Hope House Surgery Enquiries and Emergencies:

Radstock Tel: 01761 432121

BA3 3PL Appointments only:

Tel: 01761 432540

January 2013

Dear All


A Happy New Year to you all. Hope you all had a good Christmas and are ready with your New Year resolutions to lose weight / get more active / stop smoking [tick off whichever one relates to you personally].

The annual newsletter brings you up-to-date with changes in diabetes generally; where to get an update on diabetes and self management of your diabetes through education for all, and various services which can support you in your New Year resolutions.

Diabetes is a progressive condition with complications occurring the longer you have it. The aim is to self manage your condition with our support and through you updating your diabetes education. Every year we wish to encourage all people with diabetes (Type 1 and Type 2) to access diabetes updates locally, so we advertise and sign post you to the education sessions in the area.Below is a list of the education available and contact details to get on the courses, please feel free to bring a relation, carer or friend to accompany you on any of the sessions. Further information is available on the Hope House website – please look under diabetes education.

  1. Type 1 Diabetes Structured Education – Freedom 4 Life: Course is run by a diabetes specialist nurse and a dietician. The course runs over 5 weeks with 3 follow-up sessions at 3, 6 and 12 months. Each weekly session lasts 3.5 hours. Dates and venues for 2013 around the localities can be obtained by contacting Cathy Jeske tel: 01225 766161.

Email: .

  1. Type 1 Diabetes – Carbohydrate Counting This is a one off 2 hour session led by a dietician. Dates and venues for 2013 around the localities can be obtained by contacting Katherine Palfrey on 01249 456512.
  1. Type 2 Diabetes – DESMOND Structured Education. One day course for those within 1 year of diagnosis. It is strongly recommended that everyone attend one course. If interested in a date below, please fill out slip at base of letter and drop into the surgery for the attention of me and I will get you booked on. Courses are from 9:45am to 4pm. Dates and venues in this locality are:
  • Monday 28th January 2013 – Turner Room Paulton Hospital
  • Monday 11th March 2013 – Turner Room Paulton Hospital.
  • Tuesday 7th May 2013 – Turner Room Paulton Hospital TBC
  • Tuesday 9th July 2013 - Turner Room Paulton Hospital TBC
  • For further dates in Bath or Saltford or to be referred please speak with Karen or Bonny.
  1. Type 2 Diabetes Education – Ongoing diabetes updates. “Information and knowledge session for patients with Type 2 diabetes (diagnosed for over 1 year)”. These updates are 3 hours long. If interested in a session please fill out slip at base of letter and return to one of the Practice Nurses so they can book you on a course. Dates and venues in this locality are:
  • Tuesday 8th January 2013 9:30 – 12:30 Radstock Methodist Hall.
  • Tuesday 30th April 2013 1:30 – 4:30 Radstock Methodist Hall.
  • Tuesday 15thOctober 2013 9:30 – 12:30 Radstock Methodist Hall.
  • Dates for the other months of the year for Bath and Saltford are on a poster in the waiting-room or ask a Practice Nurse.

Support with New Year Resolutions

  • If you want support and help to lose weight please ask one of the nurse team:
  • Ask to see nurse Helen or Annemarie Church to do the Counter Weight programme at Hope House ]1 to 1 support]
  • Ask for referral to lifestyle services for referral for weight watchers or slimming world if you meet the criteria
  • Passport for health referral for Improving exercise and activity if you meet the criteria.
  • If you want help to stop smoking see one of the nurse team

Reminder about change in HbA1c measurement units – from June 2011

  • HbA1c measurement units (the 3 month average of your blood sugar) has been phased out. The new measure has come about because laboratories in the UK are changing the way the HbA1c’s are reported. The international Federation of Clinical Chemistry (IFCC) has put forward this new measurement method so the same measurements are used across the world.
  • The new results compare with the old HbA1c results as follows:

a. 6.0% HbA1c correlates to new measurement 42mmol/mol.

b. 6.5% will become 48mmol/mol.

c. 7.0% will become 53mmol/mol.

d. 7.5% will become 59mmol/mol.

e. 8.0% will become 64mmol/mol.

f. 9.0% will become 75mmol/mol.

Aim to have Hba1c below 53mmol. If you have further queries ask the nurse at your next visit.

Up-to-date diabetes information on any aspect of Diabetes can be obtained from:

  • Karen, Bonny or your doctor at Hope House.
  • RUH diabetes website:
  • B&NES internet website
  • Hope House website lists dates of all education available and who to contact:
  • Diabetes UK website gives a lot of expert helpful information and down loads including:

Carbohydrate counting ebook

HbA1c converter

Food & recipes

Lists of local support groups – the nearest is Coleford and Bath

Diabetes & Driving – very important update for all those on insulin and why you must not drive if having a hypoglycaemic attack [your license will be taken away from you

Diabetes and retinal screening eye checks

  • If it is over 6 months since your last diabetes review please book an appointment.
  • If you have not had retinal screening (photos taken of the back of the eyes) for over 1 year please let Annemarie Church know and she will follow-up an appointment for you.
  • If you have not had an optician check within the last 1-2 years (some opticians only do checks 2 yearly) please make an appointment as soon as possible.

Insulin and needles

  • Insulin needle sizes are getting smaller! – Most patients should be on size 5 or 6mm The Practice Nurse will discuss this with you at your next visit.

Again I wish you a happy New Year and look forward to seeing you in 2013.

All best wishes

Bonita Burrow (Nurse Practitioner) on behalf of the nursing team

Diabetes Education Updates: I have Type 2 diabetes.

My name is …………………………………… and I wish to attend:

a. Desmond session on …………………………(for those diagnosed in the last year)


b. Ongoing diabetes session on ……………………………………….

Please send / return this form to one of the practice nurses at Hope House surgery who will refer you for a place.