Dear Sirs!

Dear guests!

With all my heart I greet you in the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan!


Our Republic becomes more and more integrated into the world community. It is one of the most developed regions of Russia, region with stable economics and political condition. There is an international harmonyin Tatarstan, democratic institutes are developing, international and foreign economic relations arestrengthening and extending.

The physical culture and sports in the Russian Federation and Tatarstan are one of the major factors of improving of a demographic situation, health promotion and an effective measure of prophylactics of social-negative developmentsamong youth.

Russia, where World Student Gameshave not been spentsince 1973, and Kazan as one of the largest sports students’centers of the country, have all possibilities to realize this large-scaleproject.

Since 1957 Russian students becomethe prize-winners of the Universiade, and since 1959 the representatives of Kazan city participate in Students Games. From that time about hundred of our citizensparticipated in Summer and Winter Universiade.

Lastyear Kazan hosted the International seminar on students sport in the CIS and Eastern Europe countries which was organized at the initiative of our Government and with support of the Russian StudentsSports Union. During the seminarthere was declared, that the RussianGovernment together with the administration of Tatarstan will make all the best to host the Universiade 2013 in Kazan and toorganize this sports forum at the highest level.

For the right of hosting the Universiade we have a supportof the President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev, who met the members of FISU evaluation committee and expressed the opinion, that Kazan is worthy to hostthe World Students Games.

The President and the Government of the Republic of Tatarstanraisethe preparation for the Universiade in a rank of high-priority and consider it as the large-scale national project.

In present bidding campaignthe strategy and the concept were studied according to FISU regulations and taking into account theformer experience. We held constructive meetings and conferenceswith the representatives of FISU executive committee.

Kazan was introduced on international exhibitions and sports events, which were held in Brussels, Bangkok, Belgrade, Poland, Korea, Mongolia and others. This was made to promote Kazan as a candidatecityonthe international level.

About entry and customs procedures

On May, 8 deputies of the State Duma passed the Federal law according to which the President of Russia can force into applicationby his decree the simplified entry procedure to the Russian Federation. Such arrangement is necessary, when large eventswith a great number of foreign guests are held in Russia and if suchevents increase international authority of our country.

The government of Russia assureslightening of custom procedures and control during carrying out the Universiadefor transportation of sports equipment, medical instruments and appropriate goods.

Vaccinationfor entry the Russian Federation is not required.

About the Universiade financing

Universiade financing will be distributed between three main sources - the budget of the Russian Federation, the budget of the Republic of Tatarstan and the budget of Kazan city.

Private investments become an additional source. Hotels, restaurants and entertaining centers will be built for private investments.

Another sourceis social funds,forwhich hospitals and training sports venues will be build.

The common budget for hosting the Universiade under the experts’prognoses will make six hundred four million Euro, and the operational budget – fifty six and a half million Euro.

The total sum of expensesfor construction of sports facilities and infrastructure objects will make almost 548 million Euro.

Assumedcost of sportsmenaccommodation during gamesis45 Europer day.

To stimulatethe participation in the Universiade of athletes from developing countries, the Organizing committee will set up a quota on participants for delegations of these states with the subsequent adoption of a part of their participation fees at a rate of one and a half million Euro.

Now I would like to give the floor to the Mayor of Kazan city -Ilsur Metshin.

He will tell us

about Kazan city,

about security system during games,

aboutaccommodation and meals of the participants,

about their transportation and

cultural program,

and also aboutthe heritage, which will be left to the city by the Universiade.

The floor is given to Minister of Sports - Marat Bariev.

Mister Bariev will tell you about

Sports development in our Republic,

about sports facilities,

about competitions and championships, which are held in our Republic,

aboutthe sports program of the Universiade,

about medical care,

aboutthe volunteer program and

the organization of the Universiade press-center