Dr. Janet Neufeld, Superintendent

1801 McKenzie, Pawhuska, OK 74056

(918) 287-1265 phone --- (918) 287-4461 fax


Dear Faculty, staff and patrons:

As with changing times everywhere, there are new programs and processes for the Pawhuska Public Schools. If you are receiving this letter, it is because we are searching for committee members to serve on the Pawhuska District Leadership Team. In the next several years, Pawhuska will become more entrenched in anew model of accreditation and assessment for Oklahoma schools. Part of that accreditation process will involve deeper partnerships and connections not only among district programs, but also with the community at large. We are interested in examining how we can establish connections that result in creating a high performing learning environment. And that means larger than the schoolhouse!

In forming the group, we will want to spend time with the vision, purpose and developing goals for the Pawhuska school community. This would surround district projects like accreditation, college and career readiness, special education, community engagement, curriculum and instructional practices, technology integration, facilities and maintenance,and building upon a stronger base of parent and community liaisons and partnerships.

We will schedule at least two meetings during the year at a time that will work best for the group. This could be in the afternoon or perhaps early evening, yet to be determined. Once the group is formed and we meet, we can determine the scope of work and the time needed. We know you are all very busy individuals, but if you would be willing to serve, we would appreciate your knowledge and experience and the unique perspective you bring to the Pawhuska Public Schools.

What other questions may you have for us? Both of us are available to visit, stop by or share additional information. We appreciate your consideration and look forward to hearing from you by March 1, 15, 2015.


Dr. Janet Neufeld


Pawhuska Public Schools

Jon Marie Wilson

Pawhuska Education Association


Dr. Janet Neufeld, Superintendent

1801 McKenzie, Pawhuska, OK 74056

(918) 287-1265 phone --- (918) 287-4461 fax

Please return this form to a building administrator or the district office. Thank you for your consideration.

Pawhuska District Leadership Team:

Yes:______I am able to serve.

No:______I am unable to serve at this time, but I’d like you to keep me posted.


Telephone or cell:______

Email address:______