Grade 7 Curriculum

Courses for the 7th grade curriculum are as follows:

  1. Language Arts (English)
  2. Social Studies
  3. Mathematics – General Math or Pre-Algebra
  4. Science
  5. Computer/PE
  6. Electives – Band I, Band II, Orchestra I, Orchestra II, 7th Grade Exploratory Wheel, Beginning Chorus, Ukulele, English Language Arts Lab, Mathematics Lab

Engligh Language Arts (LCY0200)

This course provides students a balanced, standards-based program emphasizing and integrating reading, writing, speaking, and listening with language and literature. In this course, reading, writing, and oral communication processes are experienced as interrelated and interactive processes operating in meaning-rich contexts. Students begin to fine-tune the use of skills and strategies within the language processes. The study of literature is experienced as an interactive process between the reader and text. Literature selections appeal to students and reflect the universality of human experience. Primary emphasis is on the personal, emotional, interpretive, as well as critical response of the reader in the construction of meaning. All grade 6-8 Language Arts standards and benchmarks are addressed in this course.

Social Studies Grade 7A (CER0700) - semester

This first semester course engages students in deep historical thinking about the evolution (change, continuity, and causality) of thehistoric, economic, political, andsocial/cultural institutions of Hawaii rather than a chronological overview. This synoptic (comprehensive course, focusing on the monarchy era, critically examines the people and events of that era through multiple perspectives and historical empathy. This course focuses on integrating essential concepts in history, geography, civics and politics, economics, and cultural anthropology to address all Social Studies Content Standards.

Social Studies Grade 7B (CHR0700) - semester

The second semester grade 7 course engages students in historical thinking about contemporary issues (sociopolitical, geographical, cultural, historical, and economic) faced by Hawaii and the nations and territories of the Pacific. This course examines the diversity and commonalities of the Pacific Area, the impact of contact with other nations, and the issues, challenges, and decisions for the present and future. This course examines issues through the perspectives of geography, cultural anthropology, economics, and politics. Students are actively engaged in decision-making and problem-posing and solving. This course provides more opportunities and time to address the Social Studies Content Standards.

Mathematics Grade 7 (MMX0700) - year

This course is required of all students in grade 7. Emphasis is on developing proficiency with concepts and skills in number and operations; measurement; geometry and spatial sense; patterns, functions, and algebra; and data analysis, statistics, and probability. Learning in these areas will support the development of student proficiency in all of the grade 6-8 benchmarks of the Hawaii Content and Performance Standards.

Science Grade 7 (SIM0553)

A second course in a sequence of three year-long courses which are inquiry- and laboratory-based. Modules from STC-MS provide the basis for school-developed modules and adaptations. The modules include: Human Body Systems, Organisms, Catastrophic Events, and Energy, Machines, and Motion.

.Physical Education A (PEP0020) – semester

This standards-based course is required of all students in grade 7 and 8. The course is designed to strengthen physical movement forms, concepts, principles, and skills through participation in a variety of physical fitness experiences, invasion, field, net, and target activities. Initial focus is placed on the concepts surrounding the components of physical fitness (muscular strength and endurance, cardio-respiratory, flexibility, and body composition).

A secondary focus introduces students to a variety of sports-specific skills required to participate competently in a variety of modified and adapted game situations. The emphasis is on the acquisition of the sports-specific skills in a variety of complex, changing situations.

Careers and Technology: Computer Literacy (TMG0500) – semester

The purposes of this course are to help students extend knowledge of operations and functions of computers; further develop their ability to use the computer in learning; develop understanding of the impact, values, and ethics of computer applications; and practice and develop problem-solving and decision-making processes using current and emerging computer technologies.

Special Education

The Special Education Program is taught by special education teachers and is designed to meet the unique educational needs of exceptional students certified as having mental, physical, and/or emotional impairments according to state and federal mandates. The type and amount of special education programming needed by exceptional students will vary and depend upon the student’s current Individualized Education Program (IEP). Most special education students will be mainstreamed or integrated into courses designed for regular students with appropriate adaptations and/or accommodations, while a small percentage of students may remain totally in special education classes. The Community-Based Instructional Program (CBI) provides student participants with an opportunity to reinforce the practical application of academic and social skills needed to function within their community. When teaching takes place in the environment where the skills naturally occur, the difficulties in generalizing skills from simulated situations vs. natural environments are minimized. CBI activities are instructional lessons that have been carefully tailored to meet the specific needs of a student according to his/her IEP.

