Graphic Communications Department

Student Survey

Spring 2011

[for SurveyMonkey]


CCSF’s Graphic Communications department wants to make sure you have the best learning experience possible while enrolled in our courses and we need your help to do so. Please complete the following survey to offer your honest feedback about what is and isn’t working with the department. We’re partnering with the college’s Office of Career and Technical Education to gather this information so your answers will remain anonymous and confidential. Thank you!

Please only complete this survey once; let your instructor know if you already received it in another class.

Course/Program Identification

  1. In what course did you receive this survey? [select one]


GRPH23 Orient to Design & Grphic Comm

GRPH25 Intro to Mac Graphics

GRPH27 Survey Print Production

GRPH35Graphic Design

GRPH36Publication Design

GRPH37 Advanced Graphic Design

GRPH40 Digital Printing/Publishing

GRPH53A Basic Typography

GRPH53B Typographic Design

GRPH60 Product Finishing

GRPH68 Prepress Production Laboratory

GRPH78 Digital Scanning/Correction

GRPH92A Letterpress Printing

GRPH98A Beginning Adobe Photoshop

GRPH98B Advanced Adobe Photoshop

GRPH100A Beginning Adobe Illustrator

GRPH100B Advanced Adobe Illustrator

GRPH101A Beginning Adobe InDesign

GRPH101B Advanced Adobe InDesign

GRPH110A Beginning Digital Illustration

GRPH147 Adobe Acrobat

GRPH148 Professional Practice

GRPH153 Book Structures, Boxes Binding

GRPH197 Graphic Design Work Exp/Intern

GRPH199 Print Production Work Exp/Inte

DSGN101 Design Fundamentals

DSGN105 Survey of Collaborative Dsgn

GAME100 Exploring Game Worlds

GAME130 Game Production Workflow

MMSP110 Orientation to Multimedia

MMSP120 Computer Skills for Multimedia

MMSP125 Multimedia Content and Form

MMSP130 Multimedia Process and Produc

MMSP131 Social Media for Professionals

MMSP135A Web Design with Dreamweaver

MMSP135B Adv. Web Design w/Dreamweaver

MMSP140 Flash Essentials

MMSP146 2D Animation with Flash

MMSP147 3D Imaging with 3D Studio Max

MMSP165 Multimedia Portfolio Develop


  1. With what program do you most identify in the department? [select one]

Graphic Design and/or Production Art

Print Production

Multimedia Studies

All of the above

None of the above


Your Educational Preparation

The following questions will help us learn more about how you prepared for CCSF.

  1. What is the most education you’ve completed? [select one]


Some high school

High school diploma/GED

Community college certificate

Associate’s degree

Bachelor’s degree

Master’s degree

Other (please indicate):

  1. How many semesters have you completed at CCSF, not including this semester? [check one]










  1. Did you take the CCSF English, English as a Second Language (ESL) and/or math placement test?


No [skip to Q6]

  1. If yes, in what level of English, ESL and/or math did you place? [check those that apply]

English / English as a Second Language (ESL) / Math
ENG 90
Intro to Basic Writing / ESL 110 Introductory Academic ESL / MATH E
Basic Math
ENG 91 Intro to Basic Writing & Reading / ESL 112 Introductory Listening/Speaking / MATH 835
ENG 92 Intro to Basic Writing & Reading II / ESL 120 Low-Intermediate Academic ESL / MATH 840
Elementary Algebra
ENG 93 Intro to Academic Writing & Reading / ESL 122 Low-Intermediate Listening/Speaking / MATH 850
Applied Geometry
ENG 96 Academic Writing
& Reading / ESL 130 Intermediate Academic ESL / MATH 855
ENG 1A University Parallel Reading & Composition / ESL 132 Intermediate Listening/Speaking / MATH 860
Intermediate Algebra
ESL 142 High-Intermediate Listening/Speaking / MATH 90
Advanced Algebra
MATH 92
College Algebra
Don’t Remember / Don’t Remember / Don’t remember
Other: / Other: / Other:
n/a / n/a / n/a

Your Interest in this Department and Advisement toward Your Goals

Tell us about your interests, how you learned about our department, why you enrolled and how you’re getting guidance to achieve your goals.

  1. How did you hear about our department? [check all that apply]





CCSF website

Other student(s)

Program alumni



Other (please indicate):


  1. For what reasons are you enrolled in the department? [check all that apply]

I’m fulfilling requirements for a certificate in this department

I’m fulfilling requirements for an associate’s degree in this department

I’m fulfilling requirements for transfer to a related bachelor’s degree program

I’m preparing for employment and/or upgrading job skills in a related occupation by taking a couple of classes

I’m working toward a certificate/degree/transfer in another department and thought a course in this department would be helpful/interesting

I’m exploring a personal interest

Other (please indicate):

  1. If you selected “I’m fulfilling requirements for a certificate” above, which certificate(s) are you pursuing?

Production Art

Press and Finishing

Digital Printing and Document Management


Rich Media Production

Performance Arts

Multimedia Programming

Web Design and Graphics

Web Design with Dreamweaver

Flash Design and Development

Collaborative Design

Web Production (fast track)

Web Programming (fast track)

