Hollesley Primary School
School Lane Hollesley Woodbridge Suffolk IP12 3RE
Telephone and Fax: (01394) 411616
Headteacher: Mrs Linda Bowman B.Ed(Hons), NPQH
15th November 2017
Flatford Mill Residential Trip
19th February – 21st February 2018
Dear Parents, Carers of Year 3/4 children,
Please find attached a Parental consent trip form required for all residential trips. This needs to be completed and returned to school by Friday 2nd February along with any outstanding payments.
You will also find below an ‘essential kit list’ recommended by the Field Study Centre for your child whilst they are away. We highly recommend that you do not send new or expensive clothing. Depending on the activities chosen, there is a high chance that your child will get dirty or wet – or both!
Please ensure that all items are NAMED to help ‘repatriation’. The Field Centre cannot accept responsibility for visitors property and valuable items are therefore NOT to be taken.
Essential Student Kit list
- Any necessary medication/inhalers
- Suitable clothing for weather conditions
- Lightweight tops for layering (2 or 3) – no strappy tops must cover shoulders
- Warm jumper/top x 2
- Trousers (2 or 3 pairs – NOT jeans which are hard to move in and horrid when wet)
- Socks- Plus at least one thick pair of socks for Wellington boots
- Underwear
- Nightwear
- Warm coat
- Woolly Hat, scarf and gloves
- Waterproof coat (with hood) and ideally waterproof trousers
- Comfortable Walking boots/Outdoor shoes
- Long Wellington boots
- Slippers or other indoor footwear
- Towel
- Toiletries (NO aerosols, roll on deodorant only)
- Lunch box
- Drinks bottle
- Small rucksacks for carrying lunch (must have two thick straps)
- Marigold style gloves
- Torch
- Bin bag for wet/dirty clothes
The above should all be packed in a MEDIUM sized case/ bag that YOUR CHILD IS ABLE TO CARRY COMFORTABLY for a short distance up a flight of stairs on arrival. IT MUST ALSO BE ABLE TO FIT UNDER A NORMAL BED. Please remember we are only going away for 3 days not 3 weeks.
Yours sincerely,
L. Bowman
Linda Bowman (Headteacher)