Associate Professor of Consumer and Family Sciences Education

Appointed August 1992 (10 Month Appointment)

  1. Academic Record

Ph.D. / PurdueUniversity, 1991,
Curriculum Development and Theory
emphasis in Multicultural Education
M.A. Ed. / PurdueUniversity, 1983,
Vocational Education - Home Economics
B.A. Ed. / PurdueUniversity, 1973,
Vocational Home Economics Education
  1. Professional Experience

1998-present / Associate Professor of Curriculum and Instruction
Consumer and Family Sciences Education, School of Education, PurdueUniversity, West Lafayette, IN
1991-1998 / Assistant Professor (1992-1998) and Visiting Assistant Professor (1991-92) of Curriculum and Instruction, Consumer and Family Sciences Education and Multicultural Education, School of Education, PurdueUniversity, W. Lafayette, IN
1990-1991 / David Ross Research Fellow, Dept of Curriculum & Instruction, School of Education, PurdueUniversity, West Lafayette, IN
1988-1991 / Graduate Assistant, Dept of 4-H Youth (1988) and Dept of English, ESL Programs (1988-1991), PurdueUniversity, West Lafayette, IN
1987 / Curriculum Writer, Vocational Consumer & Homemaking Education, IndianaState Board of Vocational and Technical Education
1984-1986 / Education Director and Curriculum Writer
His Ministries, Colombo, Sri Lanka
1974-1976 / Vocational Home Economics Teacher
TippecanoeValleyHigh School, Mentone, IN
  1. Teaching Assignments

Acad. Year / Course Prefix/Number/Title / Credit Hours
2003-04 / EDCI 250/Prof Dev’mnt in Fam & Cons Sciences Education
EDCI 350/Community Issues & Applications for Educators
EDCI 357*/ Occupational Internship in Vocational Education
EDCI 360/ Program Dev’mt in Fam & Cons Sciences Education
EDCI 444/Methods for Teaching Family & Consumer Sciences
EDCI 446*/ Directed Observation for Family & Consumer Sciences
EDCI 498/ Supervised Teaching
EDCI 652/Seminar in Family and Consumer Sciences Education ** / 1 Credit Hr
3 Credit Hrs.
1-3 Credit Hrs
3 Credit Hrs.
3 Credit Hrs.
1 Credit Hr.
16 Credit Hrs.
3-6 Crdit Hrs.
2002-03 / EDCI 250/Prof Dev’mnt in Fam & Cons Sciences Education
EDCI 356/Career Education in Fam & Cons Sciences Education
EDCI 357*/ Occupational Internship in Vocational Education
EDCI 360/ Program Dev’mt in Fam & Cons Sciences Education
EDCI 444/Methods for Teaching Family & Consumer Sciences
EDCI 446*/ Directed Observation for Family & Consumer Sciences
EDCI 498/ Supervised Teaching
EDCI 546/Curriculum Development in Fam & Cons Sciences ** / 1 Credit Hr
3 Credit Hrs.
1-3 Credit Hrs
2 Credit Hrs.
3 Credit Hrs.
1 Credit Hr.
16 Credit Hrs.
3-6 Crdit Hrs.
2001-02 / EDCI 250/Prof Dev’mnt in Fam & Cons Sciences Education
EDCI 357*/ Occupational Internship in Vocational Education
EDCI 444/Methods for Teaching Family & Consumer Sciences
EDCI 446*/ Directed Observation for Family & Consumer Sciences
EDCI 447/Methods for Teaching Family Life Education
EDCI 448/Problems of Family Groups – Practicum
EDCI 498/Supervised Teaching
EDCI 652/Seminar in Fam & Cons Sciences Education ** / 1 Credit Hr
1-3 Crdit Hrs.
3 Credit Hrs.
1 Credit Hr
2 Credit Hrs.
2-3 Credit Hrs
10 Credit Hrs.
2-6 Crdit Hrs.
  1. Selected/Current Publications and Scholarly Activities

Fox, W.S. (2003, December, accepted). National Standards for Teachers of Family and Consumer Sciences: Progress Report. Refereed presentation at the annual meeting of the Association of Career and Technical Education. Orlando, FL.

Fox, W.S. (2003, July). Community Linkages through Service Learning. Invited Presentation at the Indiana Association of Career and Technical Education Annual Conference. Indianapolis, IN.

Fox, W.S. (2003, June). Best Practices for Increasing the Pool of Family & Consumer Sciences Teachers. Invited panel presentation at the Growing Our Own Teachers Preconference, American Assocation of Family and Consumer Sciences Annual Meeting. Washington, D.C.

Fox, W.S. & Erickson, P.M. (2003, June). Knowledge Base for Teacher of Family and Consumer Sciences. Refereed presentation at the American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences Annual Meeting. Washington, D.C.

