Myland Community Council

Planning & Development Policy Committee

Minutes of the Myland Community Council Planning & Development Policy Committee Meeting held on Wednesday 4th May 2016, 7.15 pm @ 101 Nayland Road, Mile End Road, Colchester, CO4 5EN

Present: Cllr John Stewart (Chair)

Cllr Jean Dickinson

Cllr Liz Gray

Cllr Pete Hewitt

Cllr Peter Pipik

The Assistant Clerk

There was one member of the public present.

25-16/17 Apologies

Apologies were accepted from Cllr Dickson.

26-16/17 Declarations of Interest

There were none.

27-16/17 Have Your Say

There were no comments.

28-16/17 Chairman’s Announcements and Correspondence

There were no announcements and no correspondence.

29-16/17 Minutes of the meeting held on 20th April 2016 to be approved as a true record and signed by the Chairman

The minutes of the meeting held on 20th April 2016 were approved as a true record and signed by the Chairman.

Proposed: Cllr Gray Seconded: Cllr Hewitt (4 For; 1 Abstension)

30-16/17 Update of progress of resolutions made at the last meeting

There were no updates.

31-16/17 Monitoring

There was no monitoring report.

32-16/17 Planning matters for review

There were no matters for review.

33-16/17 Planning, Licensing & Highways Applications/Appeals - To make recommendations, including requests for Section 106 money where applicable, on applications received (Appendix 1)

160842 – 18 Prior Way, Colchester, CO4 5DG – Proposed single storey rear extension with new vehicular access onto Prior Way and a new 2m high fence where gates removed to the side facing Hugh Dickson Road – Comment

In view of the proximity to the junction of Prior Way with Hugh Dickson Road, we would suggest that the views of Highways are sought.

Proposed: Cllr Hewitt Seconded: Cllr Dickinson (Unanimous)

160959 – 1 Three Crowns Road, Colchester CO4 5AD – Internal alterations. Removal of small area single storey part of kitchen. New two storey rear extension - Support

Proposed: Cllr Dickinson Seconded: Cllr Gray (Unanimous)

34-16/17 To receive copies of Planning/Appeal Decisions

Copies of the following Planning Decisions were received:

160394 – New David Lloyd development, United Way, Colchester – Sign A – building mounted. Sign B – building mounted. Sign C – building mounted. Sign D – 3 sided totem sign. Sign E – single sided sign. – Consent given, 5 conditions, 22nd April 2016

160600 – 36 Howards Croft, Colchester CO4 5FP – Proposed single storey side extension – Permission granted, 5 conditions, 3rd May 2016

160441 – 225a Bergholt Road, Colchester CO4 5AH – Proposed first floor rear extension – Permission granted, 3 conditions, 3rd May 2016

35-16/17 Date of next meeting – 18th May 2016 at 7.15pm @ 101 Nayland Road

The meeting closed at 7.34pm.

Councillor John Stewart ……………………………………………………….. Chairman

List of abbreviations / Cllr – Councillor / NGUAE – North Growth Urban Area Extension
CBC – Colchester Borough Council / NP – Neighbourhood Plan
CIL – Community Infrastructure Levy / NEPP – North Essex Parking Partnership
ECC – Essex County Council / PRoW – Public Right of Way
LHP – Local Highways Panel / S106 – Section 106 of Town & Country Planning Act ‘90
LP – Local Plan / SPD – Supplementary Planning Document
MCC – Myland Community Council