
Short-term Mission Trips

Short-term mission trips are a valuable experience in the life of every believer. Part of our vision is to see every believer go somewhere in this world where they will have the opportunity to share the love of Jesus in a culture which is foreign to their own. This will facilitate transformations in individual lives like nothing else can. Getting outside one's comfort zone takes determination and courage. When they arrive in another place and begin to see how other people live, especially those outside of Christ, it tends to motivate in a way that would otherwise be impossible.

Why Take Mission Trips?

An anonymous minister wrote: "I pastored many years without taking an overseas mission trip. Yes, I believed in and supported missions. I just didn't think it would be good stewardship for me to go. While I supported others, and sent others -- I never went myself. I didn't encourage people I pastored to take short-term trips, either. I thought it best to support others, such as natives, or those more qualified. It is easy to judge on just the natural level, and to focus on how much something costs. Short-term mission trips can be expensive, and yet only last for such a limited time. I was thinking of the best way to use the available money. That is good, but we must be careful not to let the good be the enemy of the best. I was thinking in limited terms, but God knows no limits.

Although I was trying to be a wise steward, now I realize my perspective was wrong. Besides, people will spend their money on something, anyway. Why not encourage them to spend it on something eternally worthwhile, like a mission trip -- instead of just a regular vacation or a new TV?"

What Are The Benefits Of Short-Term Mission Trips?

A better understanding of what it is like in other countries.

You realize that other countries and cultures are different. That other people have different ways of looking at life and doing things. Your perspective will broaden as you undertake various projects which you never considered before.

A better understanding of people and their universal needs.

You find out that people, though they may look different, are the same all over the world. They have the same feelings, hopes, and desires -- they are human just like you are.

More empathy for missionaries and the problems they face.

From your short-term experience, you will acquire an appreciation of what it is like for those who serve full time on the mission field. In response, you will attain a greater compassion and concern for them and be better equipped to respond in a more effective manner.

A greater appreciation for what you have at home.

Most will have a more thankful attitude upon return, and determine to complain less about the small irritations life throws our way.

More oriented to outreach when you return home, because of doing it there.

Although Christians love the Lord and others, most of us find it hard to share the gospel with those we know. When we travel to a distant place where no one knows us, many find it easier to overcome these inhibitions. Once we discover we can witness, and pray with people there, it prompts us to continue when we return home.

A greater vision for missions.

When we see the need first-hand, that people there are not just statistics, but real people we know, love and care about. We are motivated to work, pray and give our best; not only now, but in the future. We also discover that they have much to teach us about endurance, generosity, gratitude and hospitality!

A greater commitment to Christ and His plan. Jesus parting words to His disciples included these words: "You go into all the world…"Matt. 28:19a Doing work for God, and seeing results, is like starting a fire. It is natural for it to continue and grow larger. Once we get a taste of it, we want more!

Advancement of the Kingdom of God.

Souls are won to Christ, churches are strengthened, pastors and missionaries are encouraged by those taking short-term mission trips.

Even if our main task is helping to build a medical clinic or church building, or supporting others in a crusade, we will know that we are making a difference for the kingdom of God.

Expansion of the missionary force.

Short-term teams can make a significant difference in missionary work. Especially on select projects, such as medical clinics, crusades or clinic/church building construction which will support the mission and Christ's people as they seek to reach the lost and suffering for His names sake in their area.

Equally important, though, many who take short-term trips will return at some point for a longer term of service. Without the exposure of a short-term mission trip, many will not realize that God is calling them to mission work.

All those who serve in full-time ministry should be encouraged to take at least one short-term mission trip, and if possible, take some of their people with them. If all churches did this, interest in and giving to missions in general would increase.

Take a mission trip…

and take someone with you!


Short-term Medical Mission Trip Policies

1.1.All trip participants are required to follow the trip schedule and participate in all group functions. Permission to deviate from scheduled activities must be obtained from the team leader.

1.1.The trip leader and the host missionary are the recognized authorities on the trip. All volunteers must comply to this directive.

1.1.Conduct is to be that expected of a Christian person- willing to give and take and maintain the spirit of unity and harmony of the group, to extend politeness and courtesy to those with whom we come in contact (missionaries, nationals, team leaders, team members). A positive attitude is expected!

