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Name: Dr. Narendra Shanker Tripathi

Designation: Assistant Professor, Kriya Sharir (Physiology)

Department of Kriya Sharir (Physiology),

Faculty of Ayurveda,

Institute of Medical Sciences,

BHU, Varanasi.-221005.

Qualification: M.D. (Ay.) Kriya Sharir, Ph.D. (Ay.) Kriya Sharir

Area of Specialization: : Ayurveda, Kriya Sharir, Prakriti Vigyan & Rheumatology, Pran, Pran Vayu . Study of different physiological & Hematological parameters in young healthy individuals of different Prakriti.

Publications: 30

Paper Published in Journals

List of Some Important Publications:

1.  Article published in Sachittra Ayurved Titled "vk;qosZn fpfdRlk i)fr esa vuqla/kku ,oa lq/kkj" in Feb. 2001 issue. ISBN-090678

2.  ^^e/kqesg dkj.k vkSj fuokj.k" is published in Ayurved Mahasammelan in July 2003 issue.

3.  ‘Ayurvedic Care for Diabetes’ is published in Nov. 2004 in Ayurveda for total health.

4.  Learning Ayurveda - published in Ayurveda for total health in January 2005 issue.

5.  “Concept of Formation of “Prakriti” in Ayurveda” by Dr. Narendra Shanker Tripathi (Assistant Professor, Department of kriya Sharir, Faculty of Ayurveda, IMS, BHU), Published in “The Indian Journal of Research Anvikshiki” (Bi-monthly international journal of all Research. Volume-5 Number-4 July-August 2011, Page No. 01-05. Advance Access publication 9th May 2011 (www.onlineijra.com). Anvikshiki ISSN No. 0973-9777.

6.  “Conceptual Study of Development of Prakriti in Ayurveda” by Dr. Narendra Shanker Tripathi (Assistant Professor, Department of kriya Sharir, Faculty of Ayurveda, IMS, BHU), Published in “The Indian Journal of Research Anvikshiki” (Bi-monthly international journal of all Research. Volume-5 Number-4 July-August 2011, Page No. 23-27. Advance Access publication 9th May 2011 (www.onlineijra.com). Anvikshiki ISSN No. 0973-9777.

Member, Editorial board in “The Indian Journal of Research Anvikshiki” (Bi-monthly international journal of all Research. Volume-5 Number-4 July-August 2011. Advance Access publication 9th May 2011 (www.onlineijra.com). Anvikshiki ISSN No. 0973-9777.

7.  “Concept of AMA (Rasa/Vish) Saam & Niram in Ayurveda V/S Digestive & Metabololic Disorders” by Dr. N.S. Tripathi (Assistant Professor, Department of Kriya Sharir, Faculty of Ayurveda, IMS, BHU), Published in Proceeding of the national Semonor on Recent Advance and Future Challenge in Ayurveda, 26 March, 2011 (Page No. 41-43) Rajiv Gandhi South Campus, Barkachha, Mirzapur, Banaras Hindu University. ISBN No. 978-81-85694-67-2. Published by Ganga Kaveri Publishing House, D-35/77, Jangamwadimath, Varanasi-221001.

8.  “Physiological Importance of Season (Ritu) in Ayurveda” by Sunil Kumar Chaudhary, Dr. N.S. Tripathi (Assistant Professor, Department of kriya Sharir, Faculty of Ayurveda, IMS, BHU), Published in Proceeding of the national Seminar on Recent Advance and Future Challenge in Ayurveda, 26 March, 2011 (Page NO. 148-149) Rajiv Gandhi South Campus, Barkachha, Mirzapur, Banaras Hindu University. ISBN No. 978-81-85694-67-2. Published by Ganga Kaveri Publishing House, D-35/77, Jangamwadimath, Varanasi-221001.

9.  “Concept of Homeostasis in Ayurveda” by Sunil Kumar Chaudhary, Dr. N.S. Tripathi (Assistant Professor, Department of kriya Sharir, Faculty of Ayurveda, IMS, BHU), Published in “The Indian Journal of Research Anvikshiki” (Bi-monthly international journal of all Research. Volume-6 Number-4 July-August 2012, Page No. 08-13. Advance Access publication 26 April 2012. Anvikshiki Print ISSN No. 0973-9777, Website ISSN 0973-9777. (www.anvikshikijournal.com)

10.  “Pran, Pran-Vayu, Pranayatana, Marm ke Sandarbha mein” by Dr. N.S. Tripathi (Assistant Professor, Department of kriya Sharir, Faculty of Ayurveda, IMS, BHU), Published in Proceeding-1/ Souvenir of the National Seminar on Marma 23rd -24th March, 2011. Dept. of Rachna Sharir, IMS, BHU, Varanasi. UP, India. On the Occasion of 150th centenary Celebration of Mahamana Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya Ji.

11.  Critical review of Ritu (Seasons) with special reference to current Research, Singh Pramod1*, Tripathi NS1, Byadgi PS2, Published in International Journal of Research in Ayurveda & Pharmacy (An International Peer Reviewed Bi-Monthly Journal) January-February 2012/Volume 3/Issue 1, ISSN (Print) 2277-4343, ISSN (Online) 2229-3566, www.ijrap.net, (Page no. 33-35)

12.  Necessity of Researches in Ayurveda, *Pramod Kumar Singh, **NS Tripathi , published in proceeding of national seminar on recent advances and future challenges in Ayurveda, 26 March, 2012, Rajiv Gandhi South Campus, Barkachha, Mirzapur, Banaras Hindu University. (page no. 270-271)

13.  Conceptual Study of Vata-Dosha-“The Controller of Body” by Dr. Narendra Shanker Tripathi (Assistant Professor, Department of kriya Sharir, Faculty of Ayurveda, IMS, BHU), Published in “The Indian Journal of Research Anvikshiki” (Bi-monthly international journal of all Research. Volume-6 Number-1 January-February 2012, Page No. 15-18. Advance Access publication18th Dec. 2011 (www.onlineijra.com). Anvikshiki ISSN No. 0973-9777.

14.  “Critical Review of Ritu (Seasons) with special reference to current Research” by Singh Pramod, Tripathi NS(Assistant Professor, Department of kriya Sharir, Faculty of Ayurveda, IMS, BHU), Byadgi P.S., Published in International Journal of Research in Ayurveda & Pharmacy (An International Peer Reviewed Bi-Monthly Journal) January-February 2012, Volume-3 Issue-1 (Page No. 01). www.ijrap.net. ISSN (Print) 2277-4343, ISSN (Online) 2229-3566.

15.  “Corrective Study Of Dehik Prakriti In Cases Of Amavata With Special Reference To Its Management” Dr. N.S.Tripathi*, Prof. R.K.Misra**, Dr. (Smt.) Shobha Mobar* , Prof. J.R.Yadav * Dr. NS Tripathi, First and corresponding author, Asian Journal of Modern and Ayurvedic Medical Science | ISSN 2279-0772 [ONLINE]Volume: volume1,number 1 |publication Date: Sunday, July 01, 2012,Published by Mpasvo [article url http://www.ajmams.com

16.  Study of seasonal variations in different prakriti Persons with special reference to S.urea. By Chudhary Sunil Kumar & Tripathi N.S. in Peer Reviewed International Journal of general Medicine and Pharmacy (IJGMP) ISSN (Print) 2319-3999,ISSN (online):2319-4006-Vol-2,Issue-3, July-2013, Import Factor (JCC):2.3418.

17.  Impact of season and constitution on lipid parameters.

Promod Kumar Singh, Parameswarappa S. Byadgi, Girish Singh, Narendra Shanker Tripathi, AYU Jan-Mar 2013 Vol-34, Issue-1, Page 77-80, ISSN No. 0974-8520, An International Quarterly Journal of Research in Ayurveda, www.ayujournal.org

18.  Physiological aspect of fasting, By Dr. N.S.Tripathi Proceedings of International conference on Global Scenario ofTraditional System of Medicine, Ayurveda, Agriculture and Education on dated 21-22 January, 2013, held at Rajiv Gandhi South Campus, Barkachha, BHU, Varanasi.

19.  Physiological Aspect of Ritucharya in Ayurveda. Sunil Kumar Chaudhary, Anish Kumar, NS Tripathi, Proceedings of the international Seminar on Global Scenario of traditional System of Medicine, Ayurveda, Agriculture and education, 21st January, 2013, Pg-428,429,430, Rajiv Gandhi South Campus, Barkachha, Mirzapu, Banaras Hindu University, ISBN 978-81-920934-13.

20.  Agni Bala and Its Modren Aspect, Dr. Rashmi Pandey, Dr. NS Tripathi, Proceeding, International Seminar on Global Scenario of traditional System of Medicine, Ayurveda, Agriculture and Education, 21st - 22nd January, 2013, Rajiv Gandhi South Campus, Barkachha, Mirzapu, Banaras Hindu University, ISBN 978-81-920934-13.Pg-30,31.

21.  Published a Paper titled “Effect of aerobic and Anaerobic Training on Physiological variables of Soccer Players” By Dharmendra Kaithal & Dr. N.S. Tripathi in Indian Journal on Movement Education Exercises and exercises sciences (IJMEES), Bi-annual Refereed Journal Vol. IV No.1 January-Jun 2014, Page 60-66, Online ISSN 2249-6246, Print ISSN 2249-5010

Chapter in Book

1.  Published a chapter titled “Agnibala and its Modern Aspect” By Rashmi Pandey & Dr. N.S. Tripathi in book on “Global Scenario of Translational System of Medicine, Ayurveda, Agriculture and Education” published by Smile Health Care Pvt.Ltd. Year 2013, Page No.30-31,ISBN 978-81-920934-1-3.

