Student: ______Grade: ______Make: ______

Model: ______Vehicle License Plate #: ______

Color: ______Owner of vehicle: ______

Parent/Guardian (if different from owner): ______


The following are the guidelines that all licensed student drivers are required to follow. All student drivers and their parents are required to sign a parking contract before a parking permit will be issued. Parking on campus is a privilege. Vehicles that have not been registered may be ticketed.


1)  All vehicles parked on school grounds must be registered with the school and must display the current parking tag on the rearview mirror. Parking privileges may be revoked if the permit is not displayed correctly. A Driver’s License is REQUIRED

2)  to register a vehicle.

3)  Under no circumstances should a car be parked without a parking permit/tag. Cost for tag replacement is $5.00.

4)  Vehicles should always be locked and secured while on school property. The school is not responsible for stolen items or damage to vehicles while parked on school property.

5)  BCHS reserves the right to tow any vehicle, at the owner’s expense, that is illegally parked in violation of school rules/policy or that has been left unattended for more than 24 hours. Vehicles parked on school grounds without proper identification may also be towed at the owner’s expense.

6)  Failure to obey driving and parking regulations or driving in an unsafe manner on school grounds, may result in a disciplinary action such as loss of parking privileges, break detention, placing a boot on the vehicle, or on/off campus suspension.

7)  Students are expected to display their parking permit/tag from your rearview mirror and park in your assigned spot. IF you do not have a parking permit and you are parked in the parking lot, you will be assigned a consequence and/or be towed.

8)  Students who park on school grounds agree to and understand that an inspection/search of vehicles may be conducted if a principal, assistant principal, superintendent, or assistant superintendent have reasonable suspicion to believe that an inspection is necessary to prevent, impede, or substantially reduce the risk of:

a.  Interference with school purposes or education function.

b.  A physical injury or illness to any person.

c.  Damage to personal or school property.

d.  A violation to state law or school rules.

*I understand and am aware of the condition within this contract. I also understand the consequences should I violate any of the provisions of this contract.

Student’s signature: ______Date:______

Parent’s signature: ______Date:______