Information and Instructional Technology Policy Subcommittee


February 10, 2017

SSB 330C 2:00 – 3:00 pm

Attending: Andrea Gonzales, Nicolas Cachanosky, Mike Hart, Michael Erskine, Kevin Taylor, Dave Schuette, Nick Pistentis, Diane Watkins, Mai Linh Nguyen, Joel Hughes, Tyler Bachelder, Josh Gardner, Ben LeDoux.

Absent: Patsy Hernandez, Diane Watkins, Myron Anderson, Elizabeth Milewski, Cristian Solano

Procedural Items:

  1. Review and approve minutes
  1. The minutes will be reviewed at the next meeting.


  1. ITS Updates
  2. Power outages – there have been a couple power outages on campus, both planned & unplanned. Over the winter break, AHEC had work to do so they used a generator to keep power. The first week after the break, code checks bypassed the emergency power off switch, which normalized it and the data system went down. The servers were recovered with no data loss.
  3. VOIP phone project– The Enrollment Services call center will have aVOIP solution hosted in the cloud; the customer service representatives will login remotely to a server. The call center supervisors will be able to route calls.

The VOIP project for campus telephones will go live in March 2017. The other institutions on campus are leaving the current system and it is more cost efficient to go with a VOIP system. All employees have Skype for Business on their computers. Adjunct faculty could call from anywhere that they can log into the Internet. Marketing and Communications will be getting the word out to the campus community. Everyone will have a new telephone number; the voicemail will go to email and convert speech to text. It will not be necessary to maintain a paper directory.

  1. The Director for Online Programs has been hired and will be moving forward with the plan for launching online programs. The Council for Online Learning is examining second factor authorization to identify user identity.
  2. We are in the second month of the pilot for web-time entry. The exempt staff are still submitting paper time sheets. There are still some supervisors or home organizations that are not accurate. One hundred people are being brought into the new system at a time. Kevin is working with Human Resources to build out a plan for non-exempt employees.

Items for Discussion/Recommendation:

  1. Review and Update Membership


Information and Instructional Technology Policy Subcommittee2/10/17

  1. Discuss Policy Advisory Committee and new campus policy approval process
  1. The Policy Advisory position was created to create a process for campus policies. The goal will be to get approval for the existing changes, or answer questions, with input from thiscommittee. If everyone is in agreement today, the policy can be pushed forward to the Policy Advisory Committee. The next step will be to publish the policy to the university community for review and feedback.
  2. The committee reviewed the comments and proposed changes in the document and discussed the language needed.
  • A motion was made by Nicolas Cachanosky, seconded by Joshua Gardner, to approve the new policy as modified. The motion was unanimously approved.

Next Meeting – call for agenda items:

  1. Next meeting – based on past recurrence, the next meeting would be April 14th.

Adjourned: 3:15 p.m.