24-Hour Oil Spill Response Course
Kalskag, Alaska June 25-27, 2012
Applicant Contact Information
Name / Title / Village/Organization /Eric Alexie / Heavy Equipment Operator-IGAP / Tuluksak Native Community / 695-6420
Margaret Alexie / Native Village of Kalskag / 695-6420
Michael Alexie / IGAP Coordinator / Tuluksak Native Community / 695-6420
Nicholai M. Alexie Jr. / Landfill Operator-HAZMAT / Tuluksak Native Commuinty / 695-6420
Rose Alexie / Russian Mission
Sharay Alexie / Native Village of Kalskag / / 471-2322
Nick Alexie / Community Member / Village of Lower Kalskag / 471-2379
Henry Aloysius / Public Works / Native Village of Kalskag / 471-2223
Margaret Andrew / Tribal Secretary / Tuluksak Native Community / 695-6420
Adrian Boelens / KRWC Bookkeeper / Aniak
Vivian Changsak / Environmental Coordinator / Village of Lower Kalskag / / 471-2246
Carlton Evan / Community Member / Village of Lower Kalskag / 471-1356
Paul Evan Jr. / Water Plant Operator / Village of Lower Kalskag / 471-7057
Seraphim Evan / Public Works Assistant / Native Village of Kalskag / 471-2595
Jonathon Gregory / Community Member / Native Village of Kalskag
Father Nick Isaac / Environmental Assistant / Village of Lower Kalskag / 471-2344
Lucy Evan Jordan / Bulk Fuel Operator / Village of Lower Kalskag
Andrew Maud / IGAP Tech/Bulk Fuel Operator / Native Village of Kalskag / 471-2322
Gina Mckindy / IGAP EPA Assistant / Aniak Traditional Council / / 675-4513
George Morgan / Board Member / Native Village of Kalskag
Kenny Morgan Sr. / Owner/Operator Morgan’s Fuel / Native Village of Kalskag / 471-2323
Verdene Morgan / EPA Coordinator / Aniak Traditional Council / / 675-4349
Nicolai Napoka / Community Member / Village of Lower Kalskag / / 471-7210
John Oscar / Executive Director / KRWC / / 543-1426
Middy Peter / HAZMAT Worker / Tuluksak Native Community / 695-6420
Julie Ratliff / Risk Control Specialist / AK MLJIA / / 258-2625
George Sam / City Vice Mayor / Village of Lower Kalskag
Billy Jean Stewart / IGAP Coordinator / Native Village of Kalskag / / 471-2322
Cathy Wasuli / IGAP Assistant / Native Village of Kalskag / / 471-2322
Annie Lou Williams / Elder / Native Village of Kalskag
Alexie Wise / Alternate Water Plant Operator / Village of Lower Kalskag
Nickolai Wise / Bulk Fuel Operator / City of Upper Kalskag / 471-2220
Instructor Contact Information
Name / Title / Village / Organization /Bob Carlson / Environmental Program Specialist / Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation / / 907-543-3215
Eric Lindeman / Environmental Specialist / Ecology and Environment, Inc. / / 206-621-9832
Carl Overpeck / Environmental Specialist/CHMM / Ecology and Environment, Inc. / / 907-257-5000 Ext.3303
Mark Sielaff / Environmental Program Specialist / Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation / / 907-269-7648
Bob Whittier / Alaska Operations / US Environmental Protection Agency / / 907-271-3247
Jennifer Williams / TWRAP Program Coordinator / ITEP / / 907-250-3826