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11/24/2010 Winthrop University

Institutional Animal Care and use Committee Annual Status Report of Approved Activities

Identification of Study:

IACUC Control Number:
Project Title
Principal Investigator
Faculty Advisor
IACUC Approval Date

Current Status of Project

All activity on project ended on: (Month, Day, and Year)

[Do not complete the rest of this form, print out the form, sign and return to the Sponsored Programs and Research Office. You may scan the signed form and submit electronically.]

Project is On-going [Respond to all the following questions.]

Answer all questions by checking either Yes, No or Not Applicable (N/A). All “Yes” answers must be explained in the comments section.

1. / Yes No N/A / Has there been a change in objectives of this study?
2. / Yes No N/A / Has the study changed from non-survival to survival surgery?
3. / Yes No N/A / Has there been a change in degree of invasiveness of a procedure or discomfort to an animal?
4. / Yes No N/A / Has there been a change in species or in the approximate number of animals used?
5. / Yes No N/A / Has there been a change in personnel involved in animal procedures?
6. / Yes No N/A / Has there been a change in anesthetic agent(s) or in the use or withholding of analgesics?
7. / Yes No N/A / Has there been a change in methods of euthanasia?
8. / Yes No N/A / Has there been a change in duration, frequency or number of procedures performed on an animal?
9. / Yes No N/A / Have any adverse or unexpected events occurred during the course of this study?

On-going Study Information

1. / Anticipated completion date of study:
2. / Current location of laboratory:
3. / Current location of animal facility:
4. / Number of animals (by species) used in study to date:
Anticipated number of animals (by species) needed to complete the study:

Print and sign report and submit an electronic copy (PDF) to Michele Smith in Sponsored Programs and Research ().

Signature and Certification:

Name of Preparer:
Title of Preparer:

I certify by my signature the information presented in report is accurate and complete.


Signature Date