16 Parkinson St
Phone: (02)6287 1981
Email: / POSTAL
PO Box 3104
ABN 38 254 713 956

20 July 2017

The Weston Creek Uniting Church will hold its annual pre-Christmas Craft Show on Friday 27 and Saturday 28 October 2017.

If you are interested in exhibiting and selling your craft at our Show this year, please return the enclosed application form by 10 October 2017 to:

The Registrar

Weston Creek Uniting Church Craft Show

PO Box 3104

Weston ACT 2611

We are seeking items for sale in a variety of price ranges to attract the early Christmas gift buyer. Christmas decorations and Christmas fare sell well, as do all manner of craft, wood, and pottery items. Presentation of items is important and goods wrapped in cellophane are preferable to plastic. Secure labelling is required and sticky labels need to be fastened with Sellotape or small safety pins.

It would be appreciated if your prices are to the nearest 10 cents.

We remind all exhibitors of food that they must comply with the Food Safety Standards.

Contact - ANSTAT on 03 9278 1144 for a fact sheet or download from the web site

We will need to know your ABN if you have one, and we will need to know if you are registered for the GST.

The exhibition fee will be $20, including GST, and the commission on sales will be 22%, including GST. If you have an ABN and are registered for the GST, you will be able to claim these amounts as input taxes in your BAS. Your prices, in this case, will also need to include the GST.

If you do not have an ABN, or if you have an ABN but are not registered for the GST, the Parish will still need to charge GST on the exhibition fee and commission. However, you will not be able to claim the GST as input taxes and you must not include GST in your sale prices.

Tax invoices will be issued for the exhibition fee and the sales account, showing the Parish’s ABN and the relevant GST amounts, so that, if you are eligible to claim the tax credits, you will have the necessary supporting paper work.

Further inquiries should be directed to Pam (6296 2276) or Elizabeth (6286 4359)

Extra forms are available from the Parish Centre between the hours of 9am and 12noon, Tuesday – Friday or from our website at .

For your convenience an electronic copy of the Schedule of Items for Exhibition is available by email

We are going to cap numbers of exhibitors this year so please return your application early to avoid disappointment.

Yours sincerely

Pam Taylor

(For Craft Show Committee)

Application to Exhibit


of (address) Postcode


Home Phone:...... Mobile…………......

wish to exhibit

(type of craft, eg. Christmas crafts or foods, toys, cottage, pottery, sewing, other)

I do / do not (circle as applicable) have an ABN. (ABN: ...... …….)

I am / am not (circle as applicable) registered for GST.

Signature of Exhibitor……………………………………………………………………………………….

Exhibitor’s Code - (suggest first 3 or 4 letters of surname) ……………………

(Please ensure this code is also written in the space provided on the Entry Form. You must not change the code, without first consulting Pam Taylor ph 6296 2276)

Please return this form by 10 October 2017 to:

The Registrar

Weston Creek Uniting Church Craft Show

PO Box 3104

Weston ACT 2611

I wish to pay the exhibition fee of $20.00 (including GST) to Weston Creek Uniting Church Craft Show by:
Cheque (Drawer: ………………………………………) [Office Use – Date Banked / /2017
Money Order
 Direct Deposit into St George Bank BSB 112-908 account number 043623304 account name ‘Weston Creek Uniting Church’, including my phone number in the description of transaction. This may be done electronically or at a branch of St George Bank
Mastercard Visa Name on Card:
Expiry Date: Signature:

Card Number:

   
A tax invoice will be issued after payment is received. Extra identification numbers for VISA


Conditions of Exhibition of Work

1.  All work must be for sale.

2.  All work must be the original work of the exhibitor. Commercially produced items will not be permitted unless exhibitor has added craft embellishments. e.g. a commercially produced teddy with knitted clothing made by the exhibitor would be acceptable.

3.  A fee of $20 (incl GST) per exhibitor (to cover administration costs) is to be included with the application. Cheques payable to Weston Creek Uniting Church Craft Show. A tax invoice will be issued showing the amount of the GST and the Parish’s ABN.

4.  A Commission of 22% (incl GST) will be charged by the Parish on all work sold. A tax invoice showing the Parish’s ABN and the amount of the GST will be issued with the payment.

5.  Individual items must be clearly, securely, and legibly labelled. Each item must be numbered in sequential order with your three or four letter code

6.  If the exhibitor has an ABN and is registered for GST, prices must include GST and labels must include the words “incl GST”. For example:

ABC 01 ABC 02

$5.00 incl GST $11.00 incl GST

7.  If the exhibitor does not have an ABN, or has an ABN but is not registered for GST, prices must not include GST. The labels do not need to indicate that the price does not include GST. For example:

XYZ 01 XYZ 02

$5.00 $11.00

8.  Schedule of Items for Exhibition

Exhibitors are required to provide a complete list of works, including prices, on the form provided. Please retain a copy for your records. Bring the complete form and any continuation sheets when you deliver your goods. For your convenience an electronic copy of the Schedule of Items for Exhibition is available by email – Please ensure you indicate on the form whether you have an ABN and whether you are registered for the GST.

9.  There is a limit of 100 items per exhibitor.

10.  The committee reserves the right to refuse any exhibit or exhibitor.

11.  It is recommended that small items, such as brooches, rings, etc, be presented in display cases in the interests of security.

12.  Exhibitors will allow photographs of their work to be reproduced by the news media.

13.  All exhibitors preparing food items must comply with the new Food Safety Standards.

Contact - Food Standards Australia New Zealand for a fact sheet Phone 02 6271 2222 or

14  Delivery

Exhibits are to be delivered to:

Weston Creek Uniting Church Parish Centre

16 Parkinson Street, Weston

on Thursday 26 October, 1pm - 6pm.

15 Collection

All unsold exhibits must be collected on

Saturday 28 October between 5pm - 6pm ONLY.

Agents acting on behalf of exhibitors will need appropriate authorisation.

Payment and tax invoice for sold items will be sent by mail.


Schedule Continuation sheet – only to be used in conjunction with first page of Schedule


This form must be completed by all exhibitors

Name ...... Craft Exhibitor’s Code......

Phone (Home) (Mobile)

ABN ...... Registered for GST? YES / NO (Circle)


PLEASE PRINT. Every item must be itemised separately, one line per item.

(Example – ABC01 Peg Bag $5.50)

Please round prices to nearest 10 cents.

If you have an ABN and you are registered for GST, you must include GST in your prices. If you have an ABN but are not registered for GST or if you do not have an ABN, you must not include GST in your prices.

Bring this form, and any continuation sheets, with your goods for sale. If insufficient room, please use the attached continuation sheet. The maximum number of items you may submit for sale is 100.


By submitting a work or works for exhibition, the exhibitor expressly acknowledges and agrees that the work or works are to be exhibited as his/her risk and that none of the members of the Committee or the Weston Creek Uniting Church, whether jointly or severally, shall be in any way responsible for the loss of or damage to any exhibited work or works however or by whomsoever that loss or damage may be caused.

Exhibitor’s Signature

I am unable to collect my unsold goods

at the close of exhibition and authorise to collect them on my behalf.


Goods received by / Goods returned by / Total Sales
Less GST (if applicable)
Net Sales
Commission – 20%
Exhibitor/Agent’s / GST on Commission – 10%
Signature / Total Commission
Net Sales Less Total Commission
Add back GST on Sales
Cheque to Exhibitor

Schedule Page ___ of ___ (Continuation page)