SWE417 Senior Project I


Hajj Online Services System (HOSS)

Vision Document

Version 1.0

Hajj Services System / Version: 1.0
Vision / Date: 9/30/2005

Revision History

Date / Version / Description / Author(s)
1/10/2005 / 1.0 / Creation of Initial draft / Moataz Halmi Ali
Hani M. Khan
Maher M. Al-Maher
Maan W. Ashgar
Samer J. Zakariya

Table of Contents

1. Introduction 5

1.1 Purpose 5

1.2 Scope 5

1.3 Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations 5

1.4 References 5

2. Positioning 6

2.1 Problem Statement 6

2.2 Product Possition Statement 6

3. Stakeholder and User Descriptions 6

3.1 Stakeholder Summary 6

3.2 User Summary 7

3.3 User environment 7

3.4 Initial Stakeholder / User Needs 7

4. Product Overview 8

4.1 Product Perspective 8

4.2 Summary of Capabilities 9

4.3 Assumptions and Dependencies 9

4.4 Cost and Pricing 9

5. Product Features 10

5.1 Online Shopping 10

5.2 Online Payment 11

5.3 Package Comparison 12

5.4 SMS Communication 13

5.5 E-Mail Communication 14

5.6 Orders Tracking 15

5.7 Placement Choosing 16

5.8 Pilgrims Profile 17

5.9 Pilgrimage Agencies Profile 18

5.10 External Systems Interfacing 19

5.11 Reports Generation 20

5.12 Web Services 21

5.13 Secure Channels for Communications 22

5.14 Log Files Keeping 23

6. Constraints 23

7. Quality Ranges 23

8. Precedence and Priority 24

9. Other Product Requirements 24

9.1 Applicable Standards 24

9.2 System Requirements 24

9.3 Performance Requirements 24

10. Documentation Requirements 24

10.1 User Manual 24

10.2 Online Help 24

11. Use Cases Descriptions and Diagrams 25

12. Glossery 32


1.  Introduction

The purpose of this document is to collect, analyze, and define high-level needs and features of the Hajj Online Services System. It focuses on the capabilities needed by the stakeholders and the target users, and why these needs exist. The details of how the Hajj Online Services System fulfills these needs are detailed in the use-case and supplementary specifications.

The introduction of the Vision document provides an overview of the entire document. It includes the purpose, scope, definitions, acronyms, abbreviations, references, and overview of this Vision document.

1.1  Purpose

The purpose of this document is to define the high level requirements of the in terms of the needs of the end users.

1.2  Scope

The project aims to manage, organize and automate the different process and functions concerning AL-HAJJ (Pilgrimage). The functions that the system will deal with concern both pilgrims and pilgrimage agencies. The system is a gate for pilgrims who are planning to perform their Hajj through Hajj agencies.

The pilgrim will be able to plan for every aspect of the Hajj trip from its beginning to its end, by buying online a suitable offer from a suitable Hajj agency, request and track approval of accommodations, organize placements communicate electronically at any time and place with the agency…etc.

The Pilgrimage agencies will be able to manage and organize there customers and services online, register there offers and services in the Hajj catalog, develop and maintain profiles and records of there customer pilgrims, manage pilgrim financial fees and payments, organize pilgrim hosting and accommodation services, communicate electronically to individuals or groups concerning any issues…etc.

1.3  Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations

See the Glossary.

1.4  References

- Hajj Online, SWE417 team 7 proposal, fall semester 2005/2006 051.

- Stakeholder Requests Document, fall semester 2005/2006 051.

2.  Positioning

2.1  Problem Statement

The problem of / Manually dealing with large numbers of pilgrims in payment, reservation, organization, management and communication.
Affects / Pilgrim agencies and pilgrims them selves.
The impact of which is / That they are unable to efficiently record, reserve, organize, manage and communicate to very large numbers of pilgrims without extensive loss of time and resources.
a successful solution would be / To develop a web-based system that automates the process by having most of the forms work done by pilgrims themselves, payments delivered online and customization and organization done before Hajj itself begins.

2.2  Product Position Statement

For / Alnokhba Administrative Services Company
Who / Required the development of this project for there client "Almanar Hajj Agency" and to act as a general portal to other potential clients.
The (Hajj Online Services System) / is a web based commercial product
That / Automates the different process to register and accommodate Hajj services.

