Welcome to advising time again!!!!

Your faculty advisors will be using Starfish and will have advising appointments available from March 27th through April 14th.If you are a freshman or transfer student, you likely met with Latoya in the fall to set up your four year plan. You will be meeting with your assigned faculty advisors this spring to complete enrollment for the summer and fall semesters.

If you are not sure who you are assigned to as an advisor, there are a few ways you can find out. You should be able to see your faculty advisor’s name and calendar in Starfish. Your faculty advisor is also listed in the portal where you look at your DPR. The department will post a list on the departmental website of advisors listed by student ID. We will also post a paper copy of this list on the academic advising specialist’s door (LaToya’s old office). If you have exhausted all of those options and are still confused then please see Cynthia Perez in the main office.In addition, if there is a discrepancy with the assigned faculty advisor and who you thought you were assigned, please let myself or Cynthia know.

When you meet with your advisor you should be, at a minimum, prepared with the following:

  1. A four year plan already prepared. If you do not have a four year plan please make sure to schedule your appointment early and plan enough time to work on your four year plan with your advisor.
  2. A printed copy of your latest DPR.
  3. Your course selection form filled out (as much as possible). If you have specific questions about classes, you can leave those off the form until you talk to an advisor. Holds will not be released until all of the specific classes (including electives) are selected. If you need some time to decide on an elective then you should make a follow-up appointment to have the formed signed at a later date.

Once you have met with your advisor then you will take your course selection form to the main office (4132 Learned Hall) where they will make a copy. We will use these copies to check your enrollment and then holds will be released. Holds will be released at the end of the day during the advising period. If you wait until after the advising period ends, there will be a delay in releasing your hold. Please do not wait until the last minute to be advised. You should try to be advised well in advanced of your enrollment date.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Susan M. Stagg-Williams

Faculty Athletics Representative

John E. and Winifred E. Sharp Professor

Director of Undergraduate Studies

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering

1530 w 15th Street

Room 4142 Learned Hall

Lawrence, KS 66045
