Security Lab

This lab will use several internet sites to test the security of your own personal computer (Note well: Doing these tests on a lab/library or other public computer will result in a failing grade.). You should complete the “Security Lab Answer Sheet” on my site relaying results of your security tests and discussing what you intend to do based on the results of the test. Email the completed answer sheet to me at .

Disclaimer: You should be aware that using any Web site to test the security of your computer has the possibility of compromising your system because the site could be collecting personal information about you or your computer. I am relatively confident that the sites that are listed as part of this lab exercise are what they claim to be, but I cannot guarantee that that is the case. If you are legitimately concerned about this, contact me and we can work out an alternative assignment.

1.  Password test – how secure are your passwords? Go to the following Web site: and enter the password that you use for your University e-mail account. What is its strength? What is the strength of your R number? Find a possible password that qualifies as BEST. Record these 3 results in the “Security Lab Answer Sheet”.

2.  Computer Security – Check the security of various components of your computer system. Go to and near the bottom of the page under Hot Spots is a link labeled ShieldsUP! Click on this link. After reading the information about your Internet connection click on the proceed button. Perform the following tests and report the results in the “Security Lab Answer Sheet”:

a.  File Sharing

b.  Common Ports

c.  All Service Ports

d.  Messenger Spam

e.  Browser Headers

3.  Your Comments – In a paragraph or two describe what these results mean and how you are going to use them to protect your computer.