Grade 7 Electives

Students may select either a one-year or two-semester course from the following selection of electives.

Beginning Band I (FMB0400) – year

The Beginning Band course is designed for students who have fulfilled the requirements of the Introduction to Band course or for students who desire to begin playing an instrument and perform in an ensemble for an audience. The course will include care of an instrument, correct posture, correct carriage, correct embouchure, breath control, tone production, intonation, phrasing, articulation, musical terminology, dynamic nuances, and fingerings. Students will study basic music forms, and will play and listen to different types of musical compositions. This course will focus on Music Standards 2, 5, 6, 7, and 8, while integrating the other Music Standards.

Band Program Fee / $25
Instrument User Fee / 25
Music T-shirt Uniform Fee / 7
Total Fees / $57

Band II (FMB0700) – year (Concert Band)

The Band course is designed for students who have fulfilled the requirements of the Beginning Band course and for those students who aspire to improve their reading and playing abilities. Intermediate levels of performance techniques and musicianship are taught. The development of skills and musical understanding are maintained through the study of complex rhythmic exercises and literature. Instructional experiences or activities will be provided to help students create musical compositions and to discuss and report on a variety of musical subjects and experiences in school and in the community. Music of all styles, periods, and ethnic groups are presented. This course will focus on Music Standards 2, 5, 6, 7, and 8, while integrating the other Music Standards.

Band Program Fee / $25
Instrument User Fee / 25
Music T-shirt Uniform Fee / 25
Total Fees / $75

Beginning Orchestra (FMV0400) - year

Beginning Orchestra is designed for students who have fulfilled the requirements of Introduction to Orchestra or for students who desire to begin playing an instrument and perform in an ensemble for an audience. The course will include care of an instrument, correct posture, correct carriage, correct embouchure, breath control, tone production, intonation, phrasing, articulation, musical terminology, dynamic nuances, and fingerings. Students will study basic musical forms, and will play and listen to different types of musical compositions. This course will focus on Music Standards 2, 5, 6, 7, and 8, while integrating the other Music Standards.

Orchestra Program Fee / $25
Instrument User Fee / 25
Music T-shirt Uniform Fee / 7
Total Fees / $57

Intermediate Orchestra (FMV0700) - year

The Intermediate Orchestra course is designed for students who have fulfilled the requirements of Beginning Orchestra. Technical skills and musical knowledge are taught to develop musicianship. Students are given opportunities to perform classical compositions, as well as perform a wide variety of chamber and orchestral compositions. Students practice self-reliance, self-discipline, and leadership, and learn proper practice procedures. This course will focus on Music Standards 2, 5, 6, 7, and 8, while integrating the other Music Standards.

Orchestra Program Fee / $25
Instrument User Fee / 25
Formal Music Uniform Fee / 25
Total Fees / $75

Beginning Chorus (FMC0500) – year

This course is designed to develop vocal and performance skills and develop knowledge and skills about music. Musical arrangements from a variety of cultures, styles, and periods are sung in unison and sometimes in harmony. Solo and ensemble singing are performed. Students who have never taken chorus should select this course.

Chorus Fee / $25
Chorus T-shirt / 7
Total Fees / $32

Intermediate Chorus (FMC0800) – year

This course is for students who have completed Beginning Chorus or its equivalent. Students develop vocal and performance skills. Musical arrangements from a variety of cultures, styles, and periods are sung in unison and sometimes in harmony. Solo and ensemble singing are performed for a school or community audience.

Chorus Fee / $25
Chorus T-shirt / 7
Total Fees / $32

Exploring the Ukulele (FML0100) – semester

This is an introductory course in which students can develop basic skills in ukulele playing. Students will be involved with performing, listening to, and evaluating ukulele music.

7th Grade Wheel - year

This is an elective wheel for 7th graders. It is comprised of Reading Workshop/Study Skills, Oral Communication and Explorations in Media.

English Language Arts, Grade 6, Laboratory A (LLH0121), B (LLH0122) – semester

These courses support students who are enrolled in English 6. Students have the option of electing only one or both courses. They provide additional instruction and support, where needed, to help students achieve the standards for the three strands of the language arts: reading, writing, and oral communication. Instruction will be differentiated as appropriate for the needs of the students enrolled. The goal is for the students to produce work and performances that are evidence of meeting the benchmarks for English 6.