
Contents of the second volume on
Technology in Mathematics Teaching
Special groups and working groups

Schriftenreihe Didaktik der Mathematik, vol. 26. öbv & hpt, Vienna 2002.

ISBN 3-209-03848-1

Special group 1: Derive, TI-89/92 and other CAS

Organisers: Josef Böhm, Bernhard Kutzler, Marlene Torres-Skoumal / 11
Bengt Åhlander / How to make tests for students
that are using a CAS tool (TI-89) / 15
Halil Ardahan
Yaşar Ersoy / Issues on integrating CAS in teaching mathematics: A functional and programming approach / 19
Detlef Berntzen / Animiertes Grafiken-Zusammenspiel
von PC und TC in der Mathematik / 23
Josef Böhm / From pole to pole — A numerical journey to an analytical destination / 27
John Cosgrave / Fermat’s Little Theorem:
A thing of beauty is a joy for ever / 33
Guido Herweyers
Dirk Janssens / Elimination of parameters and substitution with computer algebra / 35
Youngcook Jun / Theorema-based TI-92 simulator
for exploratory learning / 39
Karl-Heinz Keunecke / Krümmung als Grenzwert —
Curvature as limit / 43
Heiko Knechtel / Mathematics with graphic and symbolic calculators — Teacher training in Lower Saxony / 47
Josef Lechner / Standardizing the normal probability distribution — An anachronism?! / 51
Carl Leinbach / Using a CAS to teach algebra —
Going beyond the manipulations / 55
Alex J. Lobregt / Introducing Fourier Series with Derive / 59
Wolfgang Pröpper / The TI-89/92 as a tool for analytic geometry / 63
Karsten Schmidt / The use of CAS in the Thuringian school system: Present and future / 67
Rolf Wasén / Computers and Computer Algebra Systems in engineering education / 71
Wilhelm Weiskirch / Ortskurven — Loci / 75
Otto Wurnig / Advantages and dangers in the teaching of stochastics by using CAS / 79
Special group 2: DGS — Dynamic Geometry Software
Organiser: Adrian Oldknow / 83
Alison Clark-Jeavons / Why dynamic geometry software is such an effective tool in mathematics education / 87
Björn Felsager / Through the looking glass:
Euclid’s twin — The Minkowski Geometry / 93
Chantal Gabriel-Randour
Jean Drabbe / Cabri and anamorphoses / 99
Luiz Carlos Guimarães
Rafael Barbastefano
Elizabeth Belfort / Tabulæ and Mangaba:
Dynamical geometry with a distance twist / 103
Victor Lysytsya / Computer experiments in the lecture of analytical geometry / 111
Valentyna Pikalova / Learning explorations and its DG support
in the geometry course for secondary schools / 115
Harry Silfverberg / Voronoi diagrams produced by
DGS as a tool in an educational study / 119
Herrmann Vogel / Use of Cinderella
in higher elementary geometry / 125

Special group 3: Hand-held technology

Organisers: Jan Kaspar and Alison Clark-Jeavons / 129
Piotr Bialas / Anova with the TI-83 graphing calculator / 131
Piotr Bialas / Linking graphing calculators to the Internet / 135
Jan Kaspar / Programming as a tool for the precision / 139
Regis Ockerman / Probability simulations with TI 83(p) / 143
Jarmila Robová / Graphic solutions of equations
and their systems / 147

Special group 4: Spreadsheets

Organiser: Erich Neuwirth / 151
Deane Arganbright / Creative spreadsheet graphics in mathematics teaching and modeling / 153
Piotr Bialas / Spreadsheet uses
in elementary statistics course / 157
Douglas Butler / Why are spreadsheets so unfriendly? / 161
Kent M. Neuerburg / Elementary statistics with spreadsheets / 165
Erich Neuwirth / The spreadsheet paradigm
as a new mathematical notation / 169
Robert S. Smith / Spreadsheets across the curriculum / 175
Special group 5: Traditional programming — In the age of CAS
Organiser: Karl Josef Fuchs / 179
Alfred Dominik / Taylor Series and finding zeros
with Mathematica and Derive / 181
Karl Josef Fuchs / Programming in the age of CAS / 185
Karl Josef Fuchs
Eva Vasarhélyi / Problem—Analysis—Encoding—Testing
About program and data structures / 189
Judith H. Hector / Programming principles
for mathematics and engineering students / 195
Wolfgang Lindner / The digraph-CAS-environment and corresponding elementary programming concepts / 199
Csaba Sárvári
M. Klincsik, I. Hámori / Combining CAS with authoring systems
to create flexible learning environments / 203

Working group 1:Computer animation, visualization and experimental mathematics

Organiser: Gert Kadunz / 207
Douglas Butler / Adding a sparkle to classroom teaching — Introducing Autograph / 209
Kate Mackrell / The role of dynamic geometry packages
in visualization and animation / 213
Susanne Saminger / MeetMATH — Visualizations and animations in a didactic framework / 217
Ralf Schaper / Mathematica graphics in the Internet: Additional lighting and clipping in LiveGraphics3D / 223
Grosio Stanilov
Lidia Stanilova / Mittels Computer
zu mathematischen Entdeckungen / 227
Yulian Tsankov / Cubic section by moving plane / 231
Working group 2: System dynamics and systems thinking
Organiser: Günther Ossimitz / 235
Ernst Gebetsroither / Modelling carbon dioxide pollution —
The Austrian carbon balance model / 237
Stefan Gueldenberg
Werner H. Hoffmann / Leadership, management and management control — A system dynamics approach / 241
Guenther Ossimitz / Systems thinking and system dynamics:
A new perspective for math classes? / 245
Franz Schlöglhofer / Teaching system dynamics modelling in secondary schools / 249
Working group 3: Continued professional development
Organiser: Edward Laughbaum / 253
Gregory D. Foley / Mathematics teacher development
that works / 257
Rosalyn Hyde / Creating a
professional development network / 261
Mark L. Klespis / An on-going program of professional development in hand-held technology for instructors of prospective teachers / 265
Judy O'Neal / Technology as a vehicle for updating
middle grades content and pedagogy / 271
Working group 4: Probability simulators and data analysis programs
Organiser: Manfred Borovcnik / 275
Joachim Engel
Marcus Otto / Simulation and modelling with Lisp-Stat / 277
Giora Mann
Nurit Zehavi / Virtual experiments and probability / 281
Erich Neuwirth / Let the spreadsheet throw the dice—Spreadsheets as Monte Carlo simulation engines / 285
Marcus Otto
Joachim Engel / Design and use of a computer language for teaching mathematics —
Some examples from statistics / 289
Peter Sedlmeier / Improving statistical reasoning: A computer program for high-school students / 293
Piet van Blokland / A sample of ideas in teaching statistics / 297

Working group 5:Computer technology in mathematics teaching: Dangers and limitations

Organiser: Hartmut Köhler / 301
Working group 6: Curricular questions
Organiser: Rolf Neveling / 305
Nils Fruensgaard / Danish experiences with technology
in mathematics teaching
in upper secondary schools / 307
Addresses of authors / 309
Delegates of ICTMT 5 / 311
Contents of volume 1 / Plenary Lectures and Strands / 315