A Raisin in the Sun Planner  subject to change

Day 1 – Fri, Oct 14th


Weekly quiz

Reading time

About the author ppt

Research time

Quest for Am dream ppt

HW – journal 1 – What is meant by the “American Dream”?

Day 2 – Mon, Oct 17th


Reading time

Continue Quest for Am Dream ppt

Dramatic Elements ppt

HW – Raisin vocab 1 sentences

I can analyze the development of the theme or central idea over the course of the text (how they interact and build on one another to produce a complex account).

Day 3 – Tues, Oct 18th


Reading time

Test Prep – confused words

Continue Dramatic Elements ppt

HW – journal 2 – win lottery

I can objectively summarize an informational text.

Wed, Oct 19th


Day 4 – Thurs, Oct 20th


Reading time

Affect vs Effect quiz

Respect ppt

Pkt pp2-5

HW – write reflections and study vocab

I can analyze figurative language, word relationships and nuances in word meanings.

Day 5 – Fri, Oct 21st


Weekly quiz

Reading time

Raisin Vocab 1 quiz

Why a Dream Deferred ppt

HW – Richard Wright HW

I can integrate multiple sources of information in various media or formats to make informed decisions and solve problems.

Day 6 – Mon, Oct 24th


Reading time

Reading Drama1 ppt

Read Act 1 Scene 1 (pp23-53)

HW – write Raisin Vocab 2 sentences

I can analyze how an author unfolds an analysis or series of ideas (including the order in which the points are made, how they are introduced and developed, and the connections that are drawn between them).

Day 7 – Tues, Oct 25th


Reading time

Test Prep – modifiers

Continue Act 1

HW – grade own Dog SAT write

I can analyze how an author unfolds an analysis or series of ideas (including the order in which the points are made, how they are introduced and developed, and the connections that are drawn between them).

Day 8 -- Wed, Oct 26th


Reading time

Discuss with team about grading

Continue scene 1, start scene 2 (pp54-75)

HW – journal 3 - stereotypes

I can analyze how an author unfolds an analysis or series of ideas (including the order in which the points are made, how they are introduced and developed, and the connections that are drawn between them).

Day 9 – Thurs, Oct 27th


Reading time

Continue Scene 2

Pkt pp6-7

HW – write reflections and study vocab

I can analyze how an author unfolds an analysis or series of ideas (including the order in which the points are made, how they are introduced and developed, and the connections that are drawn between them).

Day 10 – Fri, Oct 28th


Weekly quiz

Vocab 2 quiz

Reading time

Dream ppt

Pkt pp8-11

HW – journal 4 - expectations

I can analyze how style and content contribute to the power, persuasiveness, or beauty of the text.

Day 11 – Mon, Oct 31st


Reading time

Finish Act 1

Act 1 Quiz

Start Act 2, scene 1 (pp76-95)

HW – vocab 3 sentences

I can analyze how an author unfolds an analysis or series of ideas (including the order in which the points are made, how they are introduced and developed, and the connections that are drawn between them).

Day 12 – Tues, Nov 1st


Reading time

Test Prep Tues

Turn in own paper score

Coordination vs subordination

Continue Act 2

HW – journal 5 -- family

I can analyze how an author unfolds an analysis or series of ideas (including the order in which the points are made, how they are introduced and developed, and the connections that are drawn between them).

Day 12 – Wed, Nov 2nd


Reading time

SAT writing test prac-Am Dream

I can write an analysis of substantive topics or text using valid reasoning and sufficient evidence.

Day 13 – Thurs, Nov 3rd


Reading time

Continue Act 2, scene 1 (pp76-95)

Start Act 2, scenes 2 &3

HW – study vocab & write reflections

I can analyze how an author unfolds an analysis or series of ideas (including the order in which the points are made, how they are introduced and developed, and the connections that are drawn between them).

