Minutes ofaMeeting of Scaleby Parish Council held on Wednesday 15thJuly 2015 in Scaleby Village Hall

Present: Councillors L Thompson (Chairman), W Bendle, M Grant, G McGarr and R Marston.

In Attendance: City Cllrs M Bowman and J Bainbridge. County Cllr J Mallinson.

017/15Minutes of Meeting Held Wednesday 20th May 2015

Resolved that the minutes of the last meeting of the Parish Council be agreed and signed as a true record by the Chairman.

018/15Requests for Dispensations

No requests were received.

019/15Declarations of Interest

Cllr Thompson declared an interest in item 023/15.4 (Scaleby Village Hall) being secretary of the Management Committee.

City Cllr Bainbridge and County Cllr Mallinson entered the meeting.

020/15Public Participation

020/15.1 Members of the Public

No members of the public were in attendance.

020/15.2 CityCouncil and County Council

No reports were given from the City and County Councillors.

021/15Administrative Matters

021/15.1 Bus Services

Cllr McGarr informed Cllrs that the Border Rambler Bus Service was progressing. A company had been formed and volunteers were being recruited to run the service, which was due to begin with a route incorporating Irthington, Newtown, Crosby, Linstock and Rickerby in early September. Cllr McGarr stated that anyone wanting to use the bus from Scaleby or nearby parishes could make contact with them to inform them of demand. It was confirmed that bus passes could be used on the service and that volunteers would be provided with training.

021/15.2 Land Registry

The Chair reported that she had visited Bendles Solicitors and left with them the Village Hall minute books to search for evidence needed to progress with application. Cllr Bendle also confirmed he had been approached to confirm details of the land gifted by his family in the 1980’s – Cllr McGarr and Cllr Thompson offered to help him determine the extent on a provided map following the meeting.

021/15.3 Projects

Cllr McGarr suggested that some planters be purchased for placement around the village entrance signs which may encourage participation by parishioners with some kind of gardening scheme. The Clerk is to investigate prices of wooden planters before further discussions are held.

021/15.4 Litter picking

It was noted that the turnout for the planned litter pick had been poor and the evening was cancelled. Cllrs agreed that ad-hoc litter picks may be more successful than an organised evening in the future. A signed risk assessment confirming health and safety guidelines will be followed will be required in such occurrences.

Resolved to purchase six sets of litter picking equipment for ad-hoc use.

021/15.5 Grit bins

The Clerk had confirmed that if additional parish grit bins were required, they could be obtained at a cost of £260 each (approx.) and subject to the site conforming to County Council criteria, the bins would be replenished by the Highways team after the initial fill.

Resolved: to request that sites at the Bar Lonning, Longpark and Castle Lonning are evaluated by the County Council to see if they meet criteria needed for the siting of a grit bin.

021/15.6 Summer Activity Days

The advertising of the three summer activity days and the confirmed grant of £750 towards the events from Cumbria County Council was noted. City Cllr Bowman offered to donate £200 towards the days and County Cllr Mallinson also offered some of his own funding – the Clerk to liaise with both to have authorised.

021/15.7 Carlisle City Council Licensing Act 2003 – Draft Statement of Licensing Policy 2016

The above consultation was noted and will be passed onto the village hall management committee for their consideration if appropriate.

021/15.8 Defibrillator Signage

Cllrs consideredthe purchase and installation of some directional signage in the parish to indicate that the defibrillator was housed at the Village Hall. It was noted that Kirklinton Parish had similar signs. The Clerk indicated that templates for approximately £6 each could be obtained if custom made signage was not desired. Cllrs resolved to purchase four of these. County Cllr Mallinson is to investigate if permission would be needed to place the signs on existing posts.

021/15.9 Commonwealth Flag

Consideration was given to the purchase and installation of a flag and flagpole to celebrate Commonwealth Flag Day. Reservations were expressed about the practicality of how often a flagpole would be used and concerns were also raised about whether planning permissions would be necessary. The Clerk is to investigate this and report back as appropriate at a future meeting.

021/15.10 Dumfries & Galloway Strategic Reinforcement Project

The Clerk reported the above consultation was on the agenda as the site at Harker was included for consultation, however she advised that a Parish Council response was not deemed, in her opinion, necessary.

022/15Planning Matters

022/15.1 To note the following planning application:

15/0468 Fircroft, Access Road to Stoneknowe From the Barclose to Long Park Road – Proposed single storey extension to existing house to provide toilet/cloakroom with attached garage/workshop. Includes demolition of existing derelict outbuildings (attached to dwelling)

Noted that the Clerk responded under delegated powers with no representation

022/15.2 To note the following planning decisions:

15/0343 Burnhill Cottage, Burnhill, Scaleby, Carlisle, CA6 4LU - Change Of Use Of Part Of Domestic Garden To Commercial Land Including The Erection Of An Office Showroom And 2no. Timber Storage Sheds (Retrospective)

Noted that permission has been refused.

023/15Finance Matters

023/15.1 Accounts to end June 2015

The accounts summary from 1 April 2015 to 30 June was circulated alongside the agenda and was noted. Cllr Grieves is to sign the reconciliation at the September meeting.

The balance at bank was note as £10809.63.

023/15.2 Payment Schedule

Resolved to authorise payments as listed on the schedule totalling £188.78

023/15.3 Receipts

The receipt of £538 being the Concurrent Services Grant from Carlisle City Council was noted.

023/15.4 Donation Requests

Resolved to authorise the following donations:

  • All Saints Church, Scaleby - £350 towards grass cutting at the churchyard for 2014/15 and 2015/16.
  • Border Rambler Bus Service CIC - £100 towards set-up costs
  • Cumbria Blood Bikes Charity - £50 towards on-going costs

It was noted that the flooring project at Scaleby Village Hall was to be deferred however it was stated that a damp problem on the toilet walls needed rectified with the installation of some boarding. A decision on a donation towards this was deferred until the September meeting.

024/15Council Matters and Agenda Items for Future Meetings

Cllr Bendle noted that the postal collection times in the parish were now at 9am only.

025/15Schedule of Correspondence, notices and publications

Items received since the last meeting and not on the agenda were noted.

026/15Dates of Next Meeting

It was resolvedthat the next meeting of the Parish Council will take place on Wednesday 23rd September 2015 at 7.30pm. Cllr McGarr sent apologies in advance.

There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting.