Wednesday 6th April 2011 AT 7.30pm at the Parish Hall.
All members of the Council are hereby summoned to attend for the purpose considering and resolving upon the business to be transacted at the meeting set out below.
All Boarhunt Parish Council meetings are open to the public. There will be a public session for members of the public to comment.
Item / Subject /1 / Apologies for absence and declarations of interest. /
3 / To adjourn for public participation /
3.1 / To receive Police Report /
3.2 / To receive the County Councillor’s report. /
3.3 / To receive the District Councillor’s report. /
4 / To approve the Minutes of the meetings held on 24th March 2011 /
5 / Matters arising from these minutes /
6 / Planning Applications and Decisions. /
6.1 / To receive planning applications from Winchester City Council and agree response
Ref No: / W22171 / Publicity Date:
Case No: / 11/00579/FUL / Comments by: / 27 April 2011
Date Valid: / 16 March 2011 / Decision due: / 11 May 2011
Team: / WEST / Case Officer: / Mr Simon Avery
Applicant: / Miss Sonya Brotherton
Proposal: / (HOUSEHOLDER) Erection of a conservatory with a plain tiled roof to the south elevation with minor modifications to the north elevation and external works
Location: / Stone Barn Bere Farm Bere Farm Lane North Boarhunt Fareham Hampshire PO17 6JL
Grid Ref: / 459687 109510
6.2 / To receive planning appeals notification /
6.3 / To receive application decisions
Case No: / 10/03062/FUL / Ref No: / W11132/19
Date Valid: / 1 December 2010
Team: / WEST / Case Officer: / Mr James Jenkison
Conservation Area:
Applicant: / Mr Mike Willers
Proposal: / Proposal to build 2 no.steel-framed buildings and erect a poly-tunnel
Location: / Mud Island Nurseries Southwick Road North Boarhunt Fareham Hampshire PO17 6JF
Grid Ref: / 459418 110674
Decision: / Application Permitted
/ Case No: / 10/03029/FUL / Ref No: / W15077/03
Date Valid: / 24 November 2010
Team: / WEST / Case Officer: / Mr Ian Cousins
Conservation Area:
Applicant: / SIS Chemicals
Proposal: / Remove two 25,000 litre storage tanks and replace with one storage tank
Location: / S I S Chemicals Ltd Southwick Road North Boarhunt Fareham Hampshire PO17 6JP
Grid Ref: / 460110 110212
Decision: / Application Permitted
/ Case No: / 10/03063/AVC / Ref No: / W11132/20A
Date Valid: / 1 December 2010
Team: / WEST / Case Officer: / Mr James Jenkison
Conservation Area:
Applicant: / Mr Mike Willers
Proposal: / Replacement signs with new frames and supports at entrance.
Location: / Mud Island Nurseries Southwick Road North Boarhunt Fareham Hampshire PO17 6JF
Grid Ref: / 459418 110674
Decision: / Application Permitted
7 / Finance. /
7.1 / To approve orders for payment /
8 / Highway Matters /
9 / Village Hall update /
10 / Recreation Ground /
11 / Correspondence: /
11.1 / To Action: /
11.2 / To Note /
12 / Date of next Meeting /
Elizabeth Billingham
Clerk of Boarhunt Parish Council