3.  Stakeholder and User Descriptions

3.1  Stakeholder Summary

Name / Description / Responsibilities
Mr. Kamel Alsaati / Alnokhba Company General Manager (sponsoring company) / Provide requirements, monitor and oversee the progress of the project
Dr. Mohammad Alshayeb / SWE417 Instructor and general project manager / Process submissions, indicate errors and improvement points, Facilitate meetings, verify quality of work and lead project advancement.

3.2  User Summary

Name / Description / Responsibilities / Stakeholder
Pilgrim / A person that wants to perform Al-Hajj religious worship act. / Register, create profile, browse and buy a package, follow up on request, customize package options and communicate with agency electronically. / Self-represented
Pilgrimage Agency (specific agency employees will act as different users connected to related tasks) / The agency which provides Al-Hajj services and accommodations. / Register, create profile, create and post a sales package, reply to customer request (accept/deny), generate package customization options and details, communicate with pilgrims electronically, generate detailed reports and statistics and incorporate system facilities from external environments. / Self-represented
System Administrator / A Hajj system administrator / Can do ANY task a pilgrim or a pilgrim agency can do + generate reports, maintain security protocols, administer access permissions and administer system procedures. / Self-represented

3.3  User Environment

All users will be expected to have an intranet connection and a internet browser program to interact with the system and also each pilgrim and pilgrimage agency can only access and edit there own profile, resources, preferences and options.

The time to initiate a functionality or operation varies from 5 to 30 minutes.

3.4  Initial Stakeholder or User Needs

See Stakeholder Request Document.

4.  Product Overview

This section provides a high level view of the product capabilities, initial architecture and system configurations.

4.1  Product Perspective

HOSS will be implemented as an independent system. It will be treated as a stand-alone product to organizations. However, the system provides a means of interacting with other systems if required through a specialized sub-system. The diagram below shows the architecture of the system, different sub-systems and how are they organized.

4.2  Summary of Capabilities

Hajj Services System

Customer Benefit / Supporting Features
Pilgrims are able to find many agencies at one site. Also, agencies are able to advertise their services efficiently. / Agencies information will be profiled and stored into a centralized database using agency profiling sub-system.
Pilgrims are able to select their packages and customize them easily. They also can shop through the site and add to their shopping cart what they need.
Agencies will sit and watch since the selling procedure will run automatically and according to the specifications. / Sales manager system will take care of the whole process which is advertising, keeping records of pilgrims' options as well as billing and payment operations.
Pilgrims will able to track their request online privately & quickly. Or they will be informed about their requests through emails or SMS messages. / Collaborating features from Tracking subsystem and communication subsystem will take care of keeping customer up to date with their requests status.
Agencies will free themselves from the operation of organizing pilgrims & allocating their places in buses, tent...etc. / The system will generate a complete plan for a successful season based on the agencies' services and customers' orders.
The system is a one stop shop that is pilgrims can arrange and plan for their journey from one site. / The system is able to interface with other external system to expand its functionalities through external systems interface subsystem.
Mangers can make more precise decisions based on the reports and statistics generated by the system. / The system is able to generate useful reports and perform precise financial calculations.
Agencies do not need to replace their in use systems with our system. Instead they can make use of both systems "old & new". / Web services will enable customer "agencies" to manipulate their account remotely using their old compatible systems.
Reliable system with private and secure services. / A complete subsystem will take care of all aspects related to these issues.

4.3  Assumptions and Dependencies

- The System shall be developed as web application using Java Server Pages technology.

- The system shall support RDBMS such as Oracle.

- Since the system will be developed using Java, no specific operating system is required.

4.4  Cost and Pricing

- One PC to run as database server.

- Papers and Office tools.

- Printing quotas.

- Communication (Phone calls, SMS, ….)

5.  Product Features

The following table shows the mapping between the Numeric rating and the High – Low rating with regard to Priority, Risk and Effort.

Topic / Numeric / High - Low
Priority / 5,4
1 / Highest priority (Critical).
Medium priority (Important).
Lowest priority (Useful).
Risk / 5,4
1 / Highest risk.
Medium risk.
Lowest risk.
Effort / 5,4
1 / Highest effort.
Medium effort.
Lowest effort.


Feature ID: A.1

Name: Online Shopping

Use case #: Not yet assigned.

Description: The system will provide the Pilgrims with ability to browse through travels and staying accommodations packages provided by the Pilgrimage agencies. They will have the ability to view the package, edit some options and choose a package for purchase. The Pilgrimage agencies will have the ability to sell trip packages and to receive purchasing requests.

Rationale: Stakeholder request.

Source: Mr. Kamel Alsaati.