Fox, W.S. (Ed.) (2003, April). Indiana Family and Consumer Sciences Assessment Compendium, Volume One. Indiana Department of Education, Office of Career and Technical Education.

Fox, W.S. & Erickson, P.M. (2003, February). Developing National Standards for Teachers of Family and Consumer Sciences. Refereed presentation at the 2003 Career and Technical Teacher Education Institute. Scottsdale, AZ.

Fox, W.S. & Erickson, P.M. (2002, December). Issues and opportunities: Developing national standards for teachers of family and consumer sciences. Refereed presentation at the annual meeting of the Association of Career and Technical Education. Las Vegas, NV.

Vail, A., Fox, W. S., & Wild, P. (Eds.). (2000). Leadership for Change: National Standards for Family and Consumer Sciences Education. Peoria, IL: Glencoe/McGraw-Hill.

Fox, W. S. (1998). Consumer and family sciences education: Poised to contribute to the well-being of families. In S. Kontos and S. Macdermid (Eds.), Monograph of the Center for Families:School of Consumer and Family Sciences, PurdueUniversity.

Fox, W. S. & Van Buren, J. B. (1997). Family and Consumer Sciences Education: Five year study of the impact of curriculum reform. Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences Education, 15(1), 1-25.

Grams, C. L. & Fox, W. S. (Master’s thesis 2001 and publication in progress). Instruction in Work Ethic Traits: Influences on Student Perceptions and Behaviors.

Koch, K. J. & Fox, W. S. (Master’s thesis 2002 and publication in progress). Community Youth Leadership Development Programs in PurdueUniversity Cooperative Extension Service.

  1. Selected/Current External and Internal Grants

Using Technology to FacilitateStudent-Centered Learning in Teacher Education. Purdue Program for Preparing Tomorrow’s Teachers to Use Technology. Spring 2003. $850.

Strengthening Career and Technical Teacher Education at PurdueUniversity. Management Planning Research Associations, Inc. 2002-03. With B. A. Talbert and G. E. Rogers. $15,000.

Establishing a Collaborative Teacher Education Program in Consumer and Family Sciences Education: PurdueUniversity and JeffersonHigh School. Holmes Partnership, Professional Development Schools Grant, 1998-1999. $2000.

  1. Selected/Current University Related Assignments, Activities, and Service

University Senate and Student Affairs Committee (2001-02, 2002-03, 2003-04). Advisory Committee (2001-02). Faculty Affairs Committee (2002-03).

Teacher Education Council (1992-present), TEC Executive Committee (2002-03, 2003-04), TEC Special Cases Committee (2002-03)

Department of Curriculum & Instruction

Secondary Education Committee Chair (2000-01 and 2003-04). Member (1992-present),

Transition to Teaching Leadership Team (2001-02; 2002-03)

Department of Curriculum & Instruction Leadership Council (2000-01 and 2003-04)

Graduate Professional Development Strand Leadership Team (1999-2002)

School of Consumer and Family Sciences

CFS Honor’s Council (1992-present).

CFS Dean’s and Department Heads Administrative Council (2002-03; 2003-04)

CFS Multicultural Advisory Committee (2003-04)

  1. Selected/Current Professional and Academic Association Memberships

American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences

Association of Career and Technical Education - Family & Consumer Sciences Division

Family and Consumer Sciences Education Association

American Educational Research Association

Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development

  1. Selected/Current Professional Assignments, Activities, and Service

Project to Develop National Standards for Teachers of Family and Consumer Sciences. Co-Chair for National Project (2002-present).

National Association of Teacher Educators for Family and Consumer Sciences. President-elect and program chair (2001-02), President (2002-03), Past-president and Nominations Chair (2003-04).

National Coalition for Family and Consumer Sciences Education, (Family & Consumer Sciences Education Association representative to six-member national board, 2002-03)

Indiana Assessment System for Student Learning: Academic Standards for Family and Consumer Sciences. Project Director. (2002-present).

Indiana Family and Consumer Sciences Teacher Education Council (developed Indiana Standards for Teacher of Family and Consumer Sciences). 2000-present.

IndianaMiddle School Family & Consumer Sciences Curriculum Council. Co-chair. (2003).

Writer, editor, and professional development conference presenter: Family and Consumer Sciences Curriculum Frameworks and Academic Standards (with P. Wild, in collaboration with Indiana Family and Consumer Sciences teachers), Indiana Department of Education, 1997-present.

National Project for the Development of National Standards for Family and Consumer Sciences, National Development Panel and Task Force Member, and National Conference Presenter 1997-1998


* Supervise Only

** Summer School Assignment