Interactive Game Design and Production

N/a – I am not working on a certificate

  1. If you selected “I’m fulfilling requirements for an associate’s degree” above, which degree(s) are you pursuing?

Graphic Design

Print Production

N/a – I am not working on an associate’s degree

  1. Which of the following are you interested in studying?? [check all that apply]

Graphic design

Production skills for print

Production skills for web

Production skills for both print and web


Game design

Typographic design

Product design


Interactive design


Offset printing

Digital printing

Letterpress printing



  1. Have you developed a detailed education plan mapping out the coursework required to achieve your educational goal(s), for the current and/or upcoming semesters? [check one]


No [skip Q15]

  1. If yes, who was MOST involved in helping you develop this education plan?

Community college counselor

Faculty advisor in the department

Department chair

Other students/friend(s)


Me! I developed it myself

Other (please indicate):

  1. How useful do you think this education plan is in helping you work toward your goal(s)?

Very useful—I know all of the courses required to reach my goal, have mapped them out for the upcoming semester(s) and know who to contact if my goals/needs change

Somewhat useful—I know some of the courses required to reach my goal(s) but am still unclear about all the requirements, how to accomplish them or who to talk with if my goals/needs change

Not useful—The plan is not helping me decide which courses to take or when to take them and I do not know who to talk with to develop a plan that addresses my goals/needs

Your Experience with the Department

Tell us about the challenges you’ve had while enrolled Graphic Communications departmentand the ways that you’ve sought assistance.

  1. What are the top three issues challenging your success in this course/program that relate to your life OUTSIDE the college? [select up to three]

Balancing workload with family and/or work responsibilities

Obtaining needed financial aid

Having the required supplies, equipment, technology

Finding the space required to complete assignments

Securing transportation to and from school

Dealing with mental/physical health issues

Securing support from my family, friends

N/A – My life outside the college is not challenging my success in this course/program

Other (please indicate):

  1. What are the top three issues challenging your success in this course/program that relate to your experience AT the college? [select up to 3]

Understanding the course material

Understanding coursework because English is my second language

Relating to my instructors’ style of teaching

Keeping up with the pace of the course/program

Understanding how this course/program can help me meet my academic/career goals

Knowing which classes to take each semester

Scheduling classes

Balancing course/program workload with other academic demands (e.g., assignments in other classes)

Connecting to my peers and feeling a sense of community within the college/program

N/A – I have not encountered challenges related to my experience at the college

Other (please indicate):

  1. Where have you gone for support with these and/or other challenges you’re encountering in achieving your educational goals? How useful has this help been on a scale of 1 to 5 with 5 being extremely helpful and 1 being not helpful at all? [check all that apply]

Not Useful / 2 Somewhat Useful / 3
Useful / 4
Very Useful / 5 Extremely Useful / Have not used
Departmental Supports
Course Instructor
Faculty Advisor
Department Chair
Peer Mentors
Open Lab
College Supports
Academic Counselor
Retention Center
Career Development & Placement Center
Learning Assistance Center
Disabled Students Programs & Services
Financial Aid Office
Transfer Center
Personal Supports
Friends/Other Students
Former Students
Other [please specify]

Your Suggestions for Course/Program Improvement

Share your ideas about how the department can improve its courses/programs.

  1. Would you recommend this course/program to a friend?



  1. For what reasons? [please write in list form; feel free to offer up to three strengths and weaknesses of the department]
  1. What suggestions would you make to improve how courses/programs are delivered in this department? Consider the way courses are taught, how the courses are sequenced, what other skills and knowledge you would like to develop, when courses are available, etc. [please write in list form and feel free to offer up to five ideas; if you have no comment, please input "n/a" as this question requires an answer]
  1. What kinds of supports would help improve students’ success in the department? Consider assistance with education/career planning, academic supports like tutoring or mentoring, connections with program peers/alumni, opportunities for real-world experiences and networking with industry, facilities issues, etc. [please write in list form; feel free to offer up to five ideas]
  1. Are you a beginning or intermediate/advanced Graphic Communications student? Please answer based on the number of semesters in which you've completed courses with the department, not including this semester.

Beginning Student – This is my first or second semester taking courses in the Graphic Communications Department. (skip to Q24 )

Intermediate/Advanced Student – I've taken courses for more than twosemesters in the Graphic Communications department, including the current semester. (continue with Q23 )

  1. Looking ahead, what are your biggest concerns as you think about completing your program? For example, what questions about the field do you feel are unanswered? What skills and/or knowledge do you feel you need to further develop? What connections, networks or relationships do you need to further develop? [please write in list form; feel free to offer up to five ideas]

Your Personal Profile

  1. Are you a member of the CCSF American Institute of Graphic Arts Student Group?



Don’t know what this is

  1. Are you currently employed (i.e., do you currently hold a paying job)? [check one]



No [skip to Q28]

  1. If yes, please indicate the average number of hours you work per week. [check one]


1–10 hrs/wk

11–20 hrs/wk

21–30 hrs/wk

31–40 hrs/wk

More than 40 hrs/wk

  1. What is your job title (for example, retail sales associate, barista, restaurant server, etc.)? [please indicate]
  1. How old are you? [select one]

16 – 19 years old

20 – 24 years old

25 – 29 years old

30 – 34 years old

35 – 39 years old

40 – 49 years old

50+ years old

Decline to state

  1. With what gender do you identify?



Decline to state

  1. With what ethnicity do you identify?

African American/Non Hispanic

American Indian/Alaskan Native




Pacific Islander

South East Asian


Decline to State

You’re finished! CCSF’s Graphic Communications Department thanks you for your honest feedback.