Dependencies: A.2 , A.3 , B.1 , B.2 , C.1 , C.2 , D.1 , D.2 , F.1 , G.1 , H.1 , H.2

Conflicts: None.

Supporting Materials: None.

History: Created for the first version.

Priority: Critical.

Risk: High.

Effort: High.

Approval: This feature is approved for development.


Feature ID: A.2

Name: Online Payment

Use case #: Not yet assigned.

Description: Give the Pilgrims the ability to pay for the packages they chose online. The method of payment will be determent later on in the project.

Rationale: Stakeholder request.

Source: Mr. Kamel Alsaati

Dependencies: A.1, D.1, D.2, F.1, G.1, H.1, H.2

Conflicts: None.

Supporting Materials: None.

History: Created for the first version.

Priority: Critical.

Risk: High.

Effort: High.

Approval: This feature is approved for development.


Feature ID: A.3

Name: Package Comparison

Use case #: Not yet assigned.

Description: Give the Pilgrims the ability to make comparison between several packages they chose.

Rationale: Stakeholder request.

Source: Mr. Kamel Alsaati

Dependencies: A.1, D.2, F.1

Conflicts: None.

Supporting Materials: None.

History: Created for the first version.

Priority: Useful.

Risk: Low.

Effort: Low.

Approval: This feature is approved for development.


Feature ID: B.1

Name: SMS Communication

Use case #: Not yet assigned.

Description: Allow the Pilgrimage agencies to send information about events, changes and plans via SMS text messages to their clients of the pilgrims.

Rationale: Stakeholder request.

Source: Mr. Kamel Alsaati

Dependencies: A.1, C.1, D.1, D.2, G.1, H.1

Conflicts: None.

Supporting Materials: None.

History: Created for the first version.

Priority: Important.

Risk: High.

Effort: High.

Approval: This feature is approved for development.


Feature ID: B.2

Name: E-Mail Communication

Use case #: Not yet assigned.

Description: Allow the Pilgrimage agencies to send information about events, changes and plans via e-mail messages to their clients of the pilgrims.

Rationale: Stakeholder request.

Source: Mr. Kamel Alsaati

Dependencies: A.1 , C.1 , D.1 , D.2 , G.1 , H.1

Conflicts: None.

Supporting Materials: None.

History: Created for the first version.

Priority: Important.

Risk: Medium.

Effort: Medium.

Approval: This feature is approved for development.


Feature ID: C.1

Name: Order Tracking

Use case #: Not yet assigned.

Description: The Pilgrims will have the ability to track their purchase to check wither it was accepted or not (with regard to visa and pilgrimage permits).

Rationale: Stakeholder request.

Source: Mr. Kamel Alsaati

Dependencies: A.1 , B.1 , B.2 , D.1 , D.2 , F.1 , G.1 , H.1 , H.2

Conflicts: None.

Supporting Materials: None.

History: Created for the first version.

Priority: Critical.

Risk: Medium.

Effort: Low.

Approval: This feature is approved for development.


Feature ID: C.2

Name: Placement Choosing

Use case #: Not yet assigned.

Description: The pilgrims will be able to choose their place inside tents, airlines, hotels, etc. where ever it can be applied.

Rationale: Stakeholder request.

Source: Mr. Kamel Alsaati

Dependencies: A.1 , D.1 , D.2 , F.1 , G.1 , H.1 , H.2

Conflicts: None.

Supporting Materials: None.

History: Created for the first version.

Priority: Important.

Risk: Low.

Effort: Low.

Approval: This feature is approved for development.


Feature ID: D.1

Name: Pilgrims Profile

Use case #: Not yet assigned.

Description: By registering to the system, a record of the Pilgrim info such as contact info and preferences will be kept to be used to contact him/her and to provide better services to him/her. It will also be used in reports generation.

Rationale: Stakeholder request.

Source: Mr. Kamel Alsaati

Dependencies: A.1 , A.2 , B.1 , B.2 , C.1 , C.2 , E.1 , F.1 , G.1 , H.1 , H.2

Conflicts: None.

Supporting Materials: None.

History: Created for the first version.

Priority: Critical.

Risk: High.

Effort: Medium.

Approval: This feature is approved for development.


Feature ID: D.2

Name: Pilgrimage Agencies Profile

Use case #: Not yet assigned.

Description: By registering to the system, the Pilgrimage agencies will be able to add their logo, location, important information and contact information. Their info will be used in reports generation.

Rationale: Stakeholder request.

Source: Mr. Kamel Alsaati