Day 14 – Fri, Nov 4th


Weekly quiz

Vocab 3 quiz

Reading time

Continue Act 2 scenes 2&3

HW – journal 6 - dream

I can analyze how an author unfolds an analysis or series of ideas (including the order in which the points are made, how they are introduced and developed, and the connections that are drawn between them).

Day 15 – Mon, Nov 7th


Reading time

Characterization ppt

t-shirt activity ppt

HW – vocab rev

I can analyze the impact of author’s choices on the development and relationship of elements of a story or drama.

Day 16 – Tues, Nov 8th


Reading time

Test Prep -- fragments

Act 2, scene 2 & 3 (pp96-130)

HW – journal 7 – men vs. women

I can analyze how an author unfolds an analysis or series of ideas (including the order in which the points are made, how they are introduced and developed, and the connections that are drawn between them).

Day 17 – Wed, Nov 9th


SAT writing test – Pride

Reading time

I can write an analysis of substantive topics or text using valid reasoning and sufficient evidence.

Day 18 – Thurs, Nov 10th


Reading time

Continue Act 2, scene 2 & 3 (pp96-130)


Pkt pp12-13

HW – reflections & study for vocab test

I can analyze how an author unfolds an analysis or series of ideas (including the order in which the points are made, how they are introduced and developed, and the connections that are drawn between them).

Day 19 – Fri, Nov 11th


Reading time

Weekly quiz

Vocab test

Pursuit of Happyness ppt

Start film

HW – journal 8 -- traditions

I can write informative/explanatory texts that convey complex ideas and concepts clearly and accurately, using content that is carefully selected, organized, and analyzed.

Day 20 – Mon, Nov 14th


Reading time

Continue movie

I can write informative/explanatory texts that convey complex ideas and concepts clearly and accurately, using content that is carefully selected, organized, and analyzed.

Day 21 – Tues, Nov 15th


Reading time

Test Prep – verb forms

Continue film

I can write informative/explanatory texts that convey complex ideas and concepts clearly and accurately, using content that is carefully selected, organized, and analyzed.

Day 22 – Wed, Nov 16th


Reading time

Continue film

I can write informative/explanatory texts that convey complex ideas and concepts clearly and accurately, using content that is carefully selected, organized, and analyzed.

Day 23 – Thurs, Nov 17th


Reading time

Finish film

Start Act 3 (pp131-151)

Pkt pp13-19

Assign essay

HW -- reflections & happiness paper

I can write informative/explanatory texts that convey complex ideas and concepts clearly and accurately, using content that is carefully selected, organized, and analyzed.

Day 24, Fri, Nov 18th


Happyness paper due

Reading time

Weekly quiz

A Rose for Emily (pp19-27)

HW -- essay

I can analyze the development of the theme or central idea over the course of the text (how they interact and build on one another to produce a complex account).

Day 25, Mon, Nov 21st


Continue Rose (pp19-27)

Pass Out Tuesdays With Morrie

HW—prepare for Socratic Seminar and read pp 1-107 (for 11-28)

I can analyze the development of the theme or central idea over the course of the text (how they interact and build on one another to produce a complex account).

Day 25, Tues, Nov 22nd


Reading time

Socratic Seminar

HW – read pp 1-107 (for 11-28) and write weekly reflections. Be ready for BIG test

I can initiate effective discussions with diverse partners on grade 11-12 topics, texts, and issues.

I can express my own ideas clearly and persuasively.

I can build on other’s ideas.

Day 26, Wed, Nov 23rd


Weekly quiz

Raisin test

Reading time

HW -- read pp 1-107 (for 11-30)

I can write informative/explanatory texts that convey complex ideas and concepts clearly and accurately, using content that is carefully selected, organized, and analyzed.

Day 27, Mon, Nov 28th


Reading time

Test Prep – tense shift

Writing work-out

I can produce clear and coherent writing appropriate to task, purpose and audience.

Day 28, Tues, Nov 29th


Essay due

RAG – choose BEST paper

HW – READ Morrie pp1-107

I can analyze multiple representations of a story, drama or poem to evaluate each version’s interpretation of the source text.

Start Morrie!