November 19, 2014

A meeting of the Board of Directors of East Lake Woodlands Community Association was held on November 19, 2014 at 8:00 a.m. at the office of Management and Associates, 720 Brooker Creek Boulevard, Oldsmar, Florida. The meeting was called to order by Judy Fosbrook, who served as Chairman of the meeting. Bernadette Massaro and Jaime L Soderland of Management and Associates served as Recording Secretary. The roll was called and the following directors were present: Judy Fosbrook, Jack Picker. Chuck Fairman, Keith Crank, John Fernsler, Janet Peterson, Dick Corrigan, Jeff Hunt, and Pam Brown.

The next item on the agenda was the approval of unapproved minutes, those being the minutes of the Board of Director’s meeting held on October 15 2014, a motion was made by Keith Crank, seconded by Jack Pickler and unanimously carried to approve the minutes for the Board of Director’s meeting as submitted.

The following reports were given:

President’s Report – President Fosbrook reported on the SunTrust gate being hit again. There was some discussion on what may help drivers to slow down before hitting the gate. This will be placed on the next agenda.

President Fosbrook also reported on a new letter that was received by an owner of East Lake Woodlands and the board felt that we should send the same response as before highlighting the areas of concern as they were all addressed in the first correspondence from the Board. Last was an email that was received from the President of Stonebriar asking for a progress report on the flooding and the vandalism?

Treasurer’s Report – Treasurer Peterson discussed October financial. Treasurer Peterson noted that there was a $14,000 variance in the Grounds line item, but that was due to two months being posted in the same month. There was no over payment. She further discussed that all items that were asked to be re-classed were completed by M&A along with the addition of a legal line item to keep all monies being spent on legal matters regarding Cross Pointe separate from regular legal matters. Last, ELW had two CD’s that were up for renewal. A motion was made by Janet Peterson, seconded by Dick Corrigan and unanimously carried to rollover the CD’s.

Manager’s Report – The manager’s report was read aloud.

Old Business

There was none.

New Business

Deerpath Document Revitalization: This was discussed and a motion was made by John Fernsler, seconded by Jeff Hunt and unanimously carried to take all necessary action in order to extend the effectiveness of the existing Master Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions for Deerpath Unit One and that the President of the Association be, and she is hereby authorized and directed to execute the Notice of Statement of Marketable Title Action prepared by counsel for the Association and after doing so, return such to counsel for the Association for recordation.

Woodlands Parkway Landscape Bid: This was discussed and a motion was made by John Fernsler, seconded by Chuck Fairman and unanimously carried to execute the proposal that was presented by the Landscape Chair for the Island Enhancement Installation for $8125.00 plus the cost of tree removal at $500 per tree and the cost of the permit.

Cypress Estates Drainage Repair – This is tabled until such time as there is a clear understanding as to where Clearwater Gas will be digging.

Mankin Law Group Legal Service Agreement – This was discussed and a motion was made by Keith Crank, seconded by Dick Corrigan and unanimously carried to execute the Legal Service Agreement with Mankin Law Group (collections attorney). Moving forward on liens to foreclosures will be on the agenda for January.

Barcode Request – The realtor in the Town Center has asked for the ability of their employees to purchase barcodes. The board discussed this and will allow the purchase of barcodes for the employees. The manager will request a monthly update from the Country Club as well as the Town Center Businesses of employee turnover so those barcodes can be deactivated accordingly.

Grounds Committee – Already discussed

Conflicts of Interest – Mr. Fernsler put a policy in place regarding conflicts of interest and a motion was made by Janet Peterson, seconded by Pam Brown and unanimously carried to adopt this policy and make it part of the policies and procedures for the Community Association.

Controlled Access – Keith Crank would like to see a rover over at the SunTrust gate during rush hour in the morning.

Lakes/Drainage – Jack Pickler noted that the drainage fix near Stonebriar seems to be working. This was checked during the last rains. He will also get with the contractor who has promised some minor rut fixes that has not been completed yet. Jack is also waiting for the engineer’s report to see what can be done to speed the drainage into the conservation area.

Roads – Chuck Fairman reported that Agaly’s agreement should be in. Phase II of the sidewalks will commence in the fourth quarter of 2014 as promised.

Government Relations – Dick Corrigan reported that meetings took place that indicated the CNCN cooperating with the County and that the paving of East Lake Road should commence in 2015.

Management Contract – All revisions were made and accepted. The contract was executed.

Heron – Jeff Hunt noted that the articles were arriving timely and communication is good. He would like to see something on the website regarding the SunTrust gate so residents are aware of what is going on and to include an estimated time of repair.

There was discussion on areas of sidewalk that are a trip hazard that exist on in the right of way as well as plantings that will need to be addressed that are in the right of way. Manager was instructed to send notification to these owners and advise what will need to be done and whose responsibility it will be moving forward. Specifically owners of estate lots and Aberdeen.

Date, Time, and Place of the Next Meeting – The next Board of Director’s meeting will be held on Thursday December 18, 2014 at 8:00 am. The meeting will be held at Judy Fosbrook’s home located at 90 Arbor Lane, which is in Woodlands Estates.

There being no further business to come before the Board, it was on motion to adjourn.

Submitted By:

Jaime L. Soderland, AMS