World of 7 Billion video
G8 Global Issues
Miss Bowman
Name/Group: ______ Topic: ______
#1 – Climate Change – weather events and patterns, impact on agriculture, impact on coastal cities, human health, ecosystem disruption
#2 – Ocean Health – overfishing, coral bleaching, climate regulation, habitat loss, pollution, dead zones
#3 – Rapid Urbanization – sprawl, sanitation, air and water quality, megacities, migration, slums and informal settlements
______4 points for length
10 second title slide
- Full screen that includes:
- Lead Producer’s name
- School name
- School city, state
- Title of video
- Total running time (not including the 10 second title screen)
No more than 60 seconds of content
______20 points for adherence to your topic
All videos must include:
- How population growth impacts the issue
- Why the issue is an important global issue
- At least one idea for a sustainable solution
Research that supports your ideas
Information included in the video is accurate and current
______4 points for offering a solution that is appropriate and supported by your claims
4 points – A strong solution is offered that is both logical and appropriate
3 points – A solution is offered but doesn’t clearly connect to the video’s claims. The solution is appropriate.
2 points – A solution is offered but does not match the video’s claims or is not appropriate
1 point – No solution is offered
______4 points for drawing the viewer in:
4 points - Viewer is left with a strong understanding of the topic, will remember the video, and feels like they want to learn more
3 points – Viewer is left with general understanding and will remember the video
2 points – Viewer mostly understands the topic and might remember the video. Some introduced themes/topics may distract from message
1 point – Presentation is unclear on the topic and unmemorable
______4 points for creativity:
4 points - Video is original, creative, and unique
3 points – Video has some original thought and is moderately creative
2 points – Video has little original thinking
1 point – Video has no original thinking
______5 points for quality of video. Including, but not limited to:
Video is well planned
Appropriate editing, smooth transitions
Sound is expertly balanced and easy to hear
All sound and visual elements coincide with the topic
Correct pronunciations
Video is free of misspellings, has correct capitalization, etc.
Background music (if applicable) is appropriate
______4 points for Works Cited (end credits or separate doc)
All information presented in the video must be cited, giving credit to the original source
______5 points for meeting the submission guidelines.
Your finished product MUST:
Be a digital video
Submitted on time and uploaded to the website by 5pm EST
Be under 1.5GB in size
In one of the following video formats: .MP4 .AVI .MOV .MPG .WMV
Meet resolution specifications (see entry form for details)
Additional comments: