Human Resources Department


The appraisal period for 10 month central office employees is drawing to a close. In order to expedite the appraisal process for central office employees, the Human Capital Accountability Department has created Adobe appraisal forms to be used for the 2012-2013 appraisal year. These forms can be located on the Appraisal Web site at the following link:

HISD | Human Resources Appraisals

There are two forms available for central office use:

  • Individual Contributor-This form is for a central office employee who does not manage other employees.
  • Manager-This form is for employees who manage or appraise other employees.


  • Save the blank form to your computer.
  • Create a 2012-2013 appraisal file on your computer.
  • Complete each section of the form and save in the appraisal file on your computer. (SAVE AS-employee’s name/appraisal year)
  • Share the appraisal with the employee at least five days in advance of the annual appraisal conference.
  • Hold the annual appraisal conference before the last day of duty schedule.
  • Allow the employee to write comments on the original form or to attach a written statement to the form (if desired).
  • You and the employee sign and date the form on the day the conference is held.
  • Provide the employee with a copy of the signed document.
  • Place a copy of the original, signed document into the employee’s campus appraisal file.
  • Alphabetize the original appraisals to prepare for submission to the Human Capital Accountability Department. A schedule for appraisal submission will be forthcoming.

Human Capital Accountability must receive an appraisal form for every current employee. For those employees who are on FML, complete the top section of the form and type in the reason for no appraisal for the 2012-2013 appraisal year.

Example: Joe Smith will not receive an appraisal for the 2012-2013 appraisal year due to FML from (date – (date).

Questions regarding this memo can be directed to Julie Hill, General Manager, or any Performance and Continuous Improvement Manager of the Human Capital Accountability Department (713-556-7903).