Board of Education Minutes

Regular Meeting

March 13, 2017

The Board of Education of the Jackson Public Schools held a Regular Meeting at 5:00 p.m. at Northeast Elementary, 1024 Fleming Ave., Jackson, Michigan on Monday, March 13, 2017 pursuant to notice duly given.

Present:Mike Way, Jon Hart, Cheryl Simonetti, Bob Inman, Erin White, Jamie Grace

Absent:Pam Fitzgerald

Approval of Agenda

Motion by M. Way, supported by B. Inman, to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

Superintendent’s Report

Northeast Elementary Report – Mrs. Paschall and Mrs. Holsey shared a slideshow put together by students from each grade level.

Building Reports – The building reports were available for the Board to review. Mr. Way asked about the 5th grade reading/math scores and thought they seemed to be lagging. Also questioned the use of Waterford by Cascades and why other buildings aren’t using it. Mrs. Pigott will investigate and respond back to the Board.

Women’s Expo– Kriss reported that the Women’s Expo was a success. She thanked the people who volunteered at the JPS booth and thought we were seen by many community members.

Consent Agenda

The consent agenda consisted of the following items:


16-17-65January Financial Report

16-17-66Summer Tax Collection Agreements

Motion by C. Simonetti, supported by M. Way, to approve the consent agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

Discussion Items

16-17-67Non-Unit Administrator & Support Staff Contract Extensions

One-year renewals were presented for information for the non-unit administrators and the non-unit support staff. Action will be taken in April. There are no additional dollars attached to these renewals.

16-17-68Superintendent Employment Agreement Extension

A one-year extension is being recommended for the Superintendent’s contract. Action will be taken in April.

16-17-69Superintendent Goals

The Board met on February 8, 2017 to establish the Superintendent goals for this year. They were presented for discussion and will be approved at the April Board meeting.

16-17-70Board Goals

The Board met on February 8, 2017 to establish Board goals for this year. They were presented for discussion and will be approved at the April Board meeting.

Action Items

16-17-712016/17-2 Budget Amendment

The 2016-17 budget amendment was presented to the Finance Committee on February 28, 2017.

Mr. Way asked about the pay to participate change and if it was working to cover the costs. Mr. Hart also asked about other vulnerable areas in the budget.

Motion by B. Inman, supported by J. Grace, to approve the 2016/17-2 budget amendment as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

16-17-72Chromebook Purchases

Mr. Hart asked to be sure we had the infrastructure to support the new computers.

Motion by J. Grace, supported by C. Simonetti, to approve the Chromebook purchases as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

Closed Session

Motion by M. Way, supported by E. White, to enter closed session at 6:16 pm for the purpose of an Attorney/Client Privileged Communication. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by M. Way, supported by C. Simonetti, to return to open session at 6:34 pm. Motion carried unanimously.

Action Items

16-17-73Winifred Street Property

Motion by M. Way, supported by E. White, to approve the resolution as prepared by legal counsel. Motion carried unanimously.

16-17-74Tomlinson School Site

Motion by C. Simonetti, supported by M. Way, to approve the resolution as prepared by legal counsel. Motion carried unanimously.

16-17-75Consent Order

Motion by B. Inman, supported by E. White, to approve the consent order as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

16-17-76Permanent Easement, Parkside Bikepath

Motion by J. Grace, supported by C. Simonetti, to approve the resolution as prepared by legal counsel. Motion carried unanimously.

Old Business

Mr. Hart indicated that a survey from the JCASB will be coming asking for input on the CBA classes being offered by MASB.

Board Comments

Mrs. Simonetti reminded the Board that there is still time to donate for the Ambassadors’ Dinner Gift basket. Also, she commented that the recent band festival held at JHS was amazing!


  • March 24, 2017 – Ambassadors Dinner, Jackson High School, 6:00 pm
  • April 17, 2017 - Regular Meeting, Bennett Elementary, 5:30 pm


Meeting adjourned at 6:44 p.m.

Pamela Fitzgerald, Secretary

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