HKMA Private Website System (PWS)


Electronic Delivery of Circular / Guideline

to Authorized Institutions

Installation Guide and User Manual

June 2000

Revision History

Issue Number / Revision Number / Revision Date / Nature of Revision / Prepared By / Approved By
1 / 0 / 02 July 2000 / 1st published / Andy Lam
A(SYS)(BPSS)2 / Monita Ma

Identification of Document Control Status

For Softcopy :

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1About this guide......

2Setting up PWS connection......

2.1Installation of Modem......

2.2Installation of STET Connection Manager......

2.3Terminate current STET connection......

2.4Installation of web browser (Internet Explorer / Netscape Communicator)......

3Secure Socket Layer (SSL) configuration of your browser......

3.1For Internet Explorer Version 5.x......

3.2For Internet Explorer Version 4.x......

3.3For Netscape Communicator Version 4.x......

4Instructions to access the HKMA’s private network and retrieve new banking circular / guideline posted on the PWS

4.1To access the HKMA’s private network......

4.2To read notification email regarding new issue of banking circular / guideline......

4.3To read the newly published circular/guideline on the PWS......

5Change of password......

5.1Web Mail Account......

5.2PWS Account......

6Helpdesk Support......

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1About this guide

Please read this guide carefully for instructions to install your PC to access the HKMA’s Private Website System (PWS) for retrieving new issue of banking circular / guideline. This guide contains detailed information on

  • Setting up connection to PWS
  • Checking the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) configuration of your browser
  • Instruction to access the HKMA’s private network to retrieve notification email regarding new issue of banking circular/ guideline and download the published documents on the private website
  • Change of password function

To make the installation process simple, please study the flow chart below and identify the scenarioto which your institution belongs.

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2Setting up PWS connection

2.1Installation of Modem

  1. Please refer to your modem installation guide from your modem vendor.

2.2Installation of STET Connection Manager

  1. Insert the floppy disk labelled STET Connection Manager (part of the User Account Package enclosed) into drive A.
  2. Click the Start button and select Run.
  3. Type in A:\stetcm.exe [Enter].
  4. A STET Connection Manager dialog box as shown will popup.
    Click the Yes button to continue.
  5. Program files are copied to your computer automatically.
  1. The shortcut of STET Connection Manager will be created on desktop and STET Connection Manager will then pop up.
  1. If Connection Manager requires components (Dial-up Networking or TCP/IP for Dial-up Adapter) that have not been installed in your computer, it will prompt you to install these components.
    Click the Yes button to continue.
  2. Insert a Windows 9x/NT4.0 diskette or CD as indicated and click the OK button.
  3. Restart the computer in order to give effect to these changes.
  4. After the restart of your computer, double click the STET Connection Manager icon on desktop.
  1. Enter User name and Passwordas indicated in the diagram below.

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  1. Click the Properties button to check the phone number.
  1. [Optional : onlyfor companies which need to dial 9 to access local telephone call]
    click the Dialling Rules button and enter the prefix no. in the textbox before ‘for local’ and then click the OK button.
  1. Click the OK button to continue.
  2. Click the Connect button to establish connection.

2.3Terminate current STET connection

  1. Double click STET WEB icon on the task bar (right-bottom corner).
  2. A STET Connection Manager dialog box as shown will popup.
  3. Click the Disconnect button to terminate the connection.

2.4Installation of web browser (Internet Explorer / Netscape Communicator)

Normally, Windows 95, 98 and NT have already bundled with the Internet Explorer. Please make sure that the version of the web browser complies with our system requirement. If you don’t have one installed in your PC, please refer to your technical staff for help.

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3Secure Socket Layer (SSL) configuration of your browser

We are using the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology to secure all information transmitted between the HKMA and Authorised Institution (AI) through the PWS. This SSL technology is only available for Internet Explorer version 4.0 or above or Netscape Communicator 4.0 or above. Before using this feature, please follow the instructions below to ensure that the setting of your browser is correct.

3.1For Internet Explorer Version 5.x

  1. Launches Internet Explorer.
  2. Select Internet Options from the Tools menu. An Internet Properties dialog as below will popup.
  1. Make sure the checkbox Use SSL 3.0 is selected.

3.2For Internet Explorer Version 4.x

  1. Launches Internet Explorer.
  2. Select Internet Options from the View menu. An Internet Explorer Properties dialog as below will popup.
  1. Make sure the checkbox SSL 3.0 is selected.

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3.3For Netscape Communicator Version 4.x

  1. Launch Netscape Navigator or Netscape Communicator.
  1. Click the Security button.
  2. A window will popup.
  3. Select Navigator.
  4. Make sure the checkbox Enable SSL (Secure Socket Layer) v3 is selected as below.

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4Instructions to access the HKMA’s private network and retrieve new banking circular / guideline posted on the PWS

4.1To access the HKMA’s private network

  1. Turn on your modem.
  2. Double click the STET Connection Manager icon on desktop.
  3. Enter in your User name[1] and Password1, and click the OK button.

4.2To read notification email regarding new issue of banking circular / guideline

  1. After you have connected to the private network, open Internet Explore and type the following address in the URL.
  1. A logon dialog box will popup as below. Enter in your Username[2] and password2 to get into your mailbox, and click the Login button.

  1. Upon successful logon, please click Inbox to check if there are new emails in the mailbox.

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4.3To read the newly published circular/guideline on the PWS

  1. Click the subject of the email to read the message and click the hyperlink ( in the message to logon the private website as shown below.
  2. Enter in your User name[3] and Password3, and click the OK button.

  1. Upon successful logon, the following screen will be displayed:

  1. Click the hyperlink New Issue of Circulars / Guidelines to read all newly posted document.
  1. Click the document you wish to view.
  2. Click all the files enclosed with the document you wish to see.

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5Change of password

For security reasons, please change your password immediately after the first sign on.

5.1Web Mail Account

  1. Select Option in the menu bar, then click Password tab on the left menu as below.
  2. Complete the form and click the Change Password button.

5.2PWS Account

  1. Click on the Change Password hyperlink after logging on the private website.
  1. Complete the form and click the Submit Request button.

(Note: The password of the user accounts other than Web Mail Account and PWS Account for the HKMA private network is not allowed to be changed.)

6Helpdesk Support

If you have any questions on the technical requirement and the procedures as described in this installation Guide and User Manual, please contact our STET helpdesk at 2878-1800 during office hour (8:45a.m. – 5:15p.m.).

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[1] Please refer to the Dial-up Account in the Password Envelope enclosed.

[2] Please refer to the Web Mail Account in the Password Envelope enclosed.

[3] Please refer to the PWS Account in the Password Envelope enclosed.