Expectation / Score
Introduction thoroughly explains the mission statement of the community / ______/ 10
The government of the community is clearly laid out, including laws, consequences, and people / ______/ 15
School system is clearly defined, including subjects taught and ages educated / ______/ 10
Families are defined, including how many are in a family, what roles each person has, and who is the head of the household / ______/ 10
Housing is described in detail / ______/ 5
5 jobs are described in the community / ______/ 10
The money/compensation system is defined / ______/ 5
Transportation system is defined / ______/ 5
Climate and environment is described thoroughly / ______/ 5
Recreation and hobbies in community are outlined / ______/ 5
The way technology is used is defined / ______/ 5
Conclusion does a good job of convincing others to join the community / ______/ 10
Paper follows format requirements / ______/ 5
Total / _____ / 100

Rubric for Written Assignment

Rubric for Poster Presentation

Expectation / Score
Name of community / ______/ 5
Mission statement / ______/ 10
10 laws listed / ______/10
Schools described / ______/ 5
Families described / ______/ 5
Map of community / ______/ 25
Recreation and hobbies described / ______/ 5
Climate described / ______/ 5
Jobs and compensation described, including picture of money system if the community has money / ______/ 5
Information to persuade someone to join community / ______/ 5
Neat and attractive / ______/ 10
Grammatically correct on written assignment and poster / ______/ 10
Total / ______/ 100

TOTAL ______/ 200

Pre AP Project: The Giver by Lois Lowry


Think about all the laws and communities we have studied that have tried to create utopias with various laws (communism, 1 child law, Amish society). A utopia is as an ideally perfect place. In the novel The Giver, Jonas lives in a utopian world designed to provide food, shelter and safety to the people of the community. If you had to design your “perfect world”, what would it look like? What would life be like for the people who live in your community? What would be special about your community that would make other people want to join it?

Overview: You will create your own utopia. This creation should be your idea of the perfect

world. Each utopia will likely be extremely different as your visions of the perfect world will not

be the same as those of your classmates. There are no right or wrong ways to design your

utopia. You should use your creativity and think about your individual interests. The project

component and expectations of this written assignment are below.

You will turn in a written paper and a poster representation.

For the written paper:

I. Introduction: This is the first paragraph of your assignment.

This is where you write the mission statement of your utopia, its purpose for being established, and the goals of the utopia. The rest of the paper is where you will describe how you plan to meet these goals.

II. Body: In the body of your paper, you will explain how your utopia will be set up.

You should dedicate at least one paragraph or more to address each of the

following topics:

A. Government: Every community needs laws, otherwise there would be chaos.

Name 10 rules or laws in your community.

Who makes the laws?

How are the laws enforced?

Is your community a democracy? A dictatorship? A monarchy?

What happens when a person in the community breaks a law?

B. Education: School is a way of preparing kids to be successful members of the

community. .What will school be like in your community?

What will be taught and what subjects will be required?

How will education serve the community?. How will schools in your community

be different from schools in your community now?

C. Family: Think about the families in your utopian community.

What are families going to be like in your community?

Are the families going to be:

Matriarchal – Controlled by the mothers of the family

Patriarchal – Controlled by the father of the family

Neither matriarchal or patriarchal

How many kids should each family have? Is it regulated? Why or why not?

Does everyone in each family live in the same dwelling? Why or why not?

D. Housing: Neighborhoods/Individual family dwellings:

What are the neighborhoods like in your community?

Do people live in separate houses? In townhouses? In apartments? In tents?

Describe the dwellings in your community. Are all of the houses the same or

different? Explain why you chose to design the houses and communities that


E. Employment: Think about the jobs people must have to help your community


Choose 5 important jobs to describe. For each job, describe:

-the title of the job

-the function of the job

-the type of people chosen for the job

-how people are chosen for the job

-how people are trained for the job

Include a picture of what a person employed in this job might look like (uniforms, etc).

F. Money: Is there a system of money in your community?

If the answer is yes:

Describe what your money (coins and paper money) looks like

What is your money called?

If the answer is no:

Why don’t you have money?

How do you “pay” people for their jobs?

How do people get what they need to survive?

G. Transportation: How do people get around in your community? Is there a system of mass transit?

Why or why not?



H. Environment/Climate: Think about where you would have your community


What is the climate like in your community? Tropical? Arctic? Do the seasons


Are there animals in your community? What kinds? Are they pets or wild? Why?

I.Recreation: What is recreation like in your community?

How much time do most people spend on recreation each week?

What do people do for fun in your utopian community?

Does the government control how people spend their free time?

How is this different from the way people spend their free time in the community that you live in now?

J. Technology:How does your community view technology?

Are they technologically advanced?

Do the people live a more simple life?

III. Conclusion: The goal of your presentation is to persuade the people in your class to be a part of your community. Summarize what is great about your community.

****Requirements: 12 font- Times New Roman; Cover page with name, period, and name of community; last name and first name at top right hand corner of each page; staple or place in a paper folder to turn in. Please proofread your assignment before turning it in.****

DUE DATE: February 26th

Include the following on Poster Representation:

Create a poster with visual representations, similar to the example below: