New Frontiers in Training

Avraham Shtub

Industrial Engineering and Management

Technion Israel Institute of Technology

Haifa, Israel 32000


The need for experienced well trained professionals in Operations Management is growing fast. The traditional approach for training is to teach the appropriate body of knowledge and to train on the job. Since on-the-job training is expensive, time consuming and in some areas also risky, efforts are made to save the time and cost of on-the-job training. We present some recent findings regarding the design and use of training simulators for business and engineering students. Two recent books that are based on such simulators will serve as examples: 1. ERP: The Dynamics Of Supply Chain And Process Management, by Avraham Shtub and Reuven Karni; and 2. Project Management Simulation, Avraham Shtub with PTB Project Team Builder by Avraham Shtub.

Keywords: Project Management, ERP, stochastic, dynamic, simulation


The need for experienced, well-trained professionals in Operations Management is growing fast. The traditional approach for developing new managers is to teach the appropriate body of knowledge and to train the new managers on the job. For example, the PMP accreditation requires passing an exam and accumulating enough on-the-job experience in project management. Since on-the-job training is expensive and time consuming, it is important to save the time and cost of on-the-job training. In some fields, to minimize on-the-job training, sophisticated simulators are used for training in a lab-like setting. This is common, for example, in training new pilots who spend many hours on advanced simulators to save the high cost of actual flights. A new approach to the training in the areas of ERP and project management is presented—an approach aimed at training new managers by simulators that simulate the dynamic stochastic nature of modern operations.

This paper presents an approach to teaching and training in project management based on a software tool that combines an interactive, dynamic case study and a simple yet effective Project Management System. This tool, the Project Team Builder (PTB), applies recent developments in the area of learning histories in simulation-based training. The PTB is designed to support training and to provide an environment for practicing teamwork in managing dynamic stochastic multiple projects.

This paper presents an approach to teaching and training in ERP systems based on a software tool that combines an interactive, dynamic case study and a simple yet effective ERP System. This tool, MERP, applies recent developments in the area of web based simulation-based training. MERP is designed to support training and to provide an environment for practicing Operations Management in a dynamic stochastic setting.

2. The Need for Training

Modern management systems combine models (in a model base) and data (in a database). These systems are based on an enterprise-wide approach that supports comprehensive management in a stochastic dynamic environment across the enterprise. Extensive use of the Web enables group decision-making and collaboration. To utilize these capabilities managers have to understand the models and to implement the methodologies, i.e., to gain some hands-on experience.

This fast development of new methodologies, techniques and software packages for Operations Management was not accompanied by a similar progress in developing teaching and training tools. Traditional training based on static models and case studies is still the backbone of most teaching and training programs in the area of Operations Management. In this paper, new tools for teaching and training in Operations Management —the Project Team Builder (PTB) and MERP are presented.


Simulations are recognized as an efficient and effective way of teaching and learning complex dynamic systems. Efficiency is gained by reducing the time it takes to reach a specified level of learning, and effectiveness is gained by achieving better results in performing the tasks learned. In particular, simulations are becoming an integral part of management and engineering education as students learn by using and building simulations of complex systems and processes (Canizares, 1997; Jones & Schneider, 1996; Lu et al., 1996; Nahvi, 1997).

Simulation-based training environment with a built-in learning history recording and inquiry mechanism is a new concept. Based on this concept, the user gets access to past states and decisions in the simulation and to the consequences of these decisions. The effectiveness and efficiency of the history recording and inquiry mechanism was tested in a controlled experiment. The findings show that with learning history recording and inquiry available to the users of a simulator, there was a significantly better learning process.

These results are in line with Carroll et al., 1996 and Guzdial et al., 1996, who suggested that reviewing past states and decisions in the simulation and the consequences of these decisions can encourage meta-cognitive processes; encourage students to monitor their behaviour and reflect on their progress. It also enables analysis of the decision-making process as opposed to analysis of results only.

4. Example -The Project Team Builder (PTB)

The Project Team Builder (PTB) is a training aid designed to facilitate the training of project management in a dynamic, stochastic environment. It is based on the following principles:

–  A simulation approach—the Project Team Builder simulates one or more projects. The simulation is controlled by a simple user interface and no knowledge of simulation or simulation languages is required.

–  A case study approach—the Project Team Builder is based on a simulation of case studies. Each case study is a project or a collection of projects performed under schedule, budget and resource constraints, in a dynamic stochastic environment. The details of these case studies are built into the simulation and all the data required for analysis and decision-making is easily accessed by the user interface. A user-friendly case study generator facilitates the development of new case studies as required.

