PRESENTGary Eaton – President; Evan Murray - Chairman; Colin Ronald – Secretary; Graham Bates; Graham Giddings; Richard Henderson; Andy Lowe, Helen Seed; John Thomson.
1. The chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and gave a special welcome to the two new members and reminded everyone that they were there for the good of the fancy in general and that they should leave personal agendas at the door.
1. All committee members were present.
1. It was proposed by Gary Eaton and seconded by the Secretary that Evan Murray remain as Chairman; unanimous.
1. Graham Giddings proposed and Gary Eaton seconded, that these minutes were an accurate record of this meeting; Carried.
1. All matters were on this agenda.
1. To donate £100 to the Blackpool Show for the Champion of Champions winner (as in previous years) and to pay £220 for the prize cards at the BPSS run National Show at Pickering.
1. This was done at the AGM in the morning. John Thomson asked if next year the accounts could be presented as a simple, easy to understand P&L format instead. The Secretary said he could do this. Graham Bates asked the previous Secretary why the insurance premiums had gone up to £1000. Graham Giddings answered that it was because he had been asked to insure the NPA trophies at their replacement cost (which is very high).
Welfare- John Surridge; Publicity- Graham Bates; Obituary- Mark Rudd; Trophy- Richard Henderson; European- Graham Giddings and Mark Rudd; Standards- Mark Rudd; Junior Fanciers- Helen Seed.
It was felt that we do not need a “New Members” officer as the Secretary should take care of this.
The Secretary asked Graham Giddings (European) to liaise with Mark Rudd and add any items Mark wishes onto the EE meeting agenda and to furnish Mark Rudd and the committee with translated minutes from this meeting (the Secretary can help with the minutes using his contacts).
1. NPA Lottery. This is seen by the committee as a good way of increasing future revenue but the detail did not get resolved last year (probability mathematics to make sure it pays out, licencing etc). The Chairman said he would take responsibility for this and present it at the next meeting. Andy Lowe suggested that the Chairman speak to Stuart Waldron who already successfully runs a similar venture.
2. Lifetime Achievement Award. This is a proposed award for long serving members for their “services to the fancy”. Jim Mullan has said he would provide details on criteria for the next meeting.
3. New Promotional Leaflets. This project is on-going. Graham Bates has offered to arrange a new design for the NPA promo leaflets. Committee members will be required to contribute to the content.
4. Social Media. Helen Seed offered to present a prototype NPA Face Book page at the next meeting.
5. Pop-up Advertising Stands. Jim Mullan has offered to present a design at the next meeting. John Thomson and Richard Henderson offered to purchase one each for their respective shows which was appreciated by the rest of the committee.
6. Sponsors. The Secretary had been in discussion with member David White about the Rabbit Council’s “Paid Vice President” scheme. Rabbit Council members donate £50 in return for being acknowledged as a Paid VP in their News Bulletin. The committee thought this was a good idea. Richard Henderson thought it should be referred to as a patronage rather than a “Paid VP”.
7. Misuse of NPA Rings in Bangladesh. Graham Giddings had been contacted by concerned fanciers in Bangladesh because some Bangladeshi fanciers had joined the NPA and were using the rings to pretend that birds bred in Bangladesh were expensive UK imported birds. The Chairman said that this was impossible to control and that if we banned NPA members in Bangladesh they would still get UK based family and friends to post rings over (as previously observed).
This led to a discussion regarding foreign members and postage costs. Richard Henderson proposed and Graham Bates seconded that there should be an extra charge on postage at a European rate and at a rest-of-the-world rate (signed for). Carried.
1. Pigeon Sections. The Secretary gave a brief explanation to the new committee members about the need to allocate breeds into sections for judging purposes and show use. Mark Rudd had kindly offered sections which placed breeds focussing on tradition and heritage. The Secretary was asked to populate these sections with all the UK recognised breeds and bring it to a future meeting for further discussion.