2.  Published a chapter titled “Physiological Aspect of Fasting” By Dr. N.S. Tripathi in book on “Global Scenario of Translational System of Medicine, Ayurveda, Agriculture and Education” published by Smile Health Care Pvt.Ltd. Year 2013, Page No.350-352,ISBN 978-81-920934-1-3.

3.  Published a chapter titled “Physiological Aspect of Ritucharya in Ayurveda” By Sunil Kumar Chaudhary,. Anish Kumar & Dr. N.S. Tripathi in book on “Global Scenario of Translational System of Medicine, Ayurveda, Agriculture and Education” published by Smile Health Care Pvt.Ltd. Year 2013, Page No.428-430,ISBN 978-81-920934-1-3.

4.  Published a chapter titled “Agni,Vipaka,Ama and Metabolic Disorders” By Rashmi Pandey & Dr. N.S. Tripathi in book on “Scope of Translational Researches in Ayurvedic Medicine” published by Mahima Research Foundation and Social Welfare, Year 2013,Page119-122,ISBN No.978-81-926935-1-4.

5.  Published a chapter titled “A Critical Analysis of Concept of Dhatu in Ayurveda” By Rashmi Pandey & Dr. N.S. Tripathi in book on “Recent Advances on the Role of Basic Sciences in Ayurvedic Medicine” published by Mahima Research Foundation and Social Welfare,Year 2014,Page 169-170,ISBN No.978-81-926935-3-8.

6.  Published a chapter titled “Traditional Perspective in Health Care with Contemporary Approaches” By Rashmi Pandey & Dr. N.S. Tripathi in book on “Recent Advances on the Role of Basic Sciences in Ayurvedic Medicine” published by Mahima Research Foundation and Social Welfare,Year 2014,Page 169-170,ISBN No.978-81-926935-3-8.

7.  Published a chapter titled “Role of Physical Activity in Our Life & Health” By Dharmendra Kaithal & Dr. N.S. Tripathi in book on “Recent Advances on the Role of Basic Sciences in Ayurvedic Medicine” published by Mahima Research Foundation and Social Welfare,Year 2014,Page 169-170,ISBN No.978-81-926935-3-8.

8.  Published a chapter titled “Role of Nutrition in Sports Performance” By Kunwar Bipin Pratap Bhushan & Dr. N.S. Tripathi in book on “Recent Advances on the Role of Basic Sciences in Ayurvedic Medicine” published by Mahima Research Foundation and Social Welfare,Year 2014,Page 169-170,ISBN No.978-81-926935-3-8.

9.  Published a chapter titled “Sports and Yoga as a rehabilitation Tool” By Krisna & Dr. N.S. Tripathi in book on “Recent Advances on the Role of Basic Sciences in Ayurvedic Medicine” published by Mahima Research Foundation and Social Welfare,Year 2014,Page 169-170,ISBN No.978-81-926935-3-8.

10.  “Antiqui Concept of Pranavaha Srotasa” by Dr. N. S. Tripathi & Rshami Pandy in book on “Patho-physiology, Prevention, Diagnosis and Management of the Disorders of Pranavaha Srotas (Respiratory system) in Children”, published by Chaukhamba Orientalia, Varanasi, Year 2015, Pag. 1-7, ISBN 978-81-7637-338-8.

Book Published by International Publisher

(i) BOOK:- Effect of Season on Prakriti. Pramod Kr. Singh N.S.Tripathi P.S.Byadgi 95 pages Research based text,e-Book 2013 Supervisor/Mentor Lap LAMBERT Academic publishing Germany ISBN:978-3-659-18648-6.

Member, Editorial board

1.  Member, Editorial board in “The Indian Journal of Research Anvikshiki” (Bi-monthly international journal of all Research. Volume-6 Number-1 January-February 2012. Advance Access publication 9th May 2011 (www.onlineijra.com). Anvikshiki ISSN No. 0973-9777.

2.  Book published on “Recent Advances on the Role of Basic Sciences in Ayurvedic Medicine” published by Mahima Research Foundation and Social Welfare, Year 2014,Page 169-170,ISBN No.978-81-926935-3-8.


Membership of

·  Bharatiya Sangyaharak Association (Association of Anaesthetists of Indian Medicine)

·  Indian Academy Of Yoga

Phone/Mobile: Mob. +91- 9452827846


Date of First Appointment: 19.05.2007

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