
Middle School Team

Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere.

~Chinese Proverb

Dear Middle School Parents/Guardians,

The faculty of BIA’s Middle School would like to welcome you and your child to our program! We are looking forward to working with your child and to keep the lines of communication open between school and home. Some of you are new to the BIA family----Welcome!--- and some have been here for many years. Thank you for entrusting your child to us again this year.

Middle School Faculty:

Chinese: Hsiangmei Yang (Math, Science)

Mrs. Gong (Mr. Zhang-sub)( Social Studies, Language)

French: Nchinda Fuanghene (Math, Science)

Henriette Sindjui ( Social Studies, Language)

Russian: Elena Leneski (Math, Science)

Julie Steimel Mamunes (Social Studies, Language)

Spanish: Beatriz Cobrera (Math, Science)

Andres Lugo (Social Studies, Language)

English Language Arts ---Shelly Haugrud

Some things to keep in mind:

We plan as a team. Every language is teaching the same concepts in their target language. The monthly ETS calendar is posted on our website (concepts and topics that we will be covering) as well as homework assignments that the students may have. Please check the BIA website regularly for updates.

On the note of assignments, the students received planners yesterday into which they write their assignments, teacher signs, and then you sign upon completion. These will be checked daily so if you have a message for the teacher, you can write it into the planner as well. The students have 7 teachers (including their specials teachers ) and this system will help them keep track of their assignments in one place.

We are excited about initiating the IB’s Middle Years Programme (MYP) this year. This is a natural progression for our students, who were participants in the Primary Years Programme (PYP) at BIA since the 2009-2010 school year. The rigorous research assignments, hands-on learning and project-based assessments will not be new to our students. They will continue their character development through the IB’s Learner Profiles as well. Our students are being groomed to qualify for the best high schools available in Baltimore City and elsewhere, and the IB Programmes are constructed to ensure college readiness. We are pleased to be able to offer your children such high-quality educational experiences.

Thank you for your support,

The Middle School Team

Our Philosophy:

  We believe that all students can learn and be successful in a motivating, safe and orderly environment.

  We believe that a confident, responsible and creative teacher is a key component to students’ success.

  We believe that parental involvement strongly determines the academic outcome of the students as it motivates them to realize their full potentials

Mission Statement:

  Our mission is to ensure that all students acquire knowledge, skills and life-long abilities through speaking, reading and writing. This will be accomplished through the creation of an organized, safe, motivating and challenging environment.

  I will always set high standards, activate and strengthen their potentials and personal ambitions. Our students’ full participation will always be required to enable them become productive citizens and responsible for their future Parents and community involvement will be cultivated and strongly encouraged.


  We need to know from you how we can best meet your child’s needs.

  Good communication is critical to maintain class discipline needed for our children to learn.

  Base on our classroom discipline we will be calling you either to praise your child or to request your support about a behavior or any other class issues

Class Expectations

Our Values:




  Caring and



1.  Speak in your target language

2.  Be ready to learn.

3.  Always act and speak in an appropriate manner.

4.  No food, or drink allowed.*

5.  No personal electronics allowed.

6.  Respect the classroom environment.

Consequences for breaking a rule:

1st offence- Warning

2nd offence- Student-teacher conference

3rd offence- Parent Notification

4th offence- Parent-teacher conference

5th offence- Office Referral

Positive Reinforcements:

1.  Praise

2.  PBIS Bucks

2. Parent contact

3. Nomination for student of the month award

4. Homework passes

Homework Policy

1.  Students will always have weekly homework package. They are expected to work on this and submit as requested. In addition to the package, they will be other little assignments which will be a follow-up of the lesson for them to complete at home.

2.  They will also have science projects to work on for a given duration and then present in class or submit to the teacher.

3.  Encourage your child to be discipline for one and half hours every evening to do his/her homework

4.  There are two websites that your child needs to work on. If there is no internet at home, you may want to take your child to the library once a week. Your child could always let me know about this so I can make provision for him/her to visit the sites during the school time. The sites are:

· (Usernames and Password to be given to students soon)




School-wide grading system:

·  50% tests/unit assessments/IB projects

·  20% quizzes

·  20% class work

·  10% homework.