1.1.Neither smoking of tobacco nor use of any form of illegal drugs or alcohol is permitted.

1.1.You will be expected to acclimate to the host culture. This may mean eating food you are unfamiliar with or participating in foreign customs. Complaining about or constantly comparing the differences from Canadian culture is considered inappropriate.

1.1.Pairing off is NOT permitted, as it tends to distract from the real purpose of the trip. Males are not allowed in females’ rooms and females are not allowed in males’ rooms. (Unless, of course, you are husband and wife) Due to cultural considerations, public displays of affection should be avoided..

1.1.Separation from the group is not allowed without prior approval by the team leader. Always let the team leader or host missionary know your whereabouts. NEVER wander off or go exploring by yourself.

1.1.It is important that you dress in a neat, clean, and modest fashion. Your appearance is important not only for the missionary’s reputation, but in the way the local people will perceive you. You may have to submit to certain restrictions regarding dress (not wearing shorts), body piercing (only acceptable piercing is small earrings for ladies) and hair restrictions (hair length for the guys). Information will be included elsewhere on dress expectations for specific destinations.

1.1.Due to cultural considerations, practical jokes are not permitted.

1.1.Do not give gifts of any kind to nationals without consulting the host missionaries or trip leader. The preferred method of giving is through structured programs by the host mission. Do not give your address or telephone number to anyone. Correspondence with nationals may be arranged through the FAMECanadaoffice or the host mission.

1.1.If you may be called upon to drive, it would be wise to ascertain whether you have the proper credentials which will be acceptable in the country you are traveling to. (Be aware that some nations drive on the opposite side of the road than we Canadians do!) Always take the appropriate credentials...especially your drivers license.

1.It is not recommended that children accompany the team unless it has been cleared by the Team Leader. We recommend that young people over the age of 18 be encouraged to participate. (This is not intended as a strict rule for we do recognize that each case should be assessed on its' own merits.)


Contribution Schedule:

- $100 now, if not already paid

[This covers registration and administration

fees and is non-refundable.]

- One-half of total cost 4 months in

advance of departure date.

- Balance of total cost of trip two months prior to departure date.

FAMECanada, in planning our short-term mission opportunity, will need to pay some advance fees for travel, etc. The above contribution schedule will enable FAMECanada to make these arrangements on your behalf. If you are unable to meet this schedule, you must contact the Team Leader or contact the FAMECanada office to insure your continued participation in the trip. The total trip cost includes: travel, food, lodging, mission and clinic supplies, and administration fees. This does not include souvenirs, meals en route, or other incidentals. $100 is usually sufficient to cover incidental expenses.

Contributions are made to the ongoing mobilization of FAMECanada short-term mission teams and as such are NOT refundable. If you are unable to go due to illness, money paid to that point (minus administrative fees and nonrefundable fees paid) may be applied, for up to one year, towards another short-term mission opportunity.

Raising Your Support:

The most important thing in raising your support for this trip is to understand that this mission is God’s and not yours. Dedicate this to prayer. If this is God’s will for your life and you do all that you can, God will provide a way. You must be convinced that this is what God wants you to do. In looking at the amount of money you may need to raise for your trip, it may seem insurmountable. Remember that funds can come from a number of sources over a period of several months, which will make it seem much more attainable. You may want to get family, your church, missions committee, neighbors, and interested people in your community involved. The following are fundraising ideas that others have used to raise their support:

1.1.Assistance from your home church. Let your church know what you are doing. Ask for their prayers and financial support. Ask the church to host fundraising activities for you. Send letters to individual church members asking for their support. A sample support-raising letter is included in this packet.

2.2.Assistance from family and friends. Send letters to relatives and friends asking for prayer and support. Enlist family and friends to help you with fundraising activities. Use your birthday and other gift-giving occasions to ask for support, in lieu of a traditional gift.

3.3.Assistance from other churches. If there are other churches in which you have been involved, contact them, let them know your plans, and ask for their support.

4.4.Hold fundraising activities. This includes such things as having a car wash, mission luncheon, auction, garage sale, bake sale, craft fair, talent show, doing odd jobs, etc. Use your imagination. Go with what works and is permissible in your community and church.


The following is a form letter that can be used to solicit funds and prayer support. This is just an example. Please personalize it to meet your specific needs and situation.

