(Print Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial) (Flight)
- UNDERSTANDING: Belonging to the cadet corps is a privilege and not a right. The staff reserves the right to remove anyone from the program if they are not meeting the minimum standards spelled out in this contract.
- OBLIGATIONS AND CONSIDERATIONS: Participation in AFJROTC does not commit or obligate any student to military service. It does not guarantee special consideration if a student chooses to enter any service. However, a cadet who completes two to three years of AFJROTC may qualify for advanced rank upon enlistment in the military. Additionally, students who complete two years of AFJROTC and are enrolled in their senior year are typically more competitive for AFROTC scholarships.
- APPLICATION: I, the above named cadet, hereby apply for enrollment in the PA-20142 Air Force JROTC Program (Phoenixville Area HighSchool).
- AGREEMENT: (Aerospace Science Instructors) Upon acceptance of this application and the fulfillment of the conditions on the part of the cadet, the Senior Aerospace Science instructor (SASI) and the Aerospace Science Instructor (ASI) agree to: (1) Instruct the students about the aerospace age. (2) Help develop informed citizens. (3) Strengthen and develop character. (4) Help students understand their roles in a representative democracy. (5) Familiarize the students with the U.S. Air Force and the scholarship and career opportunities that it offers to qualified graduates.
- AGREEMENT: (Cadet) In order to maintain the high standards of courtesy, personal conduct, and appearance required by the Air Force and PA-20142 as a cadet, I understand and agree to:
- Meet the standards of behavior, attitude, and courtesy established and taught by the Instructors. I understand and agree that indifference to training or discipline problems such as dishonesty, failure to follow directions of those in authority, initiating a fight, or suspension from school for misbehavior may result in non-selection for future enrollment in AFJROTC in future semesters.
B. I will wear the regulation Air Force uniform on those occasions prescribed by the SASI. Refusal to wear the uniform weekly or improper use of the uniform will result in my removal from AFJROTC. Removal from the program will result in a failing grade for the course. Uniform Day is normally every Wednesday.
- I will maintain the uniform in a clean, properly fitted, and repaired manner. I will turn in the complete uniform upon demand. I am responsible for the cost of cleaning and loss, theft, or damage of uniform items. All uniforms must be returned dry-cleaned and in cellophane bags with receipts attached.
- I will meet and maintain the personal grooming standards established by the Air Force. I will pay particular attention to military haircut standards, facial hair, body piercing, tattoos, and body jewelry, as described in the AFJROTC Cadet Guide and AFROTCI 36-2001.
- I must maintain an acceptable standard of academic performance in all classes. I will complete all assignments given to me by my instructors. I will be active in classroom work and strive to participate in co-curricular activities of AFJROTC. (Cadets should participate in as many co-curricular activities as possible. Service Award credit is earned in this way.) I must earn a final grade of a “B” or better in AFJROTC and a “C” or better overall Grade Point Average to be eligible for AFJROTC the next year without a waiver from the SASI. I understand that a final grade of “F” in AFJROTC will result in my not being allowed to re-enroll in AFJROTC.
- I will respond positively to other cadets who have been appointed to leadership positions in the Cadet Group. Rendering proper military courtesies to instructors and other cadets with senior rank is a necessity. I will express courtesy and respect to administrators, teachers, coaches, and other adults with whom I come into contact. I will conduct myself properly when I am entrusted with a position of leadership.
- I will meet the objectives of the Cadet Corps which are to: (1) Encourage a high degree of personal honor, self-reliance, and leadership, (2) Promote patriotism, (3) Develop habits of orderliness and precision, (4) Develop a respect for constituted authority, and (5) Develop the ability to perform basic military skills associated with drill.
- I will strive to develop self-discipline and accept personal responsibility for my actions.
- I will take proper care of textbook materials provided by the Air Force and return them when requested to do so. I will make payment to the AFJROTC office for any books damaged or lost.
- I will read, understand, and comply with the requirements and information provided to me in the PA-20142 Cadet Guide.
6. PARENTAL / GUARDIAN APPROVAL: I hereby give my permission for my daughter/son to enroll in the AFJROTC Program and will encourage her/his participation. My child has read this contract, with particular attention to paragraph number FIVE, and understands the requirements of this program. I understand there is no commitment for military service associated with participation in AFJROTC. I will help my daughter/son maintain the high standards expected of an AFJROTC cadet in PA-20142.