteem promoting program to be run with Yr 10 students at a cost of £1950 + VAT. Nicola offered to share more information about this via email to enable a discussion.

Date and time of next meeting

Wednesday 20th January at 6.30pm


Meeting closed at 8.00pm