Andy Lowe stated that it was very hard to find judges for the three Championship Shows he runs and felt that there should be more names on the Emergency Judges List. The Secretary and Richard Henderson put themselves forward to go on the emergency list. Carried. Andy Lowe also suggested that if a judge has not judged at a Championship Show for three years they should be removed from the NPA judges list.
At the end of last year the breed clubs were asked to provide updated judges lists. Although only half have complied so far, the lists that have been provided to the Secretary are very encouraging with judges that are no longer active removed and new capable judges added. Hopefully all lists will be returned before the next meeting.
2. Agricultural Show Certs. Jim Mullan will be bringing design ideas for these to the April meeting.
3. Champion Bird Qualification. The Secretary wanted to know the criteria for accepting a Champion Bird as birds rung with non-NPA rings had been submitted for Champion status. The committee replied that as long as the birds had been transferred and the owners were current members this was fine.
4. Letter from Dennis Ison. Regarding a foreign judge appointment. The Secretary offered to write a letter to the EE on Dennis’ behalf.
5. Letter from Scottish Fantail Club. Asking for Championship status for their stand-alone breed club show. Voted on: 8 for, 1 against. Granted.
1. Letter from Mark Rudd. Mark pledged his support for a NPA run quarterly magazine. Mark also proposed that articles from members and clubs must be submitted to the NPA publication first and foremost. The Chairman pointed out that this was not possible as there was freedom of choice and legally members and clubs can submit articles to whichever publication they choose. Mark went on to propose that show schedules were printed in the new publication to cut down on postage and that a standard entry form be devised. Graham Bates thought that this could work and offered to investigate it for the next meeting.
2. Letter from M Buckley. Pledging his support for a NPA run quarterly magazine.
3. Applicants for NPA Publication Editor/Publisher. Three applicants had put themselves forward as potential editors. Claire Whitby was chosen.
4. Communication/NPA Publication. At the AGM it had been decided that the NPA should run a quarterly publication for its members. Andy Lowe made the point that members need to contribute with articles for it to work. British Homing World and Avicultura Europe had also kindly offered themselves as potential “official organs”. It was decided that these publications should also be supported as they reach many non-members but the consensus at the AGM was for us to produce our own magazine. Graham Bates said a pilot copy in PDF format could be produced in time for the April meeting for approval by the committee. It could then be printed and sent out to all current members by the end of April. It was proposed by Richard Henderson and seconded by Graham Giddings that the pilot issue be produced. Carried. It was then proposed by the Secretary and seconded by Richard Henderson that the News Bulletin money be used to fund the pilot issue. Carried. Helen Seed offered to generate extra money through canvassing for breeder’s cards and advertising. Andy Lowe pledged £100 for an advert for the Nottingham Championship Show.
The Secretary asked that the invoices be sent to him so he can pay them and keep a running total of costs.
All committee members pledged their support for this exciting new venture.
1. Letter from Jan Lombard (South Africa). This was regarding standards for British breeds. The Secretary was asked to put Jan in touch with Mark Rudd.
2. Letter from Egremont FPS. Letter to be kept on file as requested.
3. Letter from Northern Roller Club. Wishing to be recognised as the breed society responsible for Show rollers. It was agreed that as long as they remain affiliated to the NPA the Northern Roller Club could be custodians of the Show Roller.
4. Letter from National Modena Club. The Chairman asked the Secretary to inform the Modena Club that their new breed standard will be used the next time the Book of Standard is reprinted. In the meantime the Secretary offered to include a caveat regarding the updating of standards with each future Book of Standards sold.
5. Letter from Andrew Stables. Andrew’s letter regarded the decline of the fancy. He felt that a comprehensive survey of the membership was required so that a remedial action plan could be formulated. This generated much discussion. It was felt that the response percentage from surveys was generally very low. Feedback on membership forms could be an option.
There being no other business, the meeting closed at 17.00 with thanks offered to the Chair.
Colin Ronald
NPA Secretary