World History
Fall of Rome, Rise of Byzantine, Creation of Russia, and THE MONGOLS
Directions: Answer the following questions using your textbook.
The Fall of Rome: Open to page 177 in your text and read sources A-D
- Compare the reasons for the fall of Rome given in Sources A and B. How might they be considered similar?
- What became of Rome according to Source C? Do you agree or disagree with that conclusion?
- Source D is different from the other sources. How?
Turn back to page 176 and read “An Empire No More”
- Did Rome’s cultural influence end when it politically collapsed? How do you know?
- The book states that the “western half of the empire had disappeared”. What happened to the eastern half? (Hint…we’ve mentioned this place before!)
Byzantine’s importance: Flip forward to page 306 and read “Byzantine Missionaries…”
- What two religions were competing for new converts (people to adopt that religion)?
- Who are the Slavs and where did they live?
- How did the Cyrillic alphabet originate (who created it and why?)
Russia and Byzantine connect: Look to p. 307 and begin at “Setting the Stage”
- How was Russian culture eventually produced?
- Describe the geography of Russia’s first unified territory
- How did people likely travel across this area?
- Describe the people who lived here.
- Why do you think Kiev was chosen as an important city? (why was it useful?)
- What two ethnic groups combined over time to create “Russian” culture?
- Where did a member of Kievan nobility convert to Christianity?
- Briefly describe how Vladimir chose to become a member of the Byzantine Christian church.
- Once Vladimir chose a religion, what did he order of his subjects? How did it happen?
- In what two ways were the citizens of Kiev and the Byzantine empire now connected?
Kiev’s Power and Decline
- What did Yaroslav the Wise do to increase trade alliances with Europe?
- What were two other achievements of Yaroslav in Kiev?
- Why does the book suppose that Kiev declined significantly after Yaroslav’s death?
The Mongols: skip ahead to p. 330 and begin at “setting the stage”
- On what four things did the Mongols pride themselves?
- How did their desire for wealth and glory affect Eurasia?
- What is the predominant geographical feature of this area of Eurasia? Briefly describe this feature.
- This geography made it advantageous for Mongols to live what type of life? (hint: did they stay in one place in farm, or did they move around and do something else?)
- Why were their animals so important to the Mongols?
- Who is Genghis Khan? Name three important characteristics about this man (more on page 332).
The Mongols in Russia: now…skip back to p. 309 and read about the “Mongol Invasions”
- In 1240, how did the Mongols interact with the citizens of Kiev?
- For how long did the Mongols rule southern Russia?
- Describe the Mongols as rulers. Could the Russians still practice their traditions?
- What two things did the Mongols demand of the Russians?
- Why was the new city of Moscow such an important location?
- How did Ivan and the Russians finally break away from the Mongols? (you will need to read the rest of the section to be able to summarize this)