Daily Class Schedule

Emploi de Temps 6ème Année 2014/2015

Horaire / lundi / mardi / mercredi / jeudi / vendredi
8:00--9:00 / FLA
Mme Sindjui / FLA
Mme Sindjui / FLA
Mme Sindjui / FLA
Mme Sindjui / FLA
Mme Sindjui
9:00-10:00 / S. Studies
Mme Sindjui / S. Studies
Mme Sindjui / S. Studies
Mme Sindjui / S. Studies
Mme Sindjui / S. Studies
Mme Sindjui
10:00-11:00 / Math
Mr. Fuanghene / Math
Mr. Fuanghene / Math
Mr. Fuanghene / Math
Mr. Fuanghene / Math
Mr. Fuanghene
11:05-11:45 / PE / Music / Computer / PE / Friday
11:50-12:50 / Science
Mr. Fuanghene / Science
Mr. Fuanghene / Science
Mr. Fuanghene / Science
Mr. Fuanghene / Science
Mr. Fuanghene
12:50-1:20 / Lunch
1:20-2:20 / ELA
6F + 6R
6F + 6R
6F + 6R
6F + 6R
6F + 6R
2:20-2:50 / Intro
Chinese / Intro
Chinese / Intro
Chinese / Music / Intro

Emploi de Temps 7/8ème Année 2014/2015

Horaire / lundi / mardi / mercredi / jeudi / vendredi
8:00--9:00 / ELA 7 / ELA 7F / ELA 7F / ELA 7F / ELA 7F
Math 8
Mr. Fuanghene / Math 8F
Mr. Fuanghene / Math 8F
Mr. Fuanghene / Math 8F
Mr. Fuanghene / Math 8F
Mr. Fuanghene
9:00-10:00 / ELA 8F / ELA 8F / ELA 8F / ELA 8F / ELA 8F
Math 7F
Mr. Fuanghene / Math 7F
Mr. Fuanghene / Math 7F
Mr. Fuanghene / Math 7F
Mr. Fuanghene / Math 7F
Mr. Fuanghene
10:00-11:00 / FLA
Mme Sindjui / FLA
Mme Sindjui / FLA
Mme Sindjui / FLA
Mme Sindjui / FLA
Mme Sindjui
11:05-11:45 / Computer / PE / Art / PE / Computer
11:50-12:50 / S. Studies
Mme Sindjui / S. Studies
Mme Sindjui / S. Studies
Mme Sindjui / S. Studies
Mme Sindjui / S. Studies
Mme Sindjui
12:50-1:20 / Lunch
1:20-2:20 / Science
Mr. Fuanghene / Science
Mr. Fuanghene / Science
Mr. Fuanghene / Science
Mr. Fuanghene / Science
Mr. Fuanghene
2:20-2:50 / Chinese 1 / Chinese I / Art / Chinese I / Chinese I

Parent Involvement

Parents could volunteer in the school to do any of the following:

§  Work with students at and away from school
§  Become tutors or mentors
§  Serve as readers, listeners or speakers
§  Help in all areas of a school building, particularly in the lunchroom and library
§  Be “Principal for a Day”
§  Help a specific student, teacher, administrator, or the school in general
§  Sponsor events, activities or programs
§  Serve as advisory committee members
§  Chaperone a field trip
§  Create a telephone network to communicate with parents
§  Design displays and bulletin boards
§  Prepare refreshments for students and teachers
§  Donate materials, supplies, in-kind services, or motivational incentives for teachers and students
§  Serve as advocates for students, teachers and public education
§  Share professional development sessions with teachers and administrators
§  Facilitate information dissemination where they work or within organizations that they belong to
§  Help build students’ self-esteem and self-confidence
§  Give students extra chances for success
§  Inspire enthusiasm for and encourage academic pursuits
§  Give students instant feedback
§  Add another adult friend to a student’s experience
§  Increase a student’s knowledge about the world
§  Introduce volunteerism to our youth
§  Establish school/community/business links for quality education
Our wish List: we still need copy papers, dry erase markers, pencils, Fans for the classrooms etc.
·  For parents to decorate the classroom to make it attractive and welcoming.
·  Volunteers to be class parents.
I wish to thank you for all the sacrifices you make towards your kids and this great school.
Mme Henriette Sindjui and Mr. Nchinda Fuanghene
The French Immersion Middle School Team