Customer Profile



This User Guide is a step-by-step guide to help you operate ReddiNet. It explains how to use the features of the ReddiNet emergency medical communication system.

CUSTOMER PROFILE: The customerprofile allows approved users to manage facility information, run reports, set alert notifications, build response groups, and add/edit users and passwords. You can also access the ReddiNet Help and Support documents. There are six tabs in the Customer Profile under which you can perform the above functions.

Customer ProfileAccess

  1. Go to
  2. Enter your Username and Password.
  3. Click on Customer Profile.

Administrator Access

Administrators are authorized to perform more functions than a Standard User. An Administrator can edit facility information and facility resources,assign Usernames,buildResponse Groupsand customize User Alerts.

Edit Facility Information

  1. Click on Edit.

  1. Edit your Facility Information by clicking on each data entry box and deleting/entering your changes.
  2. Click on Save Changes.Facility Name, Code and Category cannot be changed by an Administrator. Contact Tech Support at 800.440.7808 if your facility name or category changes.

Edit Facility Resources

  1. Click on Facility Resources link to edit.

  1. Click on Edit.

  1. Update all resources by checking and un-checking boxes as needed.Please update your facility resources annually.
  2. Click on Save.

Edit Facility Services

  1. Click on Facility Services link.
  1. Click on Edit.
  1. Update all services by checking and un-checking boxes as needed. Please update your Facility Servicesannually.
  2. Click on Save.

Assign Usernames

As Administrator, you will be able to setup usernames and passwords for appropriate personnel. Here are our recommendations when setting up a Standard User.

  1. Limit authorized Users to those who perform specific functions on ReddiNet on a regular basis.
  2. Set up as a Standard Account.
  3. Assign users by a generic name for a specific department. EX: TMCED1.
  4. Only assign individual user names for those personnel who sign in and out frequently or for a specific limited function.
  5. Use data fields to help track User passwords.

Add User

  1. Click on Add User.
  1. Enter required data. This example shows a user name assigned to a specific department.
  2. Assign a new User to a Standard Account. A Standard User can access information, enter data and setup their own alert notifications in ReddiNet.

Changing Passwords:

Here is the ReddiNet username/password policy.

  • The minimum username length must be eight [8] characters.
  • The minimum password length must be eight [8] characters.
  • Your password must contain one [1] numeric digit.
  • Your password cannot match your username.
  • Your password cannot contain the user’s first or last names.
  • Your password cannot contain any of the following words: password, hospital, temporary, emergency, nurse, doctor, or reddinet.
  • Your password cannot contain four [4] or more repeating characters such as hhhh or 1111, or $$$$.
  • Your password must be changed every 90 days.
  • Your password history is six [6] passwords. The past 6 passwords must all be different. None of them can be reused.

The best practice is to create Usernames and Passwords containing at least one symbol and one numeric digit in your 8 character UN and PW. For departmental usernames and passwords, you may use your organization’s name or an abbreviation of your organization’s name for the UN, but NOT the PW.

For example: Hospital Association of Southern California.

Username: H@SC515S

Password: EZ24get1

  1. Sign in to with your current Username and Password.
  2. Click on Customer Profile.

3. Click on Change Password.

  1. If you know your old password, enter it in Old/Temporary Password.
  2. Enter your new password in New Password.
  3. Re-type this new password in Re-TypeNew Password.
  4. Click on Save.

NOTE: If you do not know your old password, you must call Technical Support at800.440.7808 and they will reset your password with a generic password and call you back at your facility. When you re-set your new password, write it down! 

User Alerts

User Alerts, either via email or pager, are setup for individual User Names. An Administrator may setup User Alerts for all Users or a Standard User can setup their own alerts.

User Alert Instructions are in a separate document and are found under the Help and Support tab in the Customer Profile or Help and Support in the live application.


The Reports User Guide is a separate document and is found under the Help and Support tab in the Customer Profile or Help and Support in the live application.

BuildResponse Groups

Administrators are authorized to buildResponse Groups for theirfacility.

Response Groups are customized facility groups that allow you to quickly and easily choose recipients with one click when sending out assessment polls, MCIs or messages. There are certain restrictions to building groups based on facility type. Not all facilities can build groups for all types of functions. See below.

Assessment Polls – Only EMS, Public Health and specific facilities designated by a county are able to build assessment polls andresponse groups for assessment polls.

MCI– Response groups are typically setup by EMS, Dispatch or BaseHospitals who require a customized list for maximum efficiency when determining a geographic area for ED Capacity Polls.

Message –Response groups are typically setup by the facility. Example: ABaseHospital might want to send a message only to facilities within their catchment area.

Building a response group is the same for all of the above uses. The example shown below is for building an MCI Response Group. Click on the Response Group tab to get started.

  1. Click on Add new group for the appropriate function.
  1. Name your Response Group in the Group Name box.
  2. Highlight the facilities you want to include in the group from the Available list.
  3. Click on the arrows in the middle of the screen to move your MCI group in to the Selected list.
  4. Click on Save.
  1. Edit or Deleteestablished groups as necessary by clicking on the appropriate link.


Periodically, there will be downloads for ReddiNet functions or equipment. ReddiNet sends out emails to notify you of downloads. Follow your computer’s normal download procedures. Contact your IT department if you are unable to download because you do not have Administrator rights.

Help and SupportCenter

This section of the Customer Profile contains all User documents for ReddiNet. Access all documents by either clicking on View or Download. Some sections contain multiple documents. Open up the section to access the other documents.

  1. Click on (view) or (download).
  1. Click on (view) or (download) and follow normal printing procedures.

Customer Profile

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© May 2011 Hospital Association of Southern California