Dear ______:

I’m excited! This (date of trip) I plan to participate in a very challenging ministry. The Fellowship of Associates of Medical Evangelism (FAMECanada) offers several opportunities each year for healthcare professionals and others to experience mission work firsthand. It is a ministry of spreading the good news of Jesus Christ through medical evangelism. I will have the opportunity to support dedicated missionaries in (country) and work in a mission clinic.

As part of being a short-term missionary, I will need to raise my own support. This is where you can play an important part through your giving of money, and more importantly, your prayers. I will need a total of $____. This money is used for travel, housing, meals, clinic supplies, and other expenses. It is important that the check be made payable to FAMECanada and not to me. Checks should be sent to FAMECanada indicating your intentions.

Thank you for your consideration in this matter of finances. Please consider praying for me on a daily basis, as I strive to fulfill my commitment to bring healthcare and news of the Great Physician to those in need in another part of the world. I know that God works through His people, and that only with His help can any lasting results occur. Pray specifically that I will be able to demonstrate God’s love through medical evangelism.

Your closing,

Your name

P.S. I am trying to make sure I have someone committed to pray for me each day of my trip. If you are willing to be one of my “prayer partners”, please let me know.

Tax Information

Contributions may be tax-deductible when checks or money orders from you or contributors are made payable to FAMECanada. The checks should be marked for “mobilization”. All gifts eligible for tax-deductible consideration are donations to FAMECanada. Financial disbursement is at the discretion of FAMECanada. This is the ONLY way they qualify as a tax-deductible contribution.

Individuals making contributions to your trip should give their checks to you. You should submit these checks to FAMECanadain the appropriate time frame. When submitting checks from supporters, please include your name in a cover letter so funds can be credited to the mobilization account but DO NOT put your name on checks for tax-deduction purposes.


FAME Canada requires that all participants have valid passports. Others may advise you differently. However, FAMECanadarequires a passport due to travel in-country that may demand a passport.

When traveling internationally, your passport should be valid at least six months after entry in-country.

If you do not have a passport, you need to start the application process now. Passport processing time varies widely so don’t put this off.

Passport applications are available at your Provincial Government Offices or local Post Office.

You will need two regulation-size passport pictures. Travel agents, Canadian Automobile Association, Wal-Mart and the Motor Vehicle Department are possible places to have your passport photograph taken.

You will need a certified copy of your official birth certificate. Check with the Department of Vital Statistics in the province or country which you were born if you do not already have this document.

When purchasing a Visa or Passport for mission requirements, inquire as to whether they are tax deductible.



Immunizations to travel out of country vary, depending on where you are going. However, we do recommend the following:

Hepatitis A vaccination. This is an injection that is given in either a single dose or a two dose series.

Hepatitis B vaccination. This is an injection that is given in a three dose series.

Tetanus vaccination. Tetanus immunization should be up to date.

Malaria prophylaxis. In areas where malaria exists, the usual medication is chloroquine (Aralen). This is a pill that is taken once a week. It should be started one week prior to departure and continued for four to six weeks after returning home. Malaria is a mosquito borne illness. Precautions should be taken to avoid mosquito bites.

These are only recommendations. Other vaccines are available for a variety of diseases for which we make no recommendation one way or the other. FAMECanada strongly suggests you consult your doctor for recommendations on travel to tropical areas. You may also wish to consult a travel clinic if one is available in your area. An excellent source of up-to-date medical information for travelers is the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) web site at: .

Food and waterborne diseases are the number one cause of illness in travelers. Traveler’s diarrhea can be caused by viruses, bacteria, or parasites, which are found throughout the region and can contaminate food or water. Infections may cause diarrhea and vomiting, fever, or liver damage. Make sure your food and drinking water are safe. Do not eat or drink anything unless the host missionary or trip leader says it is safe to eat or drink.

To StayHealthy:

Wash hands often with soap and water or commercial alcohol hand wash. (eg. Endure 300 - Huntington)

Drink only bottled or boiled water, or carbonated (bubbly) drinks in cans or bottles. Avoid tap water, fountain drinks, and ice cubes.

Eat only thoroughly cooked food or fruits and vegetables you have peeled yourself. Remember: boil it, cook it, peel it, or forget it.