Present: Cllr W Harmer Chairman, Cllr M Bawden Rawsthorne, Cllr M Dyson, Cllr E Gough, Cllr P Gash, Cllr S Greenman, Cllr P Murton, Cllr A Slater.

Also present: Two members of the Police.

Public Question Time

The Police informed the Council that there had been a theft from one of the farms in the village.

116//12 Apologies for Absence

Apologies were received from Cllr D Queen – work commitments.

117/12 Declarations of Interest

Cllr Harmer declared a personal interest in agenda items 9a and 10a, Cllr Greenman declared a pecuniary interest in agenda item 5 and took no part in the discussion.

118/12 Minutes of Ordinary Meeting held on 10 October 2012

Proposed by Cllr Greenman, seconded by Cllr Slater and unanimously agreed that the minutes should be signed as a true and correct record

119/12 Clerk’s Report

The Clerk had circulated a report of actions carried out over the last month.

120/12 Planning Applications

N/12/03432/FUL 74 The Street – The planning group supported the application.

N/12/02967/FUL Surrendell – It was noted that permission had been given.

N/12/02933/FUL The Old Railway Yard – It was noted that permission had been granted.

Proposed development at Lawn Farm – The Clerk read a letter which stated that a pre-planning application had been submitted to Wiltshire Council (WC). WC had given positive feedback and made some recommendations. When changes are completed the owners wish to hold an open meeting where villagers can view the plans.

121/12 Finance and Administration

a) Schedule of receipts and payments

The Council approved the three inscriptions submitted by the stonemasons – Longs.


Long – Head stone – re Fred Leyfield £90.00

Long – Back-pay, not paid since price increase £10.00

Long – Replacement memorial for Robert and Gladys Miles £46.00

Long – Head stone inscription – Anne Darling £46.00

Total £192.00

Cheque No Payments Amount

182 Cllr Bawden Rawsthorne – re-imbursement £8.20

183 Wayne Morris – Window Cleaner £40.00

184 Clerk’s salary and expenses £475.31

185 AW Services – Grass cutting £1525.00

Total £2048.51

These payments were proposed by Cllr Slater, seconded by Cllr Murton and unanimously agreed.

b) Model publication scheme

Some minor updates are required. This item will be carried over to the next meeting.

c) Clerk’s remuneration/website

It was agreed to pay for the hours worked on the website over the last two months, next month; thereafter, monthly in arrears.

d) Review of policies

The Clerk had attended a Policy Workshop in Warminster. A memory stick is in circulation containing some policies from other Councils. Councillors were also given a list of policies to review and discuss at the next meeting which they deem necessary for this Council.

e) Community infrastructure levy

The Clerk was asked to reply to the email to enquire if the locality of the development will receive any benefit from the charge and what will be received if there is a benefit.

122/12 Footpaths and Rights of Way

a) Progress MOD land and connecting rights of way

No further information had been received at the time of the meeting. This item will be carried over to the next meeting.

b) PIGS/matching funding

No further information had been received at the time of the meeting. This item will be carried over to the next meeting.

123/12 Car Parking, Traffic and Highway Matters

a) Flooding at Cemetery Corner

No further information had been received at the time of the meeting.

b) Potholes

It was noted that more pot holes had been reported. Some pot holes had been measured by Highways but not filled at the time of the meeting. The Clerk had contacted the Cabinet Office enquiring when the road would be resurfaced from Hullavington to Surrendell turning; no information had been received at the time of the meeting.

c) “20” plenty

It was noted that Councillors could submit their support on an individual basis.

124/12 Cemetery and Churchyard Matters

a) WI request for plants in church yard

It was noted that the PCC had offered to donate £30 p.a. to the WI for plants in the Church yard; Cllr Harmer offered to reply to the PCC. It was suggested an item could be placed in the newsletter asking, if villagers had any spare plants, could they donate them to the WI for the pots, garden and churchyard; Cllr Bawden Rawsthorne and the Clerk will compose the request.

b) Trees in cemetery – removal

The Council accepted with thanks Cllr Slater’s offer to remove the trees in the cemetery adjacent to the bier house.

The repair or replacement of Gatepost will be reviewed at the next meeting.

c) Little Topsoil – cut hedge/top grass

It was noted that the farmer had cut the hedge and will top the grass.

d) Breaches of Cemetery regulations by funeral directors and stonemasons

The Clerk will contact the stonemasons and funeral directors regarding the breach of regulations and ask them to remind their clients and make sure they are aware of the regulations relating to the care and maintenance of the plots. It was suggested that an additional notice should be installed by the tap.

125/12 Village Maintenance

a) WI request replace tubs/preference

Cllr Slater is completing the pots and will contact the WI.

b) Grass cutting – extra cut

The contractor has started the last cut. He offered to carry out the cut at a reduced rate to thank the Council for its support during the year.

c) Christmas Tree – arrangements

Cllr Bawden Rawsthorne offered to select the tree and arrange delivery. Cllr Murton offered to arrange for soldiers to erect the tree.

d) Proposal to install a textile recycling bin

The Clerk had contacted the owners of the land; no reply had been received at the time of the meeting.

e) Bus shelter refurbishment/cleaning – authorise expenditure/reimbursement

Cllr Gash proposed and Cllr Slater seconded and unanimously agreed the quote received to refurbish the bus shelter and the purchase of anti-graffiti paint. Cllr Bawden Rawsthorne offered to order the paint.

Cllr Slater proposed, Cllr Gash seconded and unanimously agreed to the reimbursement of £8.20 for Jeyes fluid which was given to Elizabeth Parry-Williams for the cleaning of the bus shelter which she cleans regularly.

The Chairman offered his £50 expense allowance as a gratuity to Mrs Parry-Williams in recognition for all the years she has regularly cleaned the bus shelter.

126/12 Emergency Plan

Cllr Murton stated that the junior officers would like to compile the emergency plan on their return from deployment in January 2014.

127/12 Exchange of Information, Councillors Reports and Items for Next Meeting

a) Village Hall

No report

b) School Report

No report

c) Buckley Barracks/war memorial

Cllr Murton had attended the opening of the new County Hall in Trowbridge. The war memorial in Stanton is complete and has been extremely well received by all. The question of a similar memorial for Hullavington will be re-visited at a later date.

d) Website

The Website is still being updated.

e) Late Correspondence

Cllr Gash offered to attend the Parish Forum.

f) Items for next meeting

No further items at the time of the meeting.

128/12 Date of Next Meeting

Wednesday 12 December 2012

The meeting closed at 9.20pm and was then followed by a separate meeting, to conduct a preliminary review of the Budget & Precept for 2013/4.