–  A dynamic approach—the case studies built into the Project Team Builder are dynamic in the sense that the situation changes over time. A random effect is introduced to simulate the uncertainty in the environment, and decisions made by the user cause changes in the state of the system simulated.

–  A model-based approach—a decision support system is built into the Project Team Builder. This system is based on project management concepts. The model base contains well-known models for scheduling, budgeting, resource management and monitoring and control. These models can be consulted at any time.

–  To support decision-making further, a database is built into the Project Team Builder. Data on the current state of the simulated system is readily available to the users. Furthermore, it is possible to use the data as input to the models in the model base to support decision-making.

–  An integrated approach—several projects can be managed simultaneously on the PTB. These projects share the same resources and a common cash flow.

–  User friendliness and GUI—the Project Team Builder is designed as a teaching and training tool. As such, its Graphic User Interface (GUI) is friendly and easy to learn. Although quite complicated scenarios are simulated, and the decision support tools are sophisticated, a typical user can learn how to use the Project Team Builder within an hour.

–  Integration with commercial project management tools—the Project Team Builder is integrated with commercial project management software so that the users can analyze the scenario on the commercial project management software and support its decisions with tools that are actually used in his organization.

The Project Team Builder provides a supporting setting for training in Project Management and for developing, evaluating and testing the managerial process adequate for today’s competitive environment.

A new concept of a simulation-based training environment with a built-in learning history recording and inquiry mechanism is employed in the PTB. Based on this concept the user gets access to past states and decisions in the simulation and to the consequences of these decisions. The effectiveness and efficiency of the history recording and inquiry mechanism were tested in a controlled experiment. The findings show that with learning history recording and inquiry available to the users of a simulator, there was a significantly better learning process.

The PTB can be used as a stand-alone system as it contains models for scheduling, budgeting, resource management, cash management, monitoring and control. Some of these screens are described next:

The network model

This screen depicts the project activities and the precedence relationship between these activities in a network form. Detailed information on each task is accessible by clicking on the task in the network—see exhibit 1.

Exhibit 1: The network model

Task details

This screen depicts detailed information on the selected project task including the modes in which the task can be performed. The optimistic, most likely and pessimistic duration of each mode, the cost associated with the mode, and the resources required to perform the task in that mode—see exhibit 2.

Exhibit 2: Task details

Resource histogram

This screen depicts information on the resource requirements for a selected resource. By comparing requirements to availability, infeasibilities in task requirements can be identified—see exhibit 3.

Exhibit 3: Resource histogram

Cash flow

This screen depicts information on the cash flow of the project. Negative and positive cash flows are shown as a function of time—see exhibit 4.

Exhibit 4: Cash Flow

Actual Performance—project monitoring

This screen depicts information on the actual progress of the project including the status of each task, the mode in which it was performed, its planned duration and its actual duration, its planned cost and its actual cost—see exhibit 5.

Exhibit 5: Actual Performance – project monitoring

In addition to its stand-alone functionality, the PTB can be used in commercial project management for scheduling, budgeting, resource management, cash management, monitoring and control. The PTB is integrated with the commercial software and information is easily exported from the PTB to the software.

5. Summary—Initial findings and future research

To test the effectiveness and efficiency of the PTB, a controlled experiment was conducted. A project management course for graduate students in systems engineering utilized PTB. The students used the simulator in a multi-user multi-project mode. A class of undergraduate engineering students participated in the same experiment as a control group.

The 132 participants were divided into teams of three students (44 teams) which performed repetitive simulation-runs. Three factors were investigated: Team debriefing process, History recording mechanism, and previous experience.

The findings indicate that for the initial learning phase, and for the transfer to different scenario phase, these three independent factors affect the performances. Furthermore, the interactions between the debriefing and history factors; between the experience and debriefing factors; and between the history and experience factors were all significant.

6. References

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Jones P.M., Schneider K.J., Learning environment for magnetic resonance spectroscopy (LEMRS): Supporting apprenticeship learning in operational environments, Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, 1996, Vol. 5, No. 2, p. 151–177.

Lu G.B., Oveissi M., Eckard D., Rubloff, G., Education in semiconductor manufacturing processes through physically-based dynamic simulation, in Proc. Frontiers in Education '96, IEEE, 1996, p. 250–253.

Nahvi M., Dynamics of student-computer interaction in a simulation environment: Reflections on curricular issues, in Proc. Frontiers in Education '97, IEEE, 1997.

Shtub, A., and R. Karni, ERP: The Dynamics of Supply Chain and Process Management, Springer, 2010

Shtub, A. Project Management Simulation with PTB Project Team Builder, Springer, 2